====== 1. GALLERY ======
===== Colleagues and professors at the UMU =====
- Professor Antonio Fábregras (University of Tromsø [[https://en.uit.no/ansatte/person?p_document_id=97852]]) lectured on some basic notions about morphology and morphological analysis. Bachelor on Lengua y Literatura Españolas, 2nd year. November 2021. {{:img_0052_subir_2_.jpg?200|}}
- Professor Ignacio Bosque
{{:bosque_1a_glle_mayo_2014.jpg?200|}} _Ignacio Bosque_UMU_mayo 2014
===== On the shoulders of giants =====
{{:javier_gutierrez-rexach_en_la_ucm_mayo_2015.jpg?400|}} Javier Gutiérrez-Rexach_Homenaje a Ignacio Bosque_UCM_mayo 2016
{{:manuel.jpg?400|}} Manuel Leonetti. 20 de julio de 2022
{{foto_grupo_1.jpg|}} Homenaje a Ignacio Bosque_UCM mayo 2016
Esta página redirige a muchas de las páginas que se citan a continuación. Es del profesor Bosque y contiene una etiqueta descriptiva para cada uno de los enlaces, los cuales están organizados en función de las materias que cubren:
* On the discussion about Chomsky's hypothesis correctness. On the origins of language. On generative grammar in general
* On the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
[[https://hiphilangsci.net/]] History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences. With podcasts.
===== Academic Institutions and Others =====
==== Linguistics on line: conferences, talks, presentations ====
* https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5_qo6Nx8ziGLTwai9QokaA]]
* [[https://sites.google.com/view/streamgram]]
* [[https://aovivo.abralin.org/]]
===== Official institutions =====
===== Personal Web Pages =====
===== About Spanish & its Varieties =====
[[https://verne.elpais.com/verne/2021/02/23/articulo/1614078431_361081.html]] Sobre la lingua djudeo-espanyola o ladino. Artículo de Viviana Rajel Barnatán Gini.
===== Corpus =====
The Digital Library of Old Spanish Texts project / Biblioteca Digital de Textos del Español Antiguo
Corpus del Español de Mark Davies
Corpus de documentos españoles anteriores a 1700
Observatorio de Neologismos de la UPF
[[https://observatoriolazaro.es/index.php]] Observatorio de neologismos LÁZARO
===== Dictionaries & other resources =====
Filosofía del lenguaje y semántica formal:
[[https://encyclopaedia.herdereditorial.com/wiki/P%C3%A1gina_principal]] Enciclopaedia HERDER
[[https://plato.stanford.edu/]]Stanford Encyclopedia os Philosophy
[[https://sr.ht/~emvigo/ot-solver/]] OT Solver - An automated Optimality Theory solver
[[https://bdme.iatext.es/acceso.jsp]] Lexicon Morphogenetic Analysis
* Del Max Planck:
* [[https://phoneapps.shinyapps.io/languageFeature/]]
* [[https://phoible.org/]]
* [[https://wals.info/]]
* [[http://th-mayer.de/wals/#1A/]]
Atlas interactivo de la entonación del español
* Projects on the web about the lexicon
a Réseau Lexical du Français (Polguère 2014, https://lexical-systems.atilf.fr/spiderlex/), el diccionario español de colocaciones DICE (Alonso Ramos 2004, http://www.dicesp.com/paginas), y el traductor ruso-inglés, inglés-ruso ETAP-3 (http://cl.iitp.ru/etap3), tres herramientas desarrolladas en el modelo de la TST;
los primitivos, moléculas, plantillas y guiones culturales propuestos en la NSM, https://nsm-approach.net/archives/category/nsm-toolkit;
la web de marcos semánticos y mapas asociados al proyecto FrameNet (https://framenet.icsi.berkeley.edu/) y su versión española (http://spanishfn.org/), ambos creados en el modelo de la SM; y
el Ecolexicon, desarrollado en la TM (https://ecolexicon.ugr.es/en/index.htm).
