**1. RESEARCH PROJECTS** During 2006-2008 I was the leading researcher of the project //Sociolinguistic Perspectives and Aspects of Research on the History of the English Language (I): A Sociolinguistic Approach to Scandinavian Borrowings in Old and Middle English (900-1250)// (2006-2007) funded by Fundación Séneca, Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia (02957/PHCS/05). This project was continued in 2009-2011 as //Sociolinguistic Perspectives and Aspects of Research on the History of the English Language (II): Language Change, Social History and Dialectology in Medieval English// also funded by Fundación Séneca (08629/PHCS/08). A third edition of the project, funded by the same entity, has developed in the period 2015-2018: //Sociolinguistic Perspectives and Aspects of Research on the History of the English Language (III): Communities of Practice and Socio-stylisic Variation in English Correspondence (15th-17th centuries)// (19331/PHCS/14). I have also participated actively in the following funded research projects: //Corpus electrónico de manuscritos medievales ingleses: textos científicos y técnicos (2011-2014)// coordinated by Dr. Javier Calle Martín (Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación FFI 2011-26492), //Corpus electrónico de manuscritos ingleses de índole científica. El periodo Moderno Temprano (1500-1700)// (2015-2018), also coordinated by Dr. Calle Martín (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación, FFI 2014-57963-P) and //Modelos sociolingüísticos de variación estilística en corpus históricos de correspondencia en lengua inglesa (2015-2017)//, coordinated by Dr. Juan M. Hernández-Campoy (Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, Secretaría de Estado de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación FFI 2014-56084-P). I am currently a member of the team involved in the research project "Cambio lingüístico, variación morfosintáctica y compilación de recursos para el estudio del inglés moderno tardío (1700-1900" funded by Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (2022-2025). **2. MA AND PHD SUPERVISOR** I have been supervisor of eight MA dissertation and four Ph.D. dissertations • PhD dissertation by Laurence Erussard García, //La palabra, el lirio y la espada. Imágenes del heroísmo femenino en tres poemas anglosajones: Elene, Juliana y Judith / The Word, the Lily and the Sword. Images of Female Heroism in Three Anglo-Saxon Poems: Elene, Juliana and Judith//. (University of Murcia, 27-06-2001). • PhD dissertation by Mª Dolores Pérez Raja, //At the Crossroads of Archaeology, Linguistics and Philology: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Study of Scandinavian loanwords in Old and Early Middle English / Arqueología, lingüística y filología. Una aproximación interdisciplinar al estudio de los préstamos escandinavos en inglés medieval//. (University of Murcia, 22-2-2008). • PhD dissertation by Tamara García Vidal, //A Historical Sociolinguistic Approach to the Development of Adjective Comparison in Englilsh: Synthetic and Analytic Patterns from 1419 to 1800 / Aportaciones desde la Sociolingüística Histórica al desarrollo del adjetivo comparativo en inglés: patrones sintéticos y analíticos desde 1418 a 1800//. (Co-supervisor Juan M. Hernández-Campoy) (University of Murcia, 9-11-2020). • PhD dissertation by Carolina Pérez Guillén, //Edition and Study of Manchester, Chetham's Library MS Mun.A.3.127 / Edición y estudio del manuscrito Manchester, Chetham's Library Mun.A.3.127//. (Co-supervisor Laura Esteban Segura) (University of Murcia, 1-3-2024) • MA dissertation by Laurence Erussard García, //The Arrow and the Gaze’. A Cognitive and Comparative Study of the Genesis and Patterns of Medieval Metaphors of Love and a Critical Analysis of their Deployment in Chaucer’s Troilus and Criseyde//. (University of Murcia, 11-12- 1998) • MA dissertation by Rafael García Clemente, //Las digresiones en el poema anglosajón Beowulf//. (University of Murcia, 12-6-2001). • MA dissertation by Andrés Mercader Rodríguez, //Diachronic Semantics: A Review//. (University of Murcia, 13-10-2001). • MA dissertation by Mariano González Campo, //Texto y sexo en la Islandia medieval. Planteamientos generales para un análisis antropológico-literario de la Bósa Saga ok Herrauðs//. (University of Murcia, 15 September 2002). • MA dissertation by Enriqueta Martínez Morcillo, //Gestos y gestualidad en Sir Orfeo//. (University of Murcia, 16 September 2007) • MA dissertation by María Reyes Ferrer, //Linguistic Variation and Change in English. ‘Changes from above’ and ‘Changes from below’ in Fifteenth-Century English Correspondence. A Case Study of Who and Are//. (University of Murcia, 21-9-2009) • MA dissertation by Tamara García Vidal, T//he Comparative and Superlative Degree in English Adjectives (1420-1710)//, co-supervised with Juan M. Hernández-Campoy. (University of Murcia, 25-2-2015). • MA dissertation by Sergio Gandía Silvestre, //Variación lingüística y traducción audiovisual: un análisis comparado de My Beautiful Laundrette / Mi hermosa lavandería de Stephen Frears (1985)//. (University of Murcia, 14-9-2017) **3. RELEVANT PUBLICATIONS**. Including book reviews, but excluding conference papers. **3.1. On historical sociolinguistics and Middle English dialectology** Forthcoming Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy and Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. //The Handbook of Historical Sociolinguistics// (Second edition). Pxford and Malden: Wiley. Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy. "Spelling practices and emergent standard writing in late Middle English". //The New Cambridge History of the English Language. Volume 3: Change, Transmission and Ideology//. Edited by Joan Beal. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2024 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. "Review of: Olga Timofeeva. 2022. //Sociolinguistic Variation in Old English: Records of Communities and People//. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. pp. xvii+204. ISBN: 97890227211347". //English Language and Linguistics// 28(1): 178-185. 2023 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. "Review of: Trinidad Guzmán González. //Espejo del Arte de Cocina. De la corte del rey Ricardo, el segundo de Inglaterra tras la conquista//. León: Área de Publicaciones de la Universidad de León / Instituto de Estudios Medievales". //SELIM. Journal of the Spanish Society for Medieval English Language and Literature// 28: 113-119. https://reunido.uniovi.es/index.php/SELIM/article/view/19188/15831 2022 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. "On the history of research on spelling standardisation in late Middle English". //A Philologist World of Texts. Festschrift in Honour of Prof. Jeremy J. Smith//. Edited by Isabel de la Cruz Cabanillas and Mª José Esteve Ramos. Las Palmas de Gran Canaria: Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Servicio de Publicaciones y Difusión Científica, pp. 40-68. 2021 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. “Multilingualism and Language Contact in the Cely Letters” //Anglia// 139 (2), pp. 327-364. DOI https://doi.org/10.1515/ang-2021-0023 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. “Review of: Edurne Garrido-Anes ed. 2020: A Middle English Version of the Circa Instans. Edited from Cambridge, CUL, MS Ee.1.13. (Middle English Texts Series, 59). Heildelberg, Universitätsverlag Winter, pp. lvi + 209. ISBN: 978-3-8253-4766-6”. //Selim. . Journal of the Spanish Society for Mediaeval English Language and Literature//, 26 (1): 179-187 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. "Review of Merja Stenroos and Kietil V. Thengs eds. 2020. //Records of Real People. Linguistic Variation in Middle English Local Documents//. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins". //Linguist List// 32.3987. Published online on December 17, 2021. 2020 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. “Communities of practice, protostandardisation and spelling focusing in the Stonor Letters”. //The Multilingual Origins of Standard English//. Edited by Laura Wright. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, pp. 443-466. DOI: 10.1515/9783110687545-016 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. “Revisiting the cline from code-switching to borrowing: Evidence from the Late Middle English Cely letters (1472-1488)”. //Revista Canaria de Estudios Ingleses//, vol. 20, pp. 51-72. DOI: https://doi.org.10.25145/j.recaesin.2020.80.04 2019 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. “Spelling focusing and proto-standardisation in a fifteenth-century English community of practice”. //Studia Neophilologica//, vol. 91 (1), pp. 11-20. DOI 10.1080/00393274.2019.1578181 Juan M. Hernández-Campoy, Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Tamara García Vidal. “Tracing patterns of intra-speaker variation in early English correspondence: A change from above in the //Paston Letters//”. //Studia Anglica Posnaniensia//, vol. 54 (1), pp. 87-314. [DOI: 10.2478/stap-2019-0014] 2018 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. “El legado de James Milroy en el estudio sociolingüístico del cambio y la variación en lengua inglesa”. //Nexus. Asociación Española de Estudios Anglo-norteamericanos//, vol. 2018 (1), pp. 35-41. 2016 Juan Camilo Conde Silvestre. “A third-wave historical sociolinguistic approach to late Middle English correspondence: evidence from the Stonor Letters”. //Current Trends in Historical Sociolinguistics//. Edited by Cinzia Russi. Warsaw and Berlin: De Gruyter Open, pp. 46-66 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. “Historical sociolinguistics”. //Handbook of Pragmatics, 2016// (Vol. 20). Edited by Jan Ola Östman and Jef Veschueren. Amsterdam and Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 2015 Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy and Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. “Assessing variability and change in early English letters”. //Letter Writing and Language Change//. Edited by Anita Auer, Daniel Schreier and Richard J. Watts. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp 14-34 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Javier Calle Martín. “Zero //that//-clauses in the history of English. A historical sociolinguistics approach (1424-1681)”. //Journal of Historical Sociolinguistics//, vol. 1 (1), pp. 57-86 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Javier Calle Martín. (eds.). //Approaches to Middle English. Variation, Contact an Change//. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, vol. 47), [pp. vi+259]. Includes “Introduction”, pp. 7-11. 2014 Javier Calle Martín and Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre. “A sociolinguistic analysis of zero //that//-clauses in late Middle English”. //Studies in Middle English. Words, forms, senses and texts//. Edited by Michael Bylinsky. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang (Studies in English Medieval Language and Literature, vol. 44), pp. 119-113. 2013 Juan Camilo Conde-Silvestre and Juan Manuel Hernández-Campoy. “Tracing the generational progress of language change in fifteenth century English: the digraph