Francisco Garcia-Sanchez holds a PhD in Computer Science by the University of Murcia. He is a Professor in the Department of Informatics and Systems at the University of Murcia, Spain. From May 1st, 2012 until January 31st, 2017, he served as Vicedean for External Relations at the Faculty of Computer Science. Formerly, he was Ph.D Assistant Professor in the Escola Superior Tècnica d'Enginyeria (ETSE) at the University of Valencia.
His main research interests include natural language processing, ontology engineering, semantic web, data integration, linked data analysis, sentiment analysis, text classification, and semantic service-oriented architecture. He has taken part in various research projects and has published several papers in JCR journals. He has conducted numerous research stays in some of the most prestigious, Semantic Web- and Intelligent Agents-concerned research institutes around the world such as the Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI), the Centre For Information Technology Research (CITR) and the Stanford Research Institute (SRI).
Information about his PhD thesis entitled “Sistema Basado en Tecnologías del Conocimiento para Entornos de Servicios Web Semánticos” (Knowledge Technologies-Based System for Semantic Web Services Environments) can be found here [The thesis in PDF (in Spanish; summary in English) can be downloaded from the “DIGITUM” repository].
Here you can find a brief resume.
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