


Below I included the old 2003 catalogue, for checking old records and literature investigations. A continuación incluyo el catálogo de los Carabidae ibéricos que publiqué en 2003, por si fuera de utilidad para investigaciones diversas.

SERRANO J. 2003. Catalogo de los Carabidae (Coleoptera) de la Península Ibérica. Monografías de la Sociedad Entomológica Aragonesa, 9. Zaragoza. 130 pp.

Catalogue of IBerian Carabidae

Otros Pdfs referidos a mis trabajos son (other available Pdfs are):

baleares_2015-4.pdf The fauna of Carabidae from the Balearic Islands

additions_corrections_catalogue_2013_boln_asoc_esp_2016-5.pdf NOvelties since the last catalogue of 2013.

Vanbergen AJ, Woodcock BA, Koivula M, Niemelä J, Kotze DJ, Bolger T, Golden V, Dubs F, Boulanger G, Serrano J, Lencina JL, Serrano A, Aguiar C, Grandchamp A-C, Stofer S, Szél G, Ivits E, Adler P, Markus J, Watt AD. 2010. Trophic level modulates carabid beetle responses to habitat and landscape structure: a pan-European study. Ecological Entomology 35: 226-235.

Effects of land use on carabid assemblages

Andújar C., Grebennikov V.V., Lencina J.L., Serrano J. 2010. A new Typhlocharis (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Anillini) from Spain: combining adult and larval morphological data with DNA information. Zootaxa 2845: 47–57. description of T. toletana combining three data sets

Ruiz C., Bjarte J., Serrano J. 2009. Molecular phylogeny of the tribe Sphodrini (Coleoptera: Carabidae) based on mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 50 (1):59-73. Phylogenetic relationships of subtribe of Sphodrini

Ruiz C., Jordal B.H., Emerson B.C., Will K.W, Serrano J. 2010. Phylogeny of the subtribe Calathina (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Sphodrini) in the Holarctic region based on nuclear and mitochondrial markers. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 55: 358-371. Relationships of genera within subtribe Calathina

Ruiz C., Bjarte J.H., Serrano J. 2012. Diversification of subgenus Calathus (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in the Mediterranean region – glacial refugia and taxon pulses. J. Biogeography 39: 1791-1805. evolution and phylogeny of genus Calathus

Chahbar N., Muñoz I., Dall’olio R., De La Rua P., Serrano J., Doumandji S. 2013. Population structure of North African honey bees is influenced by both biological and anthropogenic factors. J. Insect Conserv. 17:385–392. mitochondrial haplotypes and genetic diversity of Apis in Algeria

Andújar C., Serrano J., Gómez-Zurita J. 2012. Winding up the molecular clock in the genus Carabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae): assessment of methodological decisions on rate and node age estimation. BMC evolutionary Biology 12:40. methods for adjusting the molecular clock

Andújar C., Soria-Carrasco, V., Serrano José., Gómez-Zurita J. 2014. Congruence test of molecular clock calibration hypotheses based on Bayes factor comparisons. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 5: 226-242. selecting the best hypothese for phylogenetic inference

Andújar C., Gómez-Zurita J. Rasplus J.-Y., Serrano J. 2012. Molecular systematics and evolution of the subgenus Mesocarabus Thomson, 1875 (Coleoptera: Carabidae: Carabus), based on mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 166, 787–804. evolution of subgenus Mesocarabus

Andújar C., Arribas P., Ruiz C., Serrano J., Gómez-Zurita J. 2014. Integration of conflict into Integrative Taxonomy: Fitting hybridization in the delimitation of species hypotheses in Mesocarabus (Coleoptera: Carabidae). Molecular Ecology, 23, 4344–4361. how to integrate sources of data into a coherent evolutionary scenario: a stepwise procedure

Ortiz A.S. Galian J., Serrano J., Lencina J. L. 1987. La fauna de Carabidae de la Región de Murcia (Coleoptera, Adephaga). Publ. Univ. Murcia, Murcia. 78 pp. los_carabidae_de_la_region_de_murcia.pdflista_de_corotipos.docregional_distribution_of_iberian_carabidae_updated_oct_2017.xls