====== Meeting attendance and presentations ====== * Wetland plant communities mapping by means of remote sensing using Landsat and airborne sensors. Carreño M.F., J. Martínez-López, J.A. Palazón, J. Martínez-Fernández, M.A. Esteve. V Congreso de Biología de la Conservación de Plantas, September 28th - October 1st 2011, Es Mercadal - Menorca (Spain). (in Spanish) * Classification and mapping of plant communities in semiarid wetlands using an airborne sensor. Martínez-López, J., Carreño-Fructuoso, M.F., Esteve-Selma, M.A. ESA Advanced Training Course in Land Remote Sensing, 12-16 September 2011, Kraków (Poland) * Historical vegetation changes in Mediterranean semi-arid wetlands related to agricultural land uses in watershed. Martínez-López, J., Carreño-Fructuoso, M.F., Esteve-Selma, M.A. SWS 2011, 3-8 July 2011, Prague (Czech Republic) * Study and Classification of Semiarid Wetlands based on Plant Communities and Topography by means of LiDAR and Spectral Airborne Remote Sensors. Martínez-López, J., Carreño, M.F., Palazón, J.A., Vidal-Abarca, M.R., Suárez, M.L., Gómez, R., Esteve, M.A. SEFS 7, June 27th - July 1st 2011, Girona (Spain) * Study and Characterization of semiarid wetland plant communities and hydrogeomorphology by means of GIS and LiDAR. Martínez-López, J.,Carreño, M. F., Palazón, J. A., González, J. C., Esteve, M. A. 2011. VII Congreso Ibérico: gestión y planificación del agua, FNCA, Talavera de la Reina (Toledo) (in Spanish) * A Methodological Approach for Studying Semiarid Wetland Geomorphology and Plant Communities using GIS and LiDAR. J. Martínez López, M.F. Carreño Fructuoso, J.A. Palazón Ferrando, J.C. González Rojas, M.A. Esteve Selma. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudios Territoriales y Ambientales. Mérida (Spain). 2010 (in Spanish) * Aplicación de nuevas técnicas para la clasificación supervisada de imágenes Landsat en la deteminación de usos del suelo: por píxel y por mancha/Application of New Techniques based in Supervised Classification of Landsat Images for Landuse Mapping: By Pixel and by Patch. Carreño, M.F., Martínez, J., Palazón, J.A., Conzález, J.C., Esteve, M.A., Martínez, J. 2011. IV Congreso Iberoamericano de Estudios Territoriales y Ambientales. Mérida (Spain). 2010 * Study of the Quality and Interest of Conservation of the water bodies of the Segura River Basin according to its vertebrate fauna and its Natura 2000 Habitats. Martínez López, J., Suárez, M.L., Vidal-Abarca, M.R., Mora, J., Almagro F. 2008. VI Congreso Ibérico: gestión y planificación del agua, FNCA, Vitoria-Gasteiz (in Spanish) * A Methodological Approach to Assess the Ecological Integrity and Conservation Priorities of Water Bodies in the Segura River Basin (SE Spain) based on their Associated Habitats of Community Interest. Martínez López, J., Vidal-Abarca Gutiérrez, M. R., Suárez Alonso, M. L. Fourth Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences. Krakow (Poland). 2005 * Biodiversity Loss in Europe. AEET-EEF. Almería (spain). 4th-6th of March 2005 * First Congress of the Spanish Society of Evolutionary Biology. SEBE. Granada (Spain). 22nd - 23rd of September 2005