Juan Miguel Aguado finished with distinction his Master of Arts in Journalism Studies at the Complutense University of Madrid (Spain) in 1993. He was awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education as having one of the best student records in his field in Spain. He obtained a Research Grant (FPU) that allowed him to finish doctoral courses while studying in Warsaw (Poland).
years in Poland
During four years (1994-1997) he lived in Warsaw, obtaining a Master Degree in Social Research at the Institut Filozofji i Socjologii (the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology depending from the Polish Academy of Sciences). There he could enjoy the lectures of outstanding Polish social scientists coming from universities all over the world, like Marek Bielecki or Zygmunt Bauman. In 1996-1997 he was also lecturer of Social Science Methodology and Discourse Analysis at the University of Wroclaw, in South-West Poland.
St. Anthony Catholic University
Back in Madrid, Juan Miguel obtained with honours his PhD in november 1998, in the Department of Information Theory at the Complutense University of Madrid. In 1999 he started lectures at St. Anthony Catholic University in Murcia (South East Spain). There he taught Communication Theory, Discourse Analysis and Science Journalism. From the beginning of his academic career, Juan MIguel is deeply commited about teaching and co-ordinating academic life. In 1999 he designs and co-ordinate the first doctoral program in communication at St. Anthony Catholic University, the Doctoral Course on Applied Communication. Since 2000 he is member of the Doctoral Commission at that University and since 2001 he is the Head of the Department of Social Sciences and Communication.
a new project at Murcia State University
In 2002 the State
University of Murcia commits to launch Communication Studies.
Juan Miguel is called to head the implantation of the new studies. He
is named in 2002 Vice
Dean for Communication Studies
co-ordinating during a decade (2002-2012) Faculty positions, organization of
timing and teaching programs as well as the relations with professional
environment in the fields of Journalism and Advertising.
As a part of his commitment in the development of Communication Studies, he becomes an active member of the National Conference of Schools of Communication and directly participates in the National Report on the Adaptation of Communication Studies to the European Higher Education Space under the Bolonia Treaty. Accordingly, he has also developed several research projects on teaching innovation in Communication Theory.
He is also member of the Research Commission of the University of Murcia since 2012.
As Assistant Professor at the University of Murcia, he has tought courses on Communication Theory and Journalistic Writing. Currently he is teaches Foundations of Communication and Media Ecosystem Evolution in Journalism and Advertising Graduate Studies. He is also involved in the development of Faculty's Doctoral Program, participating in postraduate programs with lectures on the social impact of new media. He has also collaborated with postgraduate programs in Seville and Lisbon.
Transferring knowledge from research to students
After a decade of pioneering research on mobile content evolution in
Spain, Juan Miguel launches and coordinates in 2014 a Master Degree in Mobile Communication and Digital Content
as a joint program for the School of Communication and Information
Studies at the University of Murcia, and the School of
Telecommunications at the Technical University of Cartagena. In this
postgraduate program Juan Miguel is also responsible for the courses on
Mobile Ecosystem Evolution and Case Studies in Mobile Communication and Digital Content.
Experiencing the North
In the context of the research project Mobile Media and Personal Data: The impact in media industries, advertising system and users' behavior,
Juan Miguel spends a half year in 2015 at the Newcastle Business School
(Northumbria University, Newcastle, UK) exploring personal data based
business models in the context of media industries.
General Director of RTRM (Regional Media Company)
In may 2016 he is unanimously elected by the regional Parliament as General Director of Radiotelevisión de la Región de Murcia
(RTRM). RTRM is the public media company for the Region of Murcia,
which includes regional radio station Onda Regional de Murcia and
coordinating regional TV station 7TV Región de Murcia, and online content channels. He becomes member of the FORTA (Federation of Regional Public Service Media in Spain), which includes 13 regional public media companies
all over the country. He is appointed as President of FORTA from june
2017 to february 2018, developing diferent projects and strategic
lines. In early 2019 he is designated as Spain's national coordinator for CIRCOM
(The European Association of Regional Television), coordinating the
participation of Spanish public television companies in 2019 Circom's
Annual Conference in Serbia. In October 2019 Juan Miguel returns to University.
Since 1997 Juan Miguel Aguado is member of the Research Committee on Sociocybernetics (RC51). RC51 devotes to the international scholarly exchange, research and development of systems theory and complex thinking, being an active part of the International Sociological Association (ISA). In 2006 he is elected for the Executive Board of the RC51. He has organized the VII International Conference on Sociocybernetics "Technology and Social Complexity", held in Murcia in 2007. Since 2010 he also act as co-editor for the Journal of Sociocybernetics. He is also member of other ISA Research committees, like the Research Committee on Sociology of Culture and Communication (RC14) and the Research Committee on Social Clases and Social Movements (RC47).
