====== Lengua Inglesa III ====== ==== 2008-2009 ==== In due time, you will find on this page links to the lists of grades for this course. List of students who have to do the interview, **{{listado_orales_sept_09.pdf|Sept 09 - Group A}}**. List of students who have to do the interview, **{{listado_orales_b_sept_09.pdf|Sept 09 - Group B}}**. Grades for Group A and Group B, **{{listado_calificaciones_a_y_b_sept_09.pdf|Grades Sept 09 - Groups A & B}}**. ==== 2009-2010 ==== List of students who have to do the interview, **{{feb 2010.pdf|Feb 2010 - Groups A & B}}**. List of students who have to do the interview, **{{jun_2010_-_listado_acceso_oral.pdf|Jun 2010 - Group A}}**. Final grades for Lengua Inglesa III, Group A (Dr. Cerezo), **{{listado_de_calificaciones_finales_2010.pdf|Final Grades Jun 2010 - Group A}}** List of students who have to do the interview, **{{sept_2010_-_listado_acceso_oral.pdf|Sept 2010 - Group A}}**.