For a full list please visit my [[|ResearchGate]] profile. **2020-2024** Mompeán, Jose A. (2024). [[|ChatGPT for L2 pronunciation teaching and learning]]. //ELT Journal//, 78(4): 423–434. Valenzuela Manzanares, Javier & Mompeán, Jose A. (2023). [[|La Gramática de Construcciones Multimodal: potencial y desafíos]]. //Revista Española De Lingüística//, 53(1), 123–146. Jansen, Sandra & Mompeán, Jose A. (2023). [[|GOOSE-fronting in Received Pronunciation across time: A trend study]]. //Language Variation and Change// 35(1), 55–77. Mompeán, Jose A. (in press). Standard Southern British English. In //The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes//. 3rd ed. Wiley. Mompeán, Jose A. (2022). [[|/r/-sandhi in the speech of Queen Elizabeth II]]. //Journal of the International Phonetic Association// 52(2), 246–277. Mompeán, Jose A. & Fouz-González, Jonás (2021). [[|Phonetic symbols in contemporary pronunciation instruction]]. //RELC Journal// 52(1), 155–168. Fouz-González, J. & Mompeán, Jose A. (2021). [[|Exploring the potential of phonetic symbols and keywords as labels for perceptual training]]. //Studies in Second Language Acquisition// 43(2), 297–328. Fouz-González, Jonás & Mompeán, Jose A. (2021). [[|Phonetic symbols vs keywords in perceptual training: the learners' views]]. //ELT Journal// 75(4), 460–470. Mompeán, Jose A., Fregier, Amandine & Valenzuela, Javier (2020). [[|Iconicity and systematicity in phonaesthemes: A cross-linguistic study]]. //Cognitive Linguistics// 31(3), 515–548. Mompeán, Jose A. (2020). [[|Authentic speech from historical records in pronunciation instruction]]. In José Jesús Gázquez Linares, María del Mar Molero Jurado, África Martos Martínez et al. (Eds.), //Innovación Docente e Investigación en Arte y Humanidades: Avanzado en el Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje// (pp. 409–420). Madrid: Dykinson. **2015-2019** Mompeán, Jose A. (2019). [[|Diachronic change in /r/-sandhi? A real-time study at community and individual levels]]. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) //Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019// (pp. 770–774). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association, Inc. Mompeán, Jose A. & Valenzuela, Javier (2019). [[|Brexit means Brexit: a constructionist analysis]]. //Complutense Journal of English Studies// 27, 1–37. San Segundo, Eugenia & Mompeán, Jose A. (2017). [[|A simplified Vocal Profile Analysis protocol for the assessment of voice quality and speaker similarity]]. //Journal of Voice// 31(5), 644.e11-644.e27. Mompeán, Jose A. & Fouz-González, Jonás (2016). [[|Twitter-based EFL pronunciation instruction]]. //Language Learning & Technology// 20(1), 166–190. Mompeán, Jose A. & Lintunen, Pekka (2015). [[|Phonetic notation in foreign language teaching and learning: Potential advantages and learners’ views]]. //Research in Language// 13(3), 292–314. Mompeán, Jose A. & Fouz-González, Jonás (Eds.) (2015). //[[|Investigating English Pronunciation: Trends and Directions]]//. Basingstoke, UK/New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan. **2010-2014** Mompeán, Jose A. (2014). [[|Stress shift in English: The case of teen numbers]]. In R. Monroy & I. Arboleda-Guirao (eds), //Readings in English Phonetics and Phonology// (pp. 149–164). Valencia: IULMA. Mompeán, Jose A. (2014). Cognitive linguistics and phonology. In J. R. Taylor & J. Littlemore (eds), //The Bloomsbury Companion to Cognitive Linguistics// (pp. 253–276). London: Bloomsbury Publishing. Mompeán, Jose A., Ashby, Michael & Fraser, Helen (2011). Phonetics teaching and learning: An overview of recent trends and directions. In W-S Lee & E. Zee (eds), //Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences// (pp. 96–99). Hong Kong, China. Mompeán, Jose A. & Gómez, Alberto (2011). [[|Hiatus-resolution strategies in non-rhotic English: The case of /r/-liaison]]. In W-S Lee & E. Zee (eds), //Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences// (pp. 1414–1417). Hong Kong, China. Mompeán, Jose A. (2010). A corpus-based study of phonological free variation in English. In A. Henderson (ed), (2010). //English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices (EPIP): Proceedings of the First International Conference//. June 3-5 2009 (pp. 13–36). Chambéry: Éditions de l'Université de Savoie. **2005-2009** Mompeán, Jose A., & Mompean-Guillamón, Pilar (2009). [[|/r/-liaison in English: An empirical study]]. //Cognitive Linguistics// 20(4), 733–776. Mompeán, Jose A. (2006). The phoneme as a basic-level category: Experimental Evidence from English. //International Journal of English Studies// 6(2), 141–172. Mompeán, Jose A. (2005). [[|Taking advantage of phonetic symbols in the foreign language classroom]]. In //Proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference 2005// (pp. 50–54). London: University College London. Mompeán, Jose A. (2004). [[|Category overlap and neutralization: The importance of speakers' classifications in phonology]]. //Cognitive Linguistics// 15(4), 429–469.