In 2000 he co-ordinates a research
project on e-Communication
in cooperation wit Rutgers University about the new professional skills
and roles in the context of digital convergence. In 2001 Juan Miguel
obtains university support for the development of a research project on media
representation of violence from a cultural studies
With Inmaculada J. Martinez he founds in 2002 the e-Com, the Research Group on
Communication, Culture and Technology, devoted to the
improvement of the research on social and cultural aspects of media and
In 2006 the e-Com obtains Regional Government support for a
three year research
project on the social impact of mobile devices,
pioneering the study of the mobile environment from the cultural
industries perspective in the Spanish Academy. The project involves the
co-operation of New South Wales University Professor, Gerard Goggin.
In 2006-2010 Juan Miguel participates in a national four year research project on Women and Mobile Communications in the Information Society, co-ordinated by Inmaculada J. Martinez and supported by the Spanish Ministry of Social Affairs. He is also an active member, during 2007-2009, of a nation-wide research project on Media and Digital Convergence in Spain, supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
In 2010 Juan Miguel obtains finantial support from the same Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation for a four year research project on the evolution of mobile content ecosystem, involving five universities in Spain and developing the findings from the 2006 research project on social impact of mobile communications.
In 2014 he obtains a R+D research grant from the Spanish Ministry on Economy and Competitiveness for a 4 year research project entitled "Mobile Media & Personal Data: Impact in Media Studies, Advertising System and Users' Behavior", in co-operation with James Katz (Boston University) and Gerard Goggin (University of Sydney). In the context of this research project, Juan Miguel gets in 2015 a research leave for a six month visiting scholarpship at the Newcastle Business School (Northumbria University, UK) with Professor Jason Whalley.
In July 2015 he is awarded with another, complementary, 3 year
research project funded by the Murcia Regional Government Agency for
Science and Technology: "Mob Ad: The impact of Mobile Technolopies in Strategic Communication and Advertising". .
Beside this, Juan Miguel Aguado has participated as member of
the organizing committe
in several international conferences and workshops
(International Association for the Development of the information
Society, 2006; Mobile Content in the Information Society, 2007, Online
Conference on Cybersociety, 2004 and 2006, etc.). He is also member of the Editorial Board of
some relevant journals in the field of communication both in Spain and
abroad (Razon y Palabra, Mexico; Cuadernos de Informacion y
Comunicacion, Madrid; Sphera Publica, Murcia) and acts as reviewer for journals
like Systems Research and Behavioral Sciences (SCCI), Kybernetes (SCI),
Information Research (SCCI), Information Society (Taylor &
Francis), Textual & Visual Media, Global Media Journal,
Comunicacion y Sociedad (SCCI), International Sociology (SCCI) or New
Media and Society (SCCI).
He actively co-operates with other research initiatives, like the UNESCO Chair on Communication for Development (1996-1999), Communication and Migration Network (University of Seville, Spain), the Research Group on Consumer Behaviour (Elche, Spain) and the UNESCO Chair on Information Management (since 2002).
Juan Miguel aguado is author of 7 books and over 30 papers in refereed international journals, and he has participated with refereed papers in about 50 international conferences and workshops.![]() |
Mediaciones ubicuas. Ecosistema móvil, gestión de identidad y nueva esfera pública. Barcelona, Gedisa, 2020. The book defines the idea of ubiquitous mediations as the overlapping of digital content and everyday life spaces and moments, and analyses the social and cultural genealogy that connects mobile technology to AI, big data and the Internet of Things. It involves as well a critica review of the three key impacts that digital transformations are having in social life: the challenges to individual autonomy, the commoditization of privacy and the transformation of the public sphere. Based on Gregory Bateson's 'pathologies of commuincation' and Heinz von Foerster's idea of 'schizodemia', the autor outlines what he considers to be 'pathologies of ubiquitous connectivity', which comprise social engeneering and algorithmic bias and get embodied in social phenomena such as hate speech and disinformation. Get access to the list of contents and the introduction HERE. |
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El impacto de la tecnología digital en el sector publicitario.
Co-authored with Inmaculada J. Martínez.
