====== ARTICLES ====== Marín, M.J. and Rea, C. (2012). "Structure and design of the BLRC: a legal corpus of judicial decisions from the UK". //Journal of English Studies//, 10: 131-145. [[http://dx.doi.org/10.18172/jes.184]] Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2012). How relevant are Latin wordforms and clusters in legal English? A corpus-based study on the representativeness and specificity of such elements in UKSCC: an "ad hoc" legal corpus. //ES: Revista de Filología Inglesa, 33//: 161-182. [[https://dialnet.unirioja.es/servlet/articulo?codigo=4546700]] Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2013). "Automatic Access to Legal Terminology Applying Two Different Automatic Term Recognition Methods". //Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 95. Corpus Resources for Descriptive and Applied Studies. Current Challenges and Future Directions: Selected Papers from the 5th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2013)-//. Elsevier Ltd. [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S187704281304189X]] Marín, M.J. (2014). "Evaluation of five single-word term recognition methods on a legal corpus". //Corpora, 9 (1)//: 83-107. [[http://www.euppublishing.com/doi/pdfplus/10.3366/cor.2014.0052]]{{corpora.pdf|}} Marín, M.J. (2014). "A Proposal to Exploit Legal Term Repertoires Extracted Automatically from a Legal English Corpus". //Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 49//: 53-72. [[https://papiro.unizar.es/ojs/index.php/misc/article/view/8774]] Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2014). "Assessing four automatic term recognition methods: Are they domain-dependent?". //English for Specific Purposes World, 42//: 1-27. [[https://acortar.link/QbYL2x]] Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2014). "Researching legal terminology: A corpus-based proposal for the analysis of sub-technical legal terms". //ASP La Revue du GERAS, 66//: 61-82. [[http://asp.revues.org/4572]] Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2014). "A corpus-based proposal for the grading of vocabulary teaching materials for the legal English class". //Journal of Second Language Teaching and Research, 3 (1)//: 24-36. [[https://pops.uclan.ac.uk/index.php/jsltr/article/view/232]] Marín, M.J. (2015). "Measuring precision in legal term mining: a corpus-based validation of single and multi-word term recognition methods". //ESP World, 46//: 1-23. [[https://acortar.link/hJs4dE]] Marín, M.J., Fernandez, P. (2015). "The Influence of Cognates on the Acquisition of Legal Terminology: Help or Hindrance? A Corpus-based Study". //Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 198: Current Work in Corpus Linguistics: Working with Traditionally- conceived Corpora and Beyond. Selected Papers from the 7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2015)//: 320-329. [[https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042815044511]] doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.07.450 Rea, C., Marín, M.J. (2015). "A Key Perspective on Specialized Lexis: Keywords in Telecommunication Engineering for CLIL". //Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences, 198: Current Work in Corpus Linguistics: Working with Traditionally- conceived Corpora and Beyond. Selected Papers from the 7th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2015)//: 386-396. [[http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1877042815044596]] doi:10.1016/j.sbspro.2015.07.458 Marín Pérez, M.J. (2016). "Measuring the Degree of Specialisation of Sub-Technical Legal Terms through Corpus Comparison: a Domain-Independent Method". //Terminology//, 22(1): 80-102. [[https://benjamins.com/catalog/term.22.1.04mar]] Marín Pérez, M.J., Orts Llopis, M.A. & Fitzgerald, A. (2017). "A Data-driven Learning