====== Readings and Assignments ====== ===== Readings ===== Here is a list with the titles of 2010-2011 readings: **READING FILE 1:** 1.a Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 3 __on kinds of testing__.\\ 1.b Heaton, J.B. 1988. Writing English Language Tests. Harlow, Essex: Longman. Please, read Chapter 3 on __objective testing__. **READING FILE 2:** 2.a Brown, H.D. 2004. Language Assessment. Principles and Classroom Practices. White Plains, NY: Longman. Please, read Chapter 2 __on practicality, validity and reliability__. 2.b Alderson, J.C., Clapham, C., and Wall, D. 1995. Language Test Construction and Evaluation. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 8 __on validity__.\\ 2.c Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 4 __on validity__.\\ 2.d Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 5 __on reliability__.\\ 2.e Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 6 __on washback__.\\ 2.f Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 1 __on washback__.\\ **READING FILE 3:** 3.a Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 8 __on common test techniques__.\\ 3.b Alderson, J.C., Clapham, C., and Wall, D. 1995. Language Test Construction and Evaluation. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 3, section 3.4 (item types) __on testing techniques__.\\ 3.c Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 13 __on techniques for testing grammar and vocabulary__.\\ 3.d Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 9 __on techniques for testing writing__.\\ 3.e Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 10 __on techniques for testing oral ability__.\\ 3.f Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 11 __on techniques for testing reading__.\\ 3.g Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 12 __on techniques for testing listening__.\\ 3.h Hughes, A. 2003. Testing for Language Teachers. Cambridge: CUP. Please, read Chapter 14 __on techniques for testing overall ability__. **GLOSSARY** Only the items marked with a cross are compulsory reading. ===== Assignments ===== Assignment 1 (Group work): Please, complete Form 1: **[[https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEpzaUQzQW1ncWU1ZHVRS0t4YUk1M2c6MQ|SL/FL Assessment 1]]**. Assignment 2 (Group work): Please, complete Form 2: **[[https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEJPVFRBNUFSSmU0c2pkWlFKdWpBV2c6MQ|SL/FL Assessment 2]]**. Assignment 3 (Individual work): Please, read the composition that you have been assigned and score it by the "impressionistic scoring method". Assignment 4 (Individual work): Now, score it using this **{{writing_ability_profile_for_essays.pdf|Scoring Rubric for Argumentative/Persuasive Essays}}**. Then, answer the questions on Form 3: **[[https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dElDcDlBWEstZVJKMm1LajNCQzNmenc6MQ|SL/FL Assessment 3]]**. Assignment 5 (Group work): Please, design a scoring rubric for the assessment of a summary written by learners at CEFR Level A2. Assignment 6 (Pair work): Please, watch the video on test impact with Dr. Elana Shohamy, and then answer the questions on Form 4: **[[https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dEJMRk9pOU5CZktZNVl1cF9sSnlqQWc6MQ|SL/FL Assessment 4]]**. Assignment 7 (Pair work): Please, watch the video on reliability with Dr. Alan Davies, and then answer the questions on Form 5: **[[https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHdpazJobXlqZldLcWlnWFRrWHNTR0E6MQ|SL/FL Assessment 5]]**. Important note: Assignments 6 and 7 are to be completed only be the students who took Técnicas de Evaluación del Aprendizaje del Inglés en el Aula in 5th year of Filología Inglesa. They will do these two assignments in substitution of Assignment 9. Assignment 8 (Group work): Please, study the quiz you have chosen from the four options given (Quiz 1, Quiz 5, Quiz 9 or Quiz 12), and then answer the questions in Form 6: **[[https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dG9JSG1oRERyZHFVcWg2WVkyUks4alE6MQ|SL/FL Assessment 6]]**. Assignment 9 (Group work): Please, photocopy Units 5-8 from //Touchstone 4// and develop a test with the instructions given in class. Assignment 10 (Group work): Please, complete Form 7, **[[https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHhfVDh5dnpRMUhoN1YzSnBaSGFOclE6MQ|SL/FL Assessment 7]]**, and Form 8 **[[https://spreadsheets.google.com/viewform?formkey=dHZ6dHBKejlTY1NFMWVPN2hmeVZnMkE6MQ|SL/FL Assessment 8]]**on the contents or readings 1.b from Reading File 1 and the readings contained in Reading File 2 and Reading File 3. **DEADLINE for submission of all assignments is MAY 20th, Friday.** ===== Materials for assignments ===== Materials for completion of course assignments: 1. Please, download and print a copy of the **{{tecnicas_material_for_practical_4.pdf|EFL Test}}** you need in order to complete Assignment 2. 2. Please, download and print a copy of the composition you have been assigned and do Assignment 3 and Assignment 4: a) **{{composition_sample_3.pdf|Composition sample 3}}**\\ b) **{{composition_sample_7.pdf|Composition sample 7}}**\\ c) **{{composition_sample_12.pdf|Composition sample 12}}**\\ d) **{{prompts_for_compositions.pdf|Writing prompts}}** to go with the composition samples above. {{bee01x0152.jpg|Hey!!}} Do you want to __try out a new way of providing feedback__ on student writings? Check out **[[http://www.cict.co.uk/markin/index.php|Markin]]**. 3. Summary writing. Download the materials here for completion of Assignment 5 (Scoring rubric development): - **[[http://www.wisc-online.com/objects/ViewObject.aspx?ID=TRG2603|Summary writing (1)]]**: Visit this website to obtain information about how to write a summary. You can use this website to teach your students how to write a summary. - **{{writing_summaries.pdf|Summary writing (2)}}**. - **{{writing_summaries_practice_ii.pdf|Summary writing (3)}}**. - **{{writing_summaries_worksheet1.pdf|Summary writing (4)}}**. - **{{writing_summaries_worksheet2.pdf|Summary writing (5)}}**. - Common European Framework of Languages (CEFR). Consult the CEFR to make sure that your expectations about the level of your students in terms of language use and skills is adequate: a) CEFR: **[[http://www.pearsonlongman.com/ae/cef/cefguide.pdf|Teacher guide]]**.\\ b) CEFR: **[[http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/source/Framework_EN.pdf|The CEFR]]**.\\ c) CEFR: **[[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_European_Framework_of_Reference_for_Languages|Wiki-summary of the CEFR]]**. 4. Software for quiz and test tasks creation: - **[[http://www.quiz.com|Quia.com]]** - **[[http://www.proprofs.com/quiz-school|Proprofs.com]]** - **[[http://www.easytestmaker.com|Easytestmaker.com]]** ====== Assessment ====== There are two modalities of assessment, one for each group of students. Group 1 is comprised of those of you who did not take Técnicas in 5º Filología Inglesa. Group 2 is comprised of those of you who did take it. ==== Assessment criteria for Group 1 ==== There will not be a final exam. So, the whole of your grade for this part of the module will be based on coursework, as detailed: Assignment 1: 5%\\ Assignment 2: 10%\\ Assignment 3 and Assignment 4: 15%\\ Assignment 5: 15%\\ Assignment 6 and Assignment 7: You do not have to do these two assignments.\\ Assignment 8: 15%\\ Assignment 9: 25%\\ Assignment 10: 15% ==== Assessment criteria for Group 2 ==== Assignment 1: 5%\\ Assignment 2: 10%\\ Assignment 3 and Assignment 4: 15%\\ Assignment 5: 15%\\ Assignment 6: 10%\\ Assignment 7: 15%\\ Assignment 8: 15%\\ Assignment 9: You do not have to do this assignment.\\ Assignment 10: 15%