====== Publicaciones ====== * “Sequential licensing with several competing technologies” (with Ramon Faulí-Oller). SERIEs, 15: 179-201, 2024. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13209-023-00295-x. * “Excessive vs. insufficient entry in spatial models: When product design and market size matter” (with Luis Granero). Mathematical Social Sciences, 106: 27-35, 2020. * “Anticompetitive traps and voting” (with Diego Peñarrubia). Mathematical Social Sciences, 104: 47-59, 2020. * “Competition with Targeted Product Design: Price, Variety, and Welfare” (with Luis Granero). International Journal of Industrial Organization, 59: 406-428, 2018. * “Intellectual property”, chapter 14 in Handbook of Game Theory and Industrial Organization,Volume II: Applications, L. Corchon and M. Marini (eds.), Edward Elgar, Chelthenam, UK, Northampton, MA, USA, 2018. * “Firm size distortions under duopoly” (with Diego Peñarrubia). Estudios de Economía, 44(2): 31-46, 2017. * “Merger policy in innovative industries” (with Luis Granero). Portuguese Economic Journal, 15:131–147, 2016. * “Quality Choice and Advertising Regulation in Broadcasting Markets” (with Francisco Martínez-Sánchez). Journal of Economics, 114: 107–126, 2015. * “Information and Quality with an Increasing Number of Brands” (with Francisco Alcalá and Irene Martínez-Pardina). International Journal of Industrial Organization, 37: 109-117, 2014. * “The role of Program Quality and Publicly-owned Platforms in the Free to Air Broadcasting Industry” (with Francisco Martínez-Sánchez). SERIEs, 5: 105-124, 2014. * “Basic R&D in Vertical Markets” (with Luis Granero). The Manchester School, 81(3): 258–275, 2013. * “Artistic Creation and Intellectual Property: A Professional Career Approach” (with Francisco Alcalá). Journal or Economics and Management Strategy, 21(3): 633-672, 2012. * “Copying, Superstars, and Artistic Creation”, (with Francisco Alcalá). Information Economics and Policy, 22(4): 365-378, 2010.  * “Coordination Incentives Under Complementary Cost-reducing Technologies”. Australian Economic Papers, 47(3): 221-234, 2008.  * “Innovation, Merger Policy and Technology Transfer” (with Diego Peñarrubia). Investigaciones Económicas, 29(1): 181-201, 2005.  * “Cooperation versus Competition in Product Innovation” (with Diego Peñarrubia). Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 14(4), 305-318, 2005. * “Industrial Loans and Market Structure” (with Luis M. Granero). European Economic Review, 47: 841-855, 2003. * “Union Structure and Incentives for Innovation” (with Vicente Calabuig). European Journal of Political Economy, 18: 177-192, 2002. * “Delegation and Mergers in Oligopoly” (with Javier López-Cuñat), International Journal of Industrial Organization, 19(8): 1263-1279, 2001. * “Divisionalization with Spatial Differentiation”, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 19(8): 1297-1313, 2001. * "Second Best Trade Policies in Cournot Oligopoly" (with Luis Corchón). Spanish Economic Review, 3(2): 81-96, 2001. * “Divisionalization and Delegation in Oligopoly”, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 9(3): 321-338, 2000. * “On the Competitive Effects of Divisionalization” (with Luis Corchón). Mathematical Social Sciences, 39: 71-79, 2000. * “Aspectos estratégicos de la divisionalización y de la política comercial en mercados oligopolísticos: Un resumen”. Boletín de Estudios Económicos, 50(155): 347-362, 1995. * “R. & D., Trade Policy and the Paradox of Autarky”. Revista Española de Economía, Monográfico sobre "Investigación y Desarrollo", 151-164, 1993.