experiment in the legal English classroom using the FLAX platform". //Miscelánea: A Journal of English and American Studies, 55//: 37-64. [[https://papiro.unizar.es/ojs/index.php/misc/article/view/6814]] Marín, M.J. (2017). Legalese as Seen Through the Lens of Corpus Linguistics. An Introduction to Software Tools for Terminological Analysis. International Journal of Language and Law (JLL), 6: 18-45. [[https://www.languageandlaw.de/jll/article/view/19/23]] Marín, M.J. & Rea Rizzo, C. (2017). "Assessing EPAP lexical traits: A corpus-based study". Quaderns de Filologia: Estudis Lingüístics, 22: 165-186 [[https://ojs.uv.es/index.php/qfilologia/article/view/11307]] Marín, M.J. (2019). "Exploring the unexpected in legal discourse: a corpus-based contrastive analysis of Spanish and British judgments on immigration". //ESP Today//, 7 (2): 161-183. [[https://www.esptodayjournal.org/pdf/december_2019/2_Maria_Jose_Marin_Perez_full_text.pdf]] Marín, M.J., Almela Sánchez-Lafuente, A. (2022). "The representation of migrants in Spanish judicial decisions: using corpus data to refute hate speech". //Corpora//, 17 (2): 167–196. [[http://hdl.handle.net/10201/139422]] [[https://doi.org/10.3366/cor.2022.0253]] García-Díaz, J. A., Almela, Á., García-Sánchez, F., Alcaráz Mármol, G., Marín-Pérez, M. J., & Valencia-García, R. (2023). "Overview of FinancES 2023: Financial Targeted Sentiment Analysis in Spanish". //Procesamiento Del Lenguaje Natural//, 71(0). [[http://journal.sepln.org/sepln/ojs/ojs/index.php/pln/article/view/6571]] Marín Pérez, M.J. & Aguado Jiménez, P. (2024). DDL learning in ESP teaching: An exploratory study on multi-word unit usage in business letters. //ESP Today//, 12(2), 157-177. (Forthcoming). [[https://www.esptodayjournal.org/pdf/june_2024/3_Maria-Jose_Marin-Perez_&_Maria-Pilar_Aguado-Jimenez.pdf]] ====== CONFERENCE TALKS AND PROCEEDINGS ====== Marín, M.J. and Rea, C. (2010). "Assessing students' awareness of their writing progress in the Bologna Process framework". Symposium on Second Language Writing. Universidad de Murcia. May 2010. Marín, M.J. and Rea, C. (2011) . "{{cilc2011.pdf|Design and compilation of a legal English corpus based on UK law reports: the process of making decisions}}" in Carrió Pastor, M. L. y Candel Mora, M. A. (2011). //Las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones: Presente y futuro en el análisis de córpora//. Actas del III Congreso Internacional de Lingüística de Corpus. Valencia: Universitat Politècnica de València. 101-110. Rea, C. and Marín, M.J. (2011) {{ponencia_publicada_ciid_cartagena_2011.pdf|"Specialized corpora on the base of teaching innovation in ESP"}}. Actas del I Congreso Internacional de Innovación docente. Cartagena: Universidad Politécnica de Cartagena. Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2012) "A descriptive analysis of crime nouns in UKSCC, a legal corpus". The 12th International Bilkent University School of English Language Conference. EAP within the University Curriculum: Trends and Challenges. Ankara, Turkey. 8-9 June 2012. Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2012) "Extracción automática de términos especíalizados en UKSCC y TEC: dos corpus específicos". XIII Simposio Iberoamericano de Terminología, RITerm 2012. Universidad de Alicante. 25-27 October 2012. Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2013) "Automatic access to legal terminology applying two different ATR methods". V Congreso Internacional de Lingüística del corpus. Universidad de Alicante. 14-16 March 2013. Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2014) "La utilización de métodos de aprendizaje data-driven en la enseñanza del inglés jurídico". II Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente. Universidad de Murcia. 