Jorge Eduardo Martínez Pérez.
Despacho A2/07
Facultad de Economía y Empresa
Campus Universitario
de Espinardo. 30100 - Murcia
Tlf.: +34 868887928 - Fax: +34 868883745
Correo Electrónico:
Líneas de Investigación / Research interests
- Economía de la Salud / Health economics
- Economía Laboral / Labour economics
- Valor de la Vida/ Value of Life
Trabajos en curso / Work in progress
- Environmental Health Risks and Value of Life in Spain.
- The value of statistical life in road safety: a new estimation.
Publicaciones Recientes/Recent Publications
- Inverse probability weighted estimation of social tariffs: an ilustration using the SF-6D value sets (junto con Ildefonso Méndez, J.M. Abellan y Fernando I. Sanchez), Journal of Heath Economics 30, 1280-1292, 2011
- Lowering the "Floor" of the SF-6D scoring algorithm using a lottery equivalent method. (con J.M. Abellan, Fernando I. Sanchez e Ildefonso Méndez), Health Economics 21, 1271-1285, 2012.
- ¿Qué podemos saber sobre el Valor Estadístico de la Vida en España
utilizando datos laborales? (junto con
Ildefonso Méndez),
Hacienda Pública Española 191, 73-96, 2009.
- La medición de la calidad de los estudios de evaluación económica. Una propuesta de "checklist" y guía de uso para la toma de decisiones. (con
J.M. Abellan y Fernando I. Sanchez ), Revista Española de Salud Pública 83, 71-84, 2009.
- ¿Cómo incorporar las utilidades de los pacientes a las decisiones clínicas? (con
J.M. Abellan y Fernando I. Sanchez) Gaceta Sanitaria 22, 179-185, 2008.
- ¿Cómo se deben establecer y evaluar las prioridades en salud y servicios de salud? Métodos de priorización y disparidades regionales.(con J.M. Abellan y Fernando I. Sanchez) Gaceta Sanitaria 22, 126-136, 2008.
- Evaluación económica de tecnologías sanitarias: ¿valen lo que cuestan? (con J.M. Abellan y Fernando I. Sanchez), Cuadernos Economícos del ICE 75, 189-208, 2008.
Documentos de trabajo / Working papers
- Debiasing EQ-5D Tariffs. New Estimation of the Spanish EQ-5D Value Set under Non-Expected Utility
Jose M. Abellan,
Fernando I. Sanchez e Ildefonso Méndez). 2009. CENTRA Working Paper E2009/06 (PDF)
In this paper we focus on the important issue of the validity of EQ‐5D tariffs. Specifically, we present two new estimations of the Spanish EQ‐5D tariff, which try to account for two biases, utility curvature of life duration and probability weighting. Our results reveal that it is possible to remove biases from EQ‐5D algorithms in an efficient way (i.e., without inconsistencies at aggregate level and with a goodness of fit fairly similar to comparable tariffs). Although our scoring algorithms are derived from Spanish preferences, the methodology applied can be used to estimate new national tariffs in other countries. New directions for future research are discussed.
- The QALY model which came in from a general
population survey, roughly multiplicative, broadly nonlinear and
sometimes context-dependent (con
M. Abellan, Fernando I. Sanchez e Ildefonso Méndez). 2009. CENTRA
Working Paper E2009/04 (PDF)
This paper applies a method, first proposed by Miyamoto (2000), to adjust health state utilities accounting for curvature of the utility function of life duration. Such a method is not susceptible to error propagation and avoids biases due to probability weighting. Group estimates obtained with the new adjustment method were, in general, consistent with previous evidence. Several axiomatic tests of the QALY model under both expected utility and rank-dependent utility were also performed. According to the results obtained from a large general population survey, it seems that a multiplicative QALY model with a power utility function for life duration may be a reasonable approximation to individual true preferences. Finally, we also found that the common practice of freely transferring health state utilities across riskless and risky contexts may be wrong for a significant number of conditions.
Libros / Books
- El capital social de la Salud en Andalucia (con Jose M. Abellan y José Luis Pinto), Centro de Estudios Andaluces, 2008.
- Sinestralidad vial en España y en la Unión Europea (1997-2007) (con Carmen Herrero, Patricia Cubí, Jose
M. Abellan, Fernando I. Sanchez e Ildefonso Méndez), Fundación BBVA, 2011.