===== Cognitive and Evolutionary Issues =====
[[https://www.madrimasd.org/notiweb/noticias/los-neandertales-hablaban#utm_source=notiweb_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=noti8_12mar21]] Los neandertales también hablaban
[[https://science.sciencemag.org/content/366/6461/13]] Language and the brain. Monographic on Science
[[https://www.madrimasd.org/notiweb/noticias/lenguaje-cerebro-pensamiento-que-sabe-neurociencia-sobre-capacidad-mas-humana#utm_source=notiweb_newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=noti5_10mar21]] Lenguaje, cerebro y pensamiento: qué sabe la neurociencia sobre la capacidad más humana
[[https://nirakara.org/la-realidad-cerebroatrapar-espacio-tiempo/]] la Compactación del Tiempo
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RA5NXBbXYdQ]] Language Invention and Language Structure
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tl_Dp4CPK0]] Language Learning Relies on Brain Circuits that Predate Humans: Evidence from Typical and Atypical Language Development
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JKBE9vW1pL0]] The (In)Coherence of Linguistic Communities
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXsqXhjFr_c]] Steven Pinker in Abraoling Language, Cognition and Human Nature
[[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hqrsHmhcrSQ]] Ev Fedorenko talk at Abralin 20/05/06
[[https://evlab.mit.edu/]] EVELINA FEDORENKO LAB MIT
=== Paris Seminar CALT Learnibility of Syntax===
====== Cutting-eggs Linguistics ====== 8-)
* "The more I think about language, the more it amazes me that people ever understand each other at all". Kurt Gödel in Wang, H.,Reflections on Kurt Gödel, MIT Press, 1987, p. 95.
{{the_trees_strike_back.png|}} The trees strike back
{{tnt.gif|}} from TAM to TNT
Linguistic Folk Wisdom [[https://specgram.com/CLXXXVII.3/09.gnu.wisdom.html]] :-D
Collected by Knuttink Gnu & Underda Sun X. Quizzit Korps Center for Advanced Collaborative Studies
In a continued effort to improve the lot of researchers and students in linguistics, we sent a team of interns out to gather proverbs of folk wisdom from linguistics departments around the globe. Aside from malaria, black eyes and a profound sense of hygge, this is what they brought us.
Never trust the grammaticality judgment of someone whose theory depends on it.
Made up linguistics examples are like imaginary friends: they are a shadow of the real thing and you really should grow out of them eventually.
The usefulness of a theory or textbook is inversely proportional to the length of time is takes to understand its key terminology.
Never tie your career to being on the right side of a theoretical debate.
If your child says “Bye mum, I’m off to find something new in the linguistics of English,” don’t bother converting their bedroom into a games room. They’ll be back in two weeks.
No-one ever changed the world by studying a sub-field starting with post- or ending with -ism.
With the right informants, anything can be classed as a language, even HTML (well, maybe not CSS).
You are not Chomsky or Bloomfield. Be glad.
Producing strange noises at night will either win you tenure or send you to jail.
You can get any grammaticality judgment you need with the application of sufficient amounts of ethanol.
Most times, both sides of a theoretical debate are wrong; just for different reasons.
Although it doesn’t look like one, English really is classed as a “natural language”.
With enough data, absolutely anything can be statistically significant, just ask comp ling people.
The most valuable item of field data is invariably scribbled on a napkin. (In some cases, the napkin makes it home with you, rather than ending up in the toilet.)
The time required to adequately prepare a class lecture can be reduced by one half for each education major taking the course.
Committee meetings are the best time to write conference abstracts.
Serving as Interim Dean assures you that the University will come up with funding for your research; but you won’t have time to use it.
Be wary when talking to computational linguists, lest they convince you that grammar is actually “statistics all the way down” or that it is honorable to work “in industry” for “fat stacks of cash”.
There is no greater joy than a FedEx package that contains a newly-published grammar.
That phoneme that you can’t pronounce is the one you need for the difference between “attractive horse” and “mother-in-law.” The minimal pair that will escape your notice is analogous to the minimal pair in English catch it/cat shit.
===== Revista de prensa =====
[[https://elpais.com/elpais/2019/07/30/ideas/1564476167_273275.html]] Preferiría no hacerlo, la frase que lo dinamita todo.
====== SIGLO XXI ======