CoLoS ideas applied to the study of a vacuum tube diode

2.-Thermionic Emission Simulation

Two simulations has been developed, the first one simulates a two dimensional ideal gas to study the thermionic emission, the other simulation studies the movement of electrons between the plates of the diode.

In the above image we can see the interface of the thermionic emission simulation, you can play with it. In the left part of the main window eight hundred particles (this number can be varied at wish) collides freely, when a particle arrives to the right side of the left rectangle with energy greater than the work function it escapes. In the upper part there are some typical control buttons and the energy of the gas is shown. In other window we can select the work function and the temperature through the K*T factor.
The current density is calculated counting the particles flowing per unit time. In this way a study of the relation between the temperature and the current density was accomplished.

Download applet: ejs_ThermoEmission_jmz.jar