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  • Benito, B.; Martínez-Córdoba, P.J. and Guillamón, Mª.D. (2020): “Impact of politicians’ salaries and their dedication regime on the efficiency of municipal public services”, Local Government Studies, accepted for publication. (https://doi.org/10.1080/03003930.2020.1768851)
  • Guillamón, Mª.D.; Cifuentes, J.; Faura, U. and Benito, B. (2020): “Effect of political corruption on municipal tax revenues”, Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, .
  • Benito, B.; Guillamón, Mª.D. and Martínez-Córdoba, P.J. (2020): “Determinants of efficiency improvement in the Spanish public lighting sector”, Utilities Policy, vol. 64, June (in progress) (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2020.101026).
  • Metallo, C.; Gesuele, B.; Guillamón, Mª.D. and Ríos, A.M. (2020): “Determinants of public engagement on municipalities' Facebook pages”, The Information Society, accepted for publication (https://doi.org/10.1080/01972243.2020.1737605).
  • Benito, B.; Faura, U.; Guillamón, Mª.D. and Ríos, A.Mª. (2019): “The efficiency of public services in small municipalities: the case of drinking water”, Cities, vol. 93 (october), pp. 95-103 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cities.2019.04.016).
  • Bastida, F.; Guillamón, Mª.D.; Benito, B. and Ríos, A.Mª. (2019): “Corruption premium on municipal borrowing cost: the case of Spanish Mayors”, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting and Financial Management, vol. 31, nº 3, pp. 392-409 (https://doi.org/10.1108/JPBAFM-12-2018-0143).
  • Benito, B.; Faura, U.; Guillamón, Mª.D. and Ríos, A.Mª. (2019): “Empirical evidence for efficiency in provision of drinking water”, Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management, vol. 145, nº 4 (https://ascelibrary.org/journal/jwrmd5).
  • Bastida, F.; Benito, B.; Guillamón, Mª.D. and Ríos, A.Mª. (2018): “Corruption and electoral outcomes in Spanish local governments”. Chapter of the book Retos de la contabilidad y la auditoría en la economía actual. Homenaje al profesor Vicente Montesinos Julve, edited by B. Benito, I. Brusca, V. Condor, R. Dasí, Mª.A. García-Benau, A. Gimeno and J.M. Vela (ISBN 978-84-157-5), Ed. Universidad de Valencia, pp. 519-532.
  • Benito, B.; Guillamón, Mª.D. and Ríos, A.M. (2018): “Public Management Versus Private Management in the Provision of Drinking Water: What is the Cheapest?”, Lex Localis - Journal of Local Self-Government, vol. 16, nº 2, pp. 271-292.
  • Benito, B.; Guillamón, Mª.D.; Ríos, A.Mª. and Bastida,F. (2018): “Can salaries and re-election prevent political corruption? An empirical evidence”, Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, vol. 21, nº 1, pp. 19-27 (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rcsar.2017.04.003).
  • Ríos, A.Mª.; Guillamón, Mª.D.; Benito, B. and Bastida, F. (2018): “The influence of transparency on budget forecast deviations in municipal governments”, Journal of Forecasting, vol. 37, nº 4, pp. 457-474 (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/1099131x).
  • Benito, B.; Guillamón, Mª.D.; Ríos, A.Mª y Ruiz, F.J. (2017): “Determinantes del gasto en cultura en los municipios españoles”, chapter of the book Jornada ASEPUC Homenaje al Profesor D. José María Requena Rodríguez (ISBN 978-84-941823-6-5), Ed. Universidad de Málaga, Málaga, pp. 127-144.
  • Benito, B.; Guillamón, Mª.D. y López, P. (2017): “Determinantes del coste efectivo del servicio municipal de recogida de basuras”, chapter of the book Contabilidad, auditoría y empresa en una economía global (en homenaje al Prof. Dr. D. Pedro Luengo Mulet) (ISBN 978-84-933070-3-5), Ed. Colegio de Economistas de la Región de Murcia, Murcia (http://01.fidedigno.es/eco/boletin158/content/Libro%20con%20portada.pdf#page=174).
  • Benito, B.; Guillamón, Mª.D. and Ríos, A-Mª (2017): “The electoral budget cycle on municipal waste collection expenditure”, Applied Economics, vol. 49, nº 41, pp. 4161-4179 (http://www.tandfonline.com/toc/raec20/current).
  • Bastida, F; Guillamón, Mª.D. and Benito, B.(2017): “Fiscal transparency and the cost of sovereign debt”, International Review of Administrative Sciences, vol. 83, nº 1, pp. 106-128 (http://journals.sagepub.com/home/ras).
  • Guillamón, Mª.D.; Ríos, A.M.; Gesuele, B. and Metallo, C. (2016): “Factors Influencing Social Media Use in Local Governments: The Case of Italy and Spain”, Government Information Quarterly“, vol. 33, nº 3, pp.460-471(http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1ToH~,Grm00yj3).
  • Benito, B.; Guillamón, Mª.D.; Bastida, F. and Vicente, C. (2016): “Are politicians successful in their electoral strategies? The case of tax revenue budgeting errors”, Lex Localis - Journal of Local Self-Government, vol. 14, nº 2, pp.157-184 (http://pub.lex-localis.info/index.php/LexLocalis/index).
  • Cohen, S.; Guillamón, Mª.D.; Lapsley, I. and Robbins, G.(2015): “Accounting for Austerity: The Troika in the Eurozone”, Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, vol. 28, nº 6, pp. 966-992 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/AAAJ-04-2014-1668).
  • Vicente, C., Ríos, A.M. y Guillamón, Mª. D.(2013): “Voting behavior and budget stability”, Revista de Contabilidad-Spanish Accounting Review, vol. 16, nº 1, pp. 46-52. (http://www.rc-sar.es/verPdf.php?articleId=238)
  • Benito, B.; Bastida, F. y Guillamón, Mª.D. (2012): “Public-Private Partnerships in the Context of the European System of Accounts (ESA95)”, Open Journal of Accounting, vol. 1, nº 1, pp. 1-10. (http://www.scirp.org/journal/ojacct/)
  • Guillamón, Mª. D.; Benito, B. y Bastida, F. (2011): “Evaluación de la deuda pública local en España”, Revista Española de Financiación y Contabilidad, vol. XL, nº 150, pp. 251-285. (http://aeca.es/pub/refc/articulos.php?id=1128)
  • Benito, B.; Bastida, F. J. y Guillamón, Mª.D. (2010): “Central Government Fiscal Transparency and the Role of Debt Rating”. Chapter 11 of the book “Public Administration, NGO's and Public Debt: Issues and Perspectives (America in the 21st Century: Political and Economic Issues)” editado por Marcel Kratochvil and Valentin Pokorny (ISBN: 978-1-60741-597-8), Ed. Novapublishers, Hauppauge, New York.
  • Benito, B.; Bastida, F. J. y Guillamón, Mª.D. (2009): “An empirical assessment of the municipal financial situation in Spain”, International Public Management Journal, vol. 12, nº 4, pp. 1-16. (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10967490903328139)
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  • Última modificación: 2020/05/18 12:16
  • por mdguillamon@um.es