20-21 February 2014. Rea, C., Marín, M.J. (2014) "Shortening processes in word formation: abbreviations in telecommunication English". 35e Colloque du GERAS (Groupe d'Étude et de Recherche en Anglais de Spécialité). University of Aix-Marseille. 20th to 22nd March, Aix en Provence, France. Marín, M.J. (2014) "How do sub-technical words activate specialised meanings in the legal context? A corpus-based approach applying the lexical constellation model". 35e Colloque du GERAS (Groupe d'Étude et de Recherche en Anglais de Spécialité). University of Aix-Marseille. 20th to 22nd March, Aix en Provence, France. Marín, M.J., Fernández Toledo, P. (2015) "The influence of cognate meaning detection on the acquisition on the acquistion of legal terminology: Help or hindrance? A corpus-based study". VII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística del Corpus. Universidad de Valladolid, Marzo, 2015. Rea, C., Marín, M.J. (2015) "A key perspective on specialised lexis: keywords in Telecommunications English for CLIL" VII Congreso Internacional de Lingüística del Corpus. Universidad de Valladolid, Marzo, 2015. Marín, M.J., Orts, M.A., Fitzgerald, A. (2015). “Construcción de corpus para I+D, proyecto multimodal FLAX”. I Jornadas para la Alfabetización e Inteligencias múltiples. Universidad de Murcia, Mayo, 2015. [[https://www.um.es/documents/4874468/9247206/MarinOrtsFitz.pdf/20aa56d0-a612-4217-91e5-accd59e2a9aa]] Rea, C., Marín, M.J. (2015). "Using Data-Driven Learning Methods in Telecommunication English Teaching". International Conference ICT for Language Learning (8 edition). Florence, Italy. 12-13 November, 2015. PROCEEDINGS: [[http://conference.pixel-online.net/ICT4LL/files/ict4ll/ed0008/FP/1991-LSP1257-FP-ICT4LL8.pdf]] Marin, M.J. (2016). "Unveiling the intricacies of legal English terminology from a corpus-driven perspective" (__**invited talk**__). The Fabric of Law and Language. International Conference: Discovering patterns through legal corpus linguistics. 18th-19th March 2016. Heidelberg Academy of Sciences. Heidelberg, Germany. Marín, M.J., Rea, C. (2016). "An Appraisal of Enrique Alcaraz's description of ESP lexical traits". 34 Congreso Internacional AESLA. Universidad de Alicante. 14-16 Abril 2016. Marín, M.J., Orts, M.A. (2017). "The Flexible Language Acquisition platform (FLAX): measuring its efficacy in the legal English classroom" 25th Conference of AELFE (Spanish Association of Languages for Specific Purposes). Mérida: Universidad de Extremadura. 15-16 June. Marín, M.J. (2018) "Corpus linguistics and legal discourse: a bottom-up characterisation of its specialised lexicon". V International Seminar on English and ESP Lexicology and Lexicography: the Words of the Law. Universidad de Alicante. 26-27 April. Marín, M.J. (2018). "Immigration through the lens of the Spanish and British judiciary. Bringing systemic linguistics into the equation". Corpora and Discourse International Conference. Lancaster University, UK. 22nd to 24th June. Marín, M.J. & Rea, C. (2019). "Objectiveness and detachment in legalese: is it justified to take them for granted? A corpus-driven profiling of the vocabulary of appraisal in legal English". XI Congreso Internacional de Lingüística del Corpus. Universidad de Valencia. 15-17 mayo 2019. Marín, M.J. (2019). "The applications of corpus linguistics techniques to the study of legal language: Automatic term recognition and lexical collocations”. 22nd Conference on Languages for Specific Purposes. Universidad de Padua, Italia. 10-12 Julio. Marín, M.J. (2019) "A corpus-based comparative analysis of evaluative language in judicial decisions: legal language and the expression of emotion". 1st Conference of the Austrian Association for Legal Linguistics (ÖGRL), entitled: Contemporary Approaches to Legal Linguistics. Viena, Austria. 