Madrid, Spain, 1967

Tejeda is professor of fine arts at the University of Murcia.

She received her PhD about the semantics shifts in the historical avangarde’s woks re-exhibition (Universidad Politécnica de Valencia, Spain, 2009).

Tejeda is curator of various exhibition projects on issues of gender, such a Territorios Indefinidos, discursos sobre la construcción de la identidad femenina; Mary Kelly; ORLAN; Marina Núñez; Cabello&Carceller; 100 años en femenino; or Francesca Woodman. As well as the exhibitions Tadeusz Kantor (The Dead Class), Space, Time and the Viewer. Instalations and New Media in the IVAM Collection.

She is the author of the book El montaje expositivo como traducción. Fidelidades, traiciones y hallazgos en el arte contemporáneo desde los años 70. ed.

Tejeda has been awarded the Espais Art Critic Prize and was a finalist in the Foundation Arte y Derecho Essay Prize.