Tabla de Contenidos


Tópicos de interés - Research topics


* Innovation / Eco-innovation

* Digital transformation

* Human Resource Management

* Organizational Learning

* Total Quality Management

* Organizational culture

Cátedra de Innovación para la Especialización inteligente

Daniel Jimenez is a researcher of Cátedra de Innovación de la Universidad de Murcia

Project aimed at obtaining a deeper knowledge of innovation in companies in the Region of Murcia, analyzing the motivations and difficulties when facing innovation processes as well as the evaluation of existing public policies to promote innovation, with special interest in the RIS3Mur.

In collaboration with the Insitituto de Fomento de la Región de Murcia, this program contemplates the creation of an Observatory of Innovation in the Region of Murcia, research studies in innovation, training and dissemination and exploitation of results and dissemination of best practices in innovation among the companies in our environment.

More information: web

Reconocimientos - Awards

- La Universidad de Stanford incluye a 39 investigadores de la UMU entre los más influyentes del mundo. news.

- Arch Woodside Best Paper In JBR Award. It is based on the article that is cited the most in the 5 years following publication: Innovation, Organizational Learning, And Performance, D Jiménez-Jiménez, R Sanz-Valle, Journal Of Business Research, 2011, 64 (4), 408-417.

- Most cited author in Spain of Emerald (2016).news.

- 3 sexenios de investigación por la C.N.E.A.I.

- 1 sexenio de transferencia por la C.N.E.A.I.

Identificación - Researcher ID

Researcher ID C-7914-2015

Código Orcid 0000-0002-1790-0799

H-index Google Scholar


Proyectos de investigación - Research Proyects


Artículos en revistas - Papers in Journals

Artículos en libros - Papers in Books

Artículos de divulgación - Collaborations for practitioners

Tesis dirigidas - Supervised Doctoral Theses