8-10 November. Rea Rizzo, C. Marín, M.J. (2019) "The Development of an Online Lexical Tool to Support Bilingual Teaching in Higher Education". 43rd AEDEAN Conference. Alicante, Spain. 13-15 November. Marín Pérez, M. J., Almela Sánchez-Lafuente (2020). "The representation of migrants in Spanish judicial decisions: using data to refute hate speech". Corpora & Discourse International Conference 2020. Sussex, UK (online conference). Marín Pérez, M.J. (2021). "A corpus-based comparative analysis of the evaluative lexicon found in judicial decisions on immigration" (__**invited talk**__). Spotlight on courts 2021: Judges and their discourse from a multidisciplinary perspective. Lodz, Poland (online conference). Marín, M.J. (2021). "Collocational networks and subjectivity in judicial discourse: A corpus-based comparative analysis". Approaches to Migration, Language and Identity 2021. Sussex, UK. (Online conference) Marín, M.J. (2022). "Moratín’s Hamlet (1798): A neoclassical author before the myth". 6th Corpora and Discourse International Conference. Bertinoro, Italy. 26-28 August. Marín, M.J., Almela Sánchez Lafuente, A., Rea Rizzo, C. (2023). "The depiction of women in business texts: a corpus-driven study". 14th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC2023). Oviedo, Spain. 10-12 May. Marín, M.J. & Aguado Jiménez, P. (2023). "An experimental approach to multi-word unit usage in a business English learner corpus". Genres and languages in digital communication: trends and new directions. 21st AELFE conference. Zaragoza, Spain. 28-30 Junio. García-Díaz, J.A., Miñarro-Giménez, J.A., Almela, Á., Alcaraz-Mármol, G., Marín-Pérez, M.J., García-Sánchez, F., Valencia-García, R. (2023) AIInFunds. Intelligent Services for Monitoring Tendencies of Alternative Investment Funds. Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Natural Language Processing 2023: Projects and System Demonstrations (SEPLN-PD 2023)co-located with the International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023) Jaén, Spain. September 27-29. [[https://portalinvestigacion.um.es/documentos/65620880f2e9e72161e16716]] García-Díaz, J.A., Miñarro-Giménez, J.M., Almela, Á., Alcaraz-Mármol, G., Marín-Pérez, M.J., García-Sánchez, F., Valencia-García, R. (2023) A Platform for Monitoring Financial and Economic Information towards Alternative Investment Funds. Annual Conference of the Spanish Association for Natural Language Processing 2023: Projects and System Demonstrations (SEPLN-PD 2023) co-located with the International Conference of the Spanish Society for Natural Language Processing (SEPLN 2023)Jaén, Spain. September 27-29. [[https://portalinvestigacion.um.es/documentos/65620880f2e9e72161e16719]] García-Díaz, J.A., Pan, R., Alcaráz-Mármol, G., Marín-Pérez, M.J., Valencia-García, R. (2023). UMUTeam at SemEval-2023 Task 11: Ensemble Learning applied to Binary Supervised Classifiers with disagreements. 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023. Toronto, Canada. July. [[https://portalinvestigacion.um.es/documentos/6550da6492517a5a7db956e1]] García-Díaz, J.A., Caparros-Laiz, C., Almela, Á., Alcaráz-Mármol, G., Marín-Pérez, M.J., Valencia-García, R. UMUTeam at SemEval-2023 Task 12: Ensemble Learning of LLMs applied to Sentiment Analysis for Low-resource African Languages. 17th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation, SemEval 2023. Toronto, Canada. July. [[https://portalinvestigacion.um.es/documentos/6550da6592517a5a7db956f7]] Marín, M.J. & Aguado Jiménez, P. (2024). "Usando herramientas de corpus en el aula de inglés de los negocios". II Jornadas de innovación docente: lenguas modernas/ filología. Universidad de Murcia, Spain. 18th-19th March. Marín, M.J. & Aguado Jiménez, P. (2024). An experimental approach to multi-word unit usage in a business English learner corpus. 