.- “DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF RESEARCH PROJECTS: I+D+I SYSTEM”, University of Murcia, 12/05/2014-06/06/2014, 12 hours (0.48 ECTS credits); .- Final Year Research Projects in the School of Labour, University of Murcia, 2014, 12 hours (0.48 ECTS credits);

.- Library Databases: A tool for Teaching and Research, 12 hours, University of Murcia, Center for Knowledge, Training and Career Development, February 1 2013- March 18 2013;

.- Workshop “Elaboration of teaching multimedia materials: Videos”, Institute for Science Education, University of Murcia, May 2012, 12 hours;

.- Workshop “Designing and Managing Researching Projects”, Institute for Science Education, University of Murcia, March 28th 2012- April 27th 2012, 12 hours;

.- Workshop “New Virtual Tools”, University of Murcia, 4 hours, November 17 2011;

.- Negotiation and Conflict Resolution, Institute for Science Education, University of Murcia, 23-24 March 2011;

.- How to prepare and design the teaching project? Institute for Science Education, University of Murcia, 9-10 February 2011, 8 hours;

.- Tutorials in Virtual Educational Systems, Institute for Education, University of Murcia, October 8th 2010, 4 hours;

.- The Role of ANECA in the development and assessment of academic career, Universidad de Murcia, Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, 6-7 de July 2010, 8 hours;

.- Workshop “Techniques to improve communication skills with students”, Instituto Ciencias Educación, Universidad de Murcia, 15, 16, 17 November 2010, 12 hours;

.- ACTIVE METHODOLOGIES: CASE-STUDY, PROBLEMS AND PROJECTS. June 17 2009, Instituto de Ciencias de la Educación, Universidad de Murcia, 8 hours;

CONFERENCES on Teaching Innovation: .- IV National Conference on Bologna Process, Universidad de Murcia; 22 y 23 September 2009; .- Annual Meeting of the Spanish Association of Political Science, “La Implantación de los Principios de Bolonia en el sistema educativo español. Políticas públicas, Universidades y participación ciudadana”, Málaga, 25 September 2009;