Murcia, Universidad de Murcia y Fundación Séneca, 2019 Mobile Internet and Big Data rise unprecedented challenges for players in the advertising ecosystem. This report presents a detailed picture of the advertising sector in a moment of fundamental changes. It is based on a series of in-depth interviews to CEOs and Digital Managers of relevant firms corresponding to the different players of the advertising ecosystem. It depicts the different players perceive the challenges and how they affect on the internal and external levels, in their organization, workflows, culture, talent management and strategic alliances. Available online HERE |
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Emerging Perspectives on the Mobile Content Evolution. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global. doi:10.4018/978-1-4666-8838-4. 383 pp. Co-edited with Claudio Feijoo and Inmaculada J. Martinez This book presents an international debate amongst scholars, researchers and professionals about the future of mobile content and related services, with special focus on the impact of the personal information economy. The book is divided into three sections: I-The Economics and logistics of mobile content evolution II- The semantics and pragmatics of mobile content evolution III- Experiences and performances about the mobile content evolution Contributions include experts and practitioners from Brazil, France, Portugal, Spain Sweden and the USA. |
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La Comunicación Móvil: Hacia un nuevo ecosistema digital. Barcelona, Gedisa. 2013. 350 pp. ISBN: 978-84-9784-782-7. Mobile Communication: Towards a New Digital Ecosystem Co-edited with Claudio Feijóo and Inmaculada J. Martínez This book summarizes the results of a four year Mobile Media Research Project founded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation. The book approaches those transformations in the media ecosystem grounded in mobile techno-economic influence. Contents comprise a general analysis of the mobile ecosystem and specific approaches to the state of the art of different creative industries in the mobile environment: mobile music, mobile games, mobile news, mobile publishing, mobile television and video, etc. |
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Movilizad@s: Mujer y telefonía móvil en la Sociedad de la Información. Madrid. Instituto de la Mujer. Ministerio de Igualdad. 2010. 362 pp. ISBN 978-84-694-1138-4. NIPO: 867-11-009-8 Mobilized: Women and Mobile Communications in the information Society This book summarizes the results of a 3 year research conducted under the uspices of the Spanish Womens' Institute about the impact of mobile communications in work-live management and in gender role management habits for women in Spain. Available online |
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Technology and Social Complexity. Murcia. Editum. 2009. 396 pp. ISBN 978-84-8371-817-9. Co-edited with Bernard Scott and Eva Buchinger The book presents the results of the 2007 International Conference on Technology and Social Complexity, Chaired by Bernard C. Scott and J.M. Aguado under the auspicies of the Committee on Sociocybernetics (RC51) at the International Sociological Asociation (ISA) |
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Sociedad Móvil: Tecnología, Cultura e Identidad. Madrid. Biblioteca Nueva. 2008. 330 pp. ISBN 978-84-9742-875-0 Mobile Society: Technology, Identity and Culture Co-edited with Inmaculada J. Martínez Published in the context of a research project founded by the Regional Agency of Science (Seneca Foundation), this book raises a scholarly debate on the social implications of mobile communications. It includes papers from relevant researchers from USA, China, Italy, Germany, Australia, and UK. |
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Introducción a la Comunicación Periodística Escrita. Murcia, DM Ed., 2005. 200 pp. ISBN: 84-8425-436-4. Introduction to Written Journalism Subject text about skills and techniques for written expression improvement, journalistic genres and reporting procedures. |
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E-Comunicación: Dimensiones sociales y profesionales de la comunicación en los nuevos entornos tecnológicos. Sevilla. Comunicación Social Ediciones. 2004. 290 pp. ISBN 84-96082-20-2. e-Communication: Social and Professional Insights on Digital Communication Edited book on professional and social transformations in journalism and communication resulting from digital media convergence. |
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Introducción a las Teorías de la Comunicación Murcia, DM Ed., 2004. 250 pp. ISBN: 84-8425-363-5. Introduction to Communication Theory Subject text on Communication Theory for Journalism Studies and Advertising Studies. |
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La violencia en la generación de culturas fronterizas.
Sphera Publica.Universidad Católica San Antonio. Murcia, 2003. 348 págs. ISSN: 1180-921.
Violence and Borderline Cultures Edition of the issue 3 of Sphera Publica, with contributions by relevant sociologists like Michel Wieviorka, Michel Maffesoli, Gonzalo Abril, Bettina Schmidt, Miquel Rodrigo, Marc Howard Ross or Daniel Innerarity. It deals with the issue of cultural implications of violence and its representations in the media. |
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Los profesionales de la comunicación en el sector de las telecomunicaciones. Comisión del Mercado de las Telecomunicaciones y Universidad de Murcia. 2003. 112 pp + CD. ISBN: 84-933254-4-9. Communication in the Telecom Sector Pioneering work on the mobile transformations of the telecom sector and their implications in the communication professions. Includes the contribution of relevant professionals form the main Spanish and Latin American Telecoms. Includes a CD with an analysis of telecom advertising campaigns. |
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Comunicación y Cognición. Las bases de la complejidad. Sevilla, Comunicación Social Ediciones, 2003. 474 pp. ISBN 84-96082-09-1 Communication and Cognition: The bases for Complexity Seminal work based on PhD research on the implications of the complex thinking for the epistemology of communication. It includes extensive insights about the contribution of mathematics, systems theory and socio-cybernetics to the study of communication. |