A summary of what blogs are and the possibilities of blogs for language teaching and learning can be found in my
BLOGS PowerPoint Presentation.

You can also learn more about blogs and how they can be used for teaching and learning English by visiting the following websites:

Sandy Peters' Creating your own ESL/EFL weblog.

Aaron P. Campbell's Weblogs for Use with ESL Classes.

Larry M. Lynch's Becoming a better EFL Teacher Blog.

Graham Davies' ICT for Language Teachers.

Joe Dale's Integrating ICT into the MFL Classroom.

Steve Kaufman's The Linguist on Language.

George Siemens' The Art of Blogging Part 1 and The Art of Blogging Part 2.

Anton Elloway's BALL (Blog Assisted Language Learning).

BBC Teaching English's Blogging for ELT.

For blogging software, other EFL/ESL/TEFL/TESL, etc. blogs, applications of blogs to language teaching, etc., review my PowerPoint Presentation.