====== Grammar for Lengua Inglesa IV ====== {{grammar.jpg|Grammar for Lengua Inglesa IV}} The following are books that you can use as a reference to study the grammar contents of //Lengua Inglesa IV//: - Hewings, M. 1999. //Advanced Grammar in Use. A Self-Study Reference and Practice Book for Advanced Learners of English//. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. - Vince, M. 2003. //Advanced Language Practice with Key. English Grammar & Vocabulary//. Oxford: Macmillan. - Swan, M. & Walter, C. 1997. //How English Works. A Grammar Practice Book with Answers//. Oxford: Oxford University Press. - Gower, R. 2006. //Grammar in Practice 6. Upper Intermediate//. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. The following document gives you a list of the grammar topics included in your textbook (/Objective CAE/, 2nd Ed.) and the pages and/or sections in the above books where you can find more information and/or practice about those topics: **{{grammar_references.pdf|Grammar for Lengua Inglesa IV}}**. Another reference book you should consider investing on is: - Swan, M. 2005. //Practical English Usage//. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Below you will find access to links or documents to practice the different grammar topics to be covered in this course. === Unit 16: Articles === Practice the use of the definite and indefinite article doing these exercises from **[[http://a4esl.org]]**: Try an easy one first: **[[http://a4esl.org/q/h/vm/fampeople.html|Articles: Famous People]]**. Now go for a slightly more difficult one: **[[http://a4esl.org/q/h/9901/cw-articles.html|Articles: Health Clubs]]**. If you still need to review some of the rules that guide the use of articles in English, you can check the Grammar Folder at the end of your coursebook or/and visit the Online Writing Lab from Purdue University, where you will find a document precisely on **[[http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/540/01|How to use articles]]** in English. And/or you can try this other one: **[[http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/articlesum.html|Articles]]** from **[[http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/articlesum.html|Grammar-Quizzes.com]]**. === Unit 18 & Unit 19: Expressing emphasis === To learn about the use of cleft sentences and other means of expressing emphasis in English, please check pages 201-202 of your textbook. You can also check the Grammar for Lengua Inglesa document above, where you will find information about other reference/practice books where you can read more about emphasis. Additionally, read the **{{grammar_emphasis2.pdf|Expressing emphasis}}** document I have prepared for you, as a way of summary about the topic of emphasis in English. If you want to learn more about the type of language used for persuasion, visit **[[http://changingminds.org/techniques/language/persuasive/persuasive.htm|Persuasive Language]]**. To practice inversion in English, visit the **[[http://www.learn-english-today.com/lessons/lesson_contents/inversion-ex.htm|Learn English Today]]** website. === Unit 22 & 24: Linking devices === This is a very complete website about linking devices. Check it out at **[[http://prosites-eslflow.homestead.com/transitionalconnectingandlinkingwords.html|Linking devices]]**. === Unit 25: Complex sentences and adverbial clauses === Read about the different types of **[[http://web2.uvcs.uvic.ca/elc/studyzone/410/grammar/advcls.htm|Adverb Clauses]]** in English and get some practice, too. === Unit 26: Like, alike, as, such, and so === To practice the difference between "so" and "such" in certain contexts, please, do the following exercise: **[[http://a4esl.org/q/h/0101/ss-so_such.html|So vs. such]]**. To learn more about the uses of "as" and "like", you can also read the information on Grammar Quizzes: **[[http://www.grammar-quizzes.com/like-as.html|As/Like]]** and do the exercises that follow. More explanations on the use of "so" and "such" here: **[[http://www.englishpage.com/minitutorials/sosuch.html|So/Such]]**. Want more practice on "so" and "such"? Do the following exercise: **[[http://www.englishpage.com/minitutorials/sosuchexercise.htm|So/Such Exercise]]**. ---- ===== For the fun of it --or f.y.i! ===== If you wish to test your knowledge of the English grammar and/or simply do more grammar practice, you should certainly visit **[[http://a4esl.org|Activities for ESL Learners]]**.\\ Make sure you choose grammar exercises that suit your level. For that, on the menu at the top of the page, click on **Grammar-D** ("D" stands for "difficult")! ;-)