===== WELCOME TO MY PROFESSIONAL WEB PAGE ===== === THIS IS ME === ANA BRAVO, PhD. Profesor Contratado Doctor (Associate Professor) in Spanish Syntax and Semantics. Department of Lengua Española y Lingüistica General http://www.um.es/web/lengua-espa/ {{foto_um_2.jpg|}} == AND THIS IS HOW BEING A PROFESSOR WITHIN THE BOLONIA PROCESS -IN A SPANISH UNIVERSITY- IS: SOMETIMES IMPOSSIBLE, BARELY RESTFUL, ALWAYS CHALLENGING AND, DEFINITELY, NEVER NEVER BORING == {{um_av_4.jpg|}} Initially intended as an example of modal reasoning in everyday speech and life ;-) And here there are some more Schrödinger's Plates, Inertia worlds and circumstantial modal bases, all in one: "They are both broken and not broken until you open the door". @ProfFeynman {{schroder_inertia_worlds.jpg|}} [[https://twitter.com/ProfFeynman/status/1235215009170493441]] El verbo que casi hizo naufragar el acuerdo contra el cambio climático Francia cambió **deberá** por **debería** en el capítulo de obligaciones para que EE UU pudiera firmar el pacto de París [[http://internacional.elpais.com/internacional/2015/12/13/actualidad/1450002024_762685.html]] PARIS — It took almost two weeks for negotiators from 195 countries to finally pass the landmark climate accord this weekend after several espresso-fueled all-nighters and long, passionate debates over the meaning of a single word, such as “shall.” TNY, 13.12.15 [[http://www.nytimes.com/2015/12/14/world/europe/a-climate-deal-6-fateful-years-in-the-making.html?rref=collection%2Fnewseventcollection%2Fun-climate-change-conference&action=click&contentCollection=earth®ion=stream&module=stream_unit&version=latest&contentPlacement=2&pgtype=collection&_r=0]] {{phd120215s.gif|}} Pass your students you should {{19510506_10155203651084504_1541448856072424658_n.jpg|{{19510506_10155203651084504_1541448856072424658_n.jpg|{{19510506_10155203651084504_1541448856072424658_n.jpg|}}}}}}This one, I like it particularly (translation: who we are, teachers!; what we want? holidays!!; what for? Writing two papers, reading two books... {{1394100_531669586919455_2082657077_n.jpg|}} No happiness out of modality {{10987452_869183086474315_766938395271689474_n.jpg|}} Chomsky said. This page was first created on December 2012.