[[investigacion|{{ :background_ibct_figure_cropped.png?700 |}}]] ====== Welcome to the personal webpage of Pablo de Vera Gomis ====== Pablo de Vera is Assistant Professor and researcher at the **Condensed Matter** research group at the Centre for Research in Optics and Nanophysics, of the **Physics Department of the University of Murcia**. He teaches at various degrees of the Faculties of Chemistry and Medicine. In the [[home#explore|links]] below you can find all the detailed information. ===== Latest news ===== [[noticias#section261122|26/11/22: Seminar by Simone Taioli (ECT*, Trento, Italy): "The lure and the lore of condensed matter research"]]\\ [[noticias#section281022|28/10/22: "PaCienciaLaNuestra" and the Academy of Sciences at "Semana de la Ciencia y la TecnologĂ­a" 2022]]\\ [[noticias#section140922|14/09/22: Success of the conference "From Hadrons to Therapy: Fundamental Physics Driving New Medical Advances"]]\\ [[noticias|**All the news**]] ===== Explore ===== [[pablo|{{img_8204_cropped.png?nolink&150 |}}]] ==== About Pablo ==== [[pablo|Information about Pablo]] \\ \\ \\ \\ [[investigacion|{{:revista_d0cp04951d_final_25_01_21_cropped.png?150 |}}]] ==== Research ==== [[investigacion|Information about the research]]\\ [[publicaciones|List of publications]] \\ \\ \\ [[docencia|{{:birrete.png?150 |}}]] ==== Teaching and teaching innovation ==== [[docencia|Information about the teaching]] \\ \\ ===== Connect ===== [[https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Pablo.deVera.Gomis|Facebook profile]]\\ [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/pablo-de-vera-227a7845/|LinkedIn profile]]\\ [[contacto|Contact information]]