
A summary of what WebQuests are and their possibilities in language teaching and learning can be found in my
WEBQUESTS PowerPoint Presentation.

To find out more about the nature of WebQuests and their likely applications for language learning and teaching, visit the following websites:

WebQuest Central: WebQuest.Org. This is THE website to visit if you are to learn anything about WebQuests. It informs you about the nature of the webquest, it provides examples that help understand the concept of the webquest, and it even allows you to create and share your own webquests!

WebQuest Taskonomy: A Taxonomy of Tasks for WebQuests. This is a page created by the original creator of the WebQuest, Bernie Dodge. Here you'll find the definitions for the different tasks that students can be assigned in a webquest, as well as examples of those types of webquest.

Tasks Map: A Tasks Map. From this page you can access the different kinds of task that give rise to different webquests individually. Tips on how to instruct the students as to how to carry out the task are also given. A very visual and illustrative page for the teacher.

Isabel Perez on WebQuests: WebQuests. You cannot miss Isabel Pérez's webpage dedicate to webquests. It explains what WebQuests are and provides links to other important pages and sites on WebQuests.