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Alejandro Egea holds a M.A. in Ancient History and Archaeology (University of Murcia, 1998), a M.A. in Social and Cultural Anthropology (UNED, 2007), and a Ph.D. in History (University of Murcia, 2003). He previously worked as a lecturer and researcher at the Department of Ancient History of the University of Murcia thanks to a predoctoral research grant and a subsequent postdoctoral grant and contract. He has also worked as a Secondary school teacher afterwards and has collaborated as a part-time lecturer in the Department of Social Sciences Teaching (Faculty of Education, UM), where he is currently an Associate Lecturer.

His link with the University allowed him to perform various research stays in different institutions and countries. In this way, he could complete his training as a teacher and researcher in Syria (Damascus, Aleppo), United Kingdom (London), Germany (Heidelberg, Munich, Bonn), Italy (Rome) and USA (University of Kentucky) and to participate in an appreciable amount of International Congresses.

His experience in both Secondary and Higher Education has allowed him to take part in various innovation projects and to develop a range of teaching materials. He currently focuses his attention mainly on innovation in teaching practice and on the introduction of heritage as a resource and archaeology as a strategy when learning History. The result of this last line of research is his last project. Its main aim was to develop resources and materials to enable the Secondary School teachers to create activities regarding the archaeological and historical methodology.


1. Educational activities and programmes on archaeological sites and museums. 2. Teaching and learning History in secondary school.


2003. Ph.D. in Ancient History. Dissertation: Poblamiento Romano en el Alto Éufrates Sirio (Roman Settlement in the Upper Syrian Euphrates). Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. University of Murcia, Spain.

2001. Master's Degree (Licenciatura de Grado) in Ancient History and Archaeology. Dissertation: Ingeniería Hidráulica Romana en Carthago Nova (Roman Hydraulic Engineering in Carthago Nova). Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. University of Murcia, Spain.

2007. Master in Social and Cultural Anthropology. UNED (National Distance Education University, Spain.

1998. Master in Geography and History. Faculty of Philosophy and Arts. University of Murcia (Spain).


1. Books

- El Monasterio y las Ermitas de San Ginés de la Jara, Cuadernos sobre religiosidad y Santuarios Murcianos, N.º 22, Asociación Patrimonio Siglo XXI, Murcia, 2004. [ISBN: 84-933857-2-7]

- Eufratense et Osrhoene. Poblamiento romano en el Alto Éufrates Sirio, Murcia, 2006. Antigüedad y Cristianismo, Monografías de la Antigüedad Tardía, XXV. [ISBN: 84-8371-620-8]

2. Articles

- EGEA, A., ARIAS, L., “IES Arqueológico: La arqueología como recurso para trabajar las competencias básicas en la educación secundaria”, Clío, 39, History and History teaching, 2013, 21 págs. [ISSN-e 1139-6237] Consulta aquí

- “Características principales del sistema de captación, abastecimiento, distribución y evacuación de agua de Carthago Nova”, Empúries, 53, Barcelona, 2002, 13-28. [ISSN: 0213-9278] Consulta aquí

- “Les aqueducs d’Hiérapolis (Mambij-Syrie)”, Les annales archéologiques arabes syriennes. Revue d´archéologie et d´Histoire, Damasco, Direction générale des antiquités et des musées de la République arabe syrienne, 2002-2003, vol. 45-46, 275-283. [ISSN: 0570-1554] (Aph 75-13950)

- “Monasterios cristianos primitivos en el Alto Éufrates sirio: el complejo rupestre de Magara Sarasat”, Liber Annuus, LVI (2006), Jerusalem, 2007, 469-498: Lám. 25-32. [ISSN: 0081-8933] Consulta aquí


2015. College of Education. University of Kentucky (USA).

2014. Departamento de Didàctica de les Ciències Sociales de la Universitat de Barcelona.

2009. Institut für Geschichtswissenschaft (Abteilung Alte Geschichte) der Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn (Germany).

2006. Komission für Alte Geschichte und Epigraphik des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts. München (Germany).

2005. Seminar für Alte Geschichte-Universität Heidelberg (Germany).

2004. Institute of Classical Studies-University of London (England).

2001. Syria. Tell Qara Quzaq (Manbiy).

2000. Syria. Tell Beydar (Hassake).

1999. Syria. IFAPO (Damascus).


1998. Collaboration Scholarship of the Spanish Ministry of Education. Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History. University of Murcia.

1999-2003. Research Scholarship of the Spanish Ministry of Culture (FPI). Department of Prehistory, Archaeology and Ancient History. University of Murcia.

2004. Research Scholarship of the Private and Cultural Foundation “Esteban Romero” of Murcia. Institute of Classical Studies. London.


2014. XXV Simposio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales. Una mirada al pasado y un proyecto de futuro. Barcelona (Spain).

2014. 2nd Conference of the IRAHSSE (Guerres et Paix: Enjeux Éducatifs). Organizado por la International research association for history and social sciences education. Celebrado en University of Fribourg (Switzerland).

2014. II Congreso Internacional y III Congreso Nacional de Investigación e Innovación en Educación Infantil y Primaria. Murcia (Spain).

2013. XXIV Simposio Internacional de Didáctica de las Ciencias Sociales, Medios de comunicación y pensamiento crítico. Nuevas formas de interacción social. Guadalajara (Spain).

2013. I Congreso Internacional y II Congreso Nacional de Investigación e Innovación en Educación Infantil y Primaria. Murcia (Spain).

2010. Continuity, Discontinuity and Change. Afterlife and Transformation on Near Eastern Religions in Hellenistic and Roman Times. Conference of the Cluster of Excellence “Religion and Politics”, Münster (Germany).

2009. Sanitas per Aquam. Frontinus Kolloquium. Aachen (Germany).

2006. 5th International Conference of Archaeology of the Near East. Madrid (Spain).

2004. Conference International “Curator Aquarum”, Ephesus (Turkey).

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