{{:whatsapp_image_2023-08-13_at_05.10.43.jpeg?400|}} =========== WELCOME TO MY WEBSITE ============== I graduated in English Language and Literature at the University of Murcia in 1997 after having been awarded a grant by the Ministry of Education in 1996. I obtained a postgraduate degree in translation English-Spanish in 2005. In 2008, I got my DEA (pre-doctoral advanced degree) at the University of Murcia. In 2009, I joined the English Department of the University of Murcia, where I continue working full-time. I am also a member of the LACELL research group within the English department (http://www.um.es/grupolacell/), specialised in corpus linguistics, lexicology and lexicography and foreign language teaching and learning, amongst other. My teaching areas are English as an instrumental and specialised language in the Degrees of English, Spanish Language and Literature, and Law. At present I also train secondary school teachers at the Teacher Training Masters Course (MFP) offered by the University of Murcia. In November 2013 I obtained my PhD in Corpus Linguistics with the thesis entitled //Identification and Analysis of the Specialised Vocabulary of British Law Reports: A Corpus-Driven Study of this Genre, at the Core of Common-law Legal Systems//. In order for the research to be carried out, an 8.85 million-word legal corpus of law reports, the //BLaRC (The British Law Report Corpus)// was compiled. It has recently been made available at Tom Cobb’s Lextutor website: http://www.lextutor.ca/concordancers/concord_e.html, on the FLAX (Flexible Language Learning project): http://flax.nzdl.org/greenstone3/flax and on A. Kilgarriff’s Sketch Engine: https://www.sketchengine.co.uk/. As regards my main research interests and publications, I have attended international conferences such as several editions of the Corpora and Discourse International Conference (UK and Italy); Spotlight on courts 2021: Judges and their discourse from a multidisciplinary perspective (Poland); the 12th International Bilkent University School of English Language Conference held in Ankara, Turkey; 35e Colloque du GERAS held in Aix en Provence, XIII Simposio Iberoamericano de Terminología, RITerm 2012. I have published articles in scientific journals like //Terminology, Corpora, Miscelánea: Journal of English and American Studies// or //Procedia -Social and Behavioral Sciences-// and visited the universities of Portsmouth, Limerick, Oslo and Cartagena as a guest researcher in the last years. I have also been invited as a plenary lecturer to a conference on corpus linguistics and legal language entitled "The fabric of language and law. Discovering Patterns Through Legal Corpus Linguistics", which was held in March 2016 at the University of Heidelberg, Germany as well as to the conference "Spotlight on courts 2021: Judges and their discourse from a multidisciplinary perspective". As part of my research activity, I have acted as reviewer of articles published by //Language in Contrast, ESP Today// and //Corpora//, all of them indexed in SJR or ERIH plus. From 2018 to 2021 I was the general editor of the //International Journal of English Studies//, indexed in ERIH, SJR, Scopus and DICE, amongst other. http://revistas.um.es/ijes/index. ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0177-4860 GOOGLE SCHOLAR: https://scholar.google.es/citations?user=Ich5xL8AAAAJ&hl=en