Tabla de Contenidos

Research projects

Ongoing projects

RES-Q+ Comprehensive solutions for healthcare improvement based on the global Registry of Stroke Care Quality. Call: [HORIZON-HLTH-2021-TOOL-06-03] — [RES-Q PLUS] Principal Investigator (UM): CATALINA MARTINEZ COSTA. Duration: 2022-2026 RES-Q+ EU Horizon project

STRATIF-AI. Tools and technologies for a healthy society. (Horizon-HLTH-2022-Tool-12-two-stage) Principal Investigator (UM): CATALINA MARTINEZ COSTA. Duration:2023-2027

Coming projects

Past projects

DATA4HEALTH - ARQUITECTURA SEMANTICA Y METODOLOGIA PARA EL USO EFICIENTE DE INFORMACION CLINICA PARA INVESTIGACION Y CUIDADO DE LA SALUD (RTI2018-099039-J-I00); Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, RETOS 2018 – Modalidad JIN; 26/11/2019-17/03/2023; Principal Investigator: Catalina Martínez Costa, Universidad de Murcia, Spain; Grant amount: 150.161 €

PRECISE4Q. Personalised Medicine by Predictive Modelling in Stroke for better Quality of Life; European Commission, H2020-SC1-2017-CNECT-2. 01/05/2018-31/10/2022; Principal Investigator of WP: Catalina Martínez Costa, Medical University of Graz (until end 2019), Austria and University of Murcia (from 2020). Grant amount: (MUG – 240.687,5). (UM -157.437,5 ); Total amount: 5.978.245 €; Precise4Q EU H2020 project

IICAB - Innovative Use of Information for Clinical Care and Biomarker Research; Austrian Research Promotion Agency. FFG COMET; 01/07/2015-31/12/2018; Principal Investigator: Stefan Schulz. CBMed (Medical University of Graz, Austria); Grant amount: 200.840 € Total amount: 1.900.000; Member of the working/research team

Semantic Interoperability for Health Network (SemanticHealthNet); European Commission, (FP7-ICT-2011-7) Network of Excellence (NoE); 01/01/2012- 31/05/2015.Principal Investigator: Stefan Schulz. Medical University of Graz, Austria; Grant amount: 190.235 € Medical University of Graz; Total: 3.222.380 €; Co-IP

PLATAFORMA PARA LA ADQUISICIÓN Y COMPARTICIÓN DE INFORMACIÓN Y CONOCIMIENTO PARA COMUNIDADES DE INVESTIGACION CLINICA EN RED II; Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia; 01/10/2007- 31/09/2011. Principal Investigator: Jesualdo Tomás Fernández Breis, Universidad de Murcia, Spain; Grant amount: 102.850 €; Participation type: Contratada como Ing. Informática