======= Other research activities ======= ===== Invited talks ===== * IMIB-Arrixaca Seminars. Effective secondary use of electronic health records: clinical research and decision making(September 2016) * [[http://banzai-deim.urv.cat/events/KR4HC-ProHealth-2016/ | KR4HC-ProHealth-2016 ]] - Can existing biomedical ontologies be more useful for EHR and CDS? (September 2016) * [[https://wiki.imise.uni-leipzig.de/Gruppen/OBML/Workshops/2014-ODLS|ODLS 2014 – Ontologies and Data in Life Sciences]]. From Guidelines to Metrics. Practical Experiences and Community Directions in Ontology Evaluation(October 2014) * [[http://www.seis.es/jsp/base.jsp?contenido=/jsp/congresos/inicio.jsp&id=4.1&categoria=7&idcongreso=230|IV Reunión del Foro de Interoperabilidad en Salud]]. Uso de patrones semánticos para la transformación e interoperabilidad de información clínica (May 2014) * [[http://www.en13606.org/activities/general-assembly-2013| EN13606 Association General Assembly Meeting]] Transforming clinical models: our experience. (June 2013) * [[http://www.seis.es/jsp/base.jsp?contenido=/jsp/congresos/inicio.jsp&id=4.1&categoria=7&idcongreso=201|III Reunión del Foro de Interoperabilidad en Salud]]. Combinando estándares de historia clínica electrónica y tecnologías semánticas para interoperabilidad en salud (May 2013) * [[http://www.murcialanparty.com/mlp12/| Murcia Lan Party 2012]], Murcia, Spain. Bioinformática: descifrando la Biología (December 2012) * [[http://www.infomun.um.es/content/conferencias-san-alberto| Conferencias de San Alberto 2012, Murcia, Spain.]] Bioinformática: descifrando la Biología (November 2012) * [[http://nadir.uc3m.es/satbi2011/|SATBI 2011]], Chicago, USA. Enrichment of biomedical ontologies: challenges and possibilities (August 2011) * [[http://www.w3c.es/Eventos/2009/Talleres/Murcia/ |Taller sobre estándares Web W3C Spain]], Murcia, Spain. Caminando hacia la web semántica (November 2009) ([[http://tv.um.es/video?id=9781&cod=a1| Watch the talk in Spanish]]) * II Jornadas de Ingeniería, Cádiz, Spain. Importancia de las tecnologías semánticas en bioinformática (February 2007) ===== Editorial Board Member ===== * [[http://www.biomedcentral.com/bmcmedinformdecismak| BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making]] * [[http://www.journals.elsevier.com/information-processing-and-management/| Information Processing & Management]] * [[http://www.jucs.org/jucs| Journal of Universal Computer Sciences (JUCS)]] ===== Other editorial activities ===== * Guest Editor with Mikel Egaña and Michel Dumontier: [[http://www.semantic-web-journal.net/blog/special-issue-linked-data-health-care-and-life-sciences|Special Issue on Linked Data for Health Care and the Life Sciences in the Semantic Web Journal]], whose deadline was April 1st 2012. * Guest Editor with Alejandro Rodríguez and Miguel Angel Mayer: [[http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-biomedical-informatics/call-for-papers/biomedical-information-social-media-environments/|Special Issue on Biomedical Information through the Implementation of Social Media Environments in the Journal of Biomedical Informatics]], whose deadline was October 1st, 2012. * Book edited: [[http://www.dykinson.com/book--Web_semantica._Aplicaciones_practicas_para_la_educacion--43111.98.0..1.html |Sánchez Vera M, Fernández Breis J.T. Web semántica. Aplicaciones prácticas para la educación]] , Dykinson, ISBN: 978-84-9031-001-4 * Book edited: [[http://www.amazon.es/EVALUACION-E-LEARNING-TECNOLOGIA-SEMANTICA-PROCESAMIENTO/dp/8484256014/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1356795162&sr=8-1| Fernández Breis, J.T. ,Prendes-Espinosa. M.P., Castellanos-Nieves, D.,Martínez-Sánchez, F., Valencia-García, R., Ruiz-Martínez, J.M. (2007) Evaluación en e-learning basada en tecnologías de la web semántica y el procesamiento del lenguaje natural]]. ISBN:978-84-8425-601-4 ===== Organization ===== * [[http://sepln2017.um.es | XXXIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE LA SOCIEDAD ESPAÑOLA PARA EL PROCESAMIENTO DEL LENGUAJE NATURAL]] (organization role) * [[http://miuras.inf.um.es/ontoqual2010/index.html| Ontology Quality Workshop @ EKAW 2010]] (scientific and organization role) * [[http://www.aimedicine.info/aime13/| 14th Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Medicine Europe 2013]] (involved in the local organization) * [[http://congresos.um.es/ticbiomed/ticbiomed2010| PhD Symposium of the research network TICBIOMED 2010]] (organization role) * Activities of the XXV Anniversary of the studies of Computer Science in Murcia (organization role) ===== Panels and Program Committees ===== * Evaluation Panel of National Research Projects (area: IST): 2009, 2011, 2012 * EKAW 2012 Conference and PhD Symposium, EKAW 2014, 2016 * ICBO 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 * SWAT4LS 2014, 2015 * KEOD 2014, 2015 * Workshop on AI and Feedback, IJCAI 2015 * ODLS 2014 * INBAST 2012 * WISA 2012 * MIXHS 2011, 2012 * KESE 2011, 2012 * SATBI 2011, SATBI+SWIM 2012 * AgentsCare 2012 * PKAW 2010 * IADIS conferences: 2005-2016 (ISA, eLearning, multiconferences) * ACM SAC 2010 Track on Semantic Web * AI-Health @ CAEPIA 2011 * ESWC 2011 Ontologies Track * Computación Evolutiva 2005, 2007 * CAEPIA 2007 Semantic Web workshop * AI 2006 ===== Evaluation activities ===== * Evaluation of research projects for the Spanish Agency (ANEP) and some regional ones. * Evaluation of research projects for research agencies from other countries: Argentina, Bundesministerium für Bildung und Forschung (Germany), DAAD (Germany), National Centre of Science and Technology (Kazakhstan). * JENUI 2009-2016(Spanish Conference on Computer Science Teaching) * Journals: Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association (JAMIA), Bioinformatics, Journal of Biomedical Informatics, Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, Swiss Medical Weekly, IEEE Transactions on Education, IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering, Journal of Web Semantics, BMC Bioinformatics, Computers and Standards Interfaces, BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making, Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, Information Systems Management, Journal of Medical Systems, Computational and Mathematical Methods in Medicine, Journal of Biomedical Semantics, Computers in Human Behaviour, Transactions on Autonomous and Adaptive Systems, Applied Clinical Informatics, Anales de Biología * Conferences: AMIA, IEEE EMBC, EFMI STC, Medinfo, MIE * Book proposals: Elsevier