16th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Manchester, UK. 7th-10th July. ====== BOOK CHAPTERS ====== Marín, M.J.; Rea, C. (2014). "Extracción automática de términos especializados en //UKSCC// y //TEC//, dos corpus específicos". TIC, trabajo colaborativo e interacción en Terminología y Traducción. Colección Interlingua, 132. Granada: Comares: 653-660. [[https://acortar.link/c5yTF7]] Fitzgerald, A., Wu, S., Marín Pérez, M. J. (2015). FLAX: Flexible and open corpus-based language collections development. In //10 years of the LLAS elearning symposium: Case studies in good practice//. Borthwick, K., Corradini, E., Dickens, A. (Eds.), Dublin: Research-publishing.net: 1-13. [[http://research-publishing.net/publication/978-1-908416-23-0.pdf]] ISBN: 978-1-908416-23-0 Marín Pérez, M.J., Orts, M.A., Fitzgerald, A. (2015). "Construcción de corpus para I+D, proyecto multimodal FLAX". In //Alfabetización e inteligencias múltiples: El componente transversal del aprendizaje y las pedagogías críticas//. Marín Pérez, M.J., Fernández Toledo, P. Villaplana Ruiz, V., Grandío Pérez, M.M. (eds.). Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, Unidad de Innovación. Online Resource {{marin_orts_fitzgerald_texto.pdf|}} ISBN: 978-84-606-9631-5. Fitzgerald, A., Marín, M.J., Wu. S., Witten, I. H. (2017). "Evaluating the efficacy of the digital commons for scaling data-driven learning". In M. Carrier, R. Damerow, K. Bailey (Eds.), //Digital Language Learning and Teaching: Research, Theory and Practice//. Global Research on Teaching and Learning English Series. Routledge, Taylor & Francis. ISBN: 978-1138696815 [[https://www.amazon.com/reader/1138696811/ref=rdr_sb_li_hist_1&state=01111]]{{routledge_tirf_tech_chapter_fitzgerald_acceptedmanuscript.pdf|}} Marín, M.J. (2021). "Building immigration through legal language: a corpus driven analysis of British judicial decisions". In Leisser, D. and Green, L. //Contemporary Approaches to Legal Linguistics//. Münster: LIT-Verlag. [[https://www.lit-verlag.de/isbn/978-3-643-91387-6]]. Pre-print: [[https://acortar.link/g95pFc]] Marín, M.J. (2021). "A corpus-based comparative analysis of the evaluative lexicon found in judicial decisions on immigration". In Gozdz-Roszkowski, S. and Portrandolfo, G (eds.). Law, Language and the Courtroom: Legal Linguistics and the Discourse of Judges. New York: Routledge. Publisher's version: [[https://acortar.link/H9uGUA]]. Pre-print:[[https://acortar.link/v4wAcD]] Marín, M.J. (2023). "Automatic term recognition and legal language: A shorter path to the lexical profiling of legal texts?". In Biel, L. (ed.). //Handbook of Legal Terminology//. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. University repository (pre-print):[[https://digitum.um.es/digitum/bitstream/10201/139462/1/Handbook%20JB.pdf]]. Publisher's version: [[https://benjamins.com/online/hot/articles/hot.3.aut2]]. ====== BOOKS ====== Mompeán González, J.A. & Marín, M.J. (2017) //Lingüística contrasta aplicada a la traducción (inglés-español)//. Murcia: Editum. ISBN: 9788417157098. [[https://publicaciones.um.es/publicaciones/public/obras/ficha.seam?numero=2587&edicion=1&cid=5931]] Alfabetizaciones, transalfabetización e inteligencias múltiples: el componente transversal en el aprendizaje y las pedagogías críticas. Marín Pérez, M.J., Fernández Toledo, P., Villaplana Ruiz, V., Grandío Pérez, M.M. (eds.). (2015) Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, Unidad de Innovación. ISBN: 978-84-606-9631-5. URL: [[https://www.um.es/web/innovacion/noticias/jornadas/nuevos-espacios-alfabetizacion]] Marín Pérez, María José (2023) //El Hamlet de Moratín (1798): el neoclasicismo frente al mito. Sexo y género en la tragedia shakespeariana// Bern: Peter Lang. ISBN: 978-3-0343-4631-3 [[https://new.peterlang.com/book/isbn/9783034346566]]. University repository: [[http://hdl.handle.net/10201/139421]]