[[research|{{ :background_ibct_figure_cropped.png?700 |}}]] ====== Welcome to the personal webpage of Pablo de Vera ====== Pablo de Vera is tenured Assistant Professor (Profesor Contratado Doctor) and researcher at the **Condensed Matter** research group of the Research Centre for Optics and Nanophysics, of the **Department of Physics of the University of Murcia**. He is lecturer at several degrees of the Faculties of Chemistry and Education. At the [[inicio#explore|links]] below you can find all the detailed information. [[iniciocastellano|{{:espanya.png?40|}}]] [[iniciocastellano|Puedes leer esta página en castellano]] ===== Latest news ===== [[noticias#section211224|21/12/24: The newspaper La Verdad informs about our project of the Séneca Foundation]]\\ [[noticias#section161224|16/12/24: The journal Physical Review B publishes our latest article "Assessing electronic excitation spectra of chromium, palladium, and samarium from their stopping quantities"]]\\ [[noticias#section120924|12/09/24: The journal Physical Review E publishes our latest article "Simulation of depth-dose curves and water equivalent ratios of energetic proton beams in cortical bone"]]\\ [[noticias#section061223|06/12/23: The journal Frontiers in Materials publishes our latest article "Electronic cross section, stopping power and energy-loss straggling of metals for swift protons, alpha particles and electrons"]]\\ [[noticias|**All the news**]] ===== Explore ===== [[pabloenglish|{{img_8204_cropped.png?nolink&150 |}}]] ==== About Pablo ==== [[pabloenglish|Information about Pablo]] \\ \\ \\ \\ [[research|{{:revista_d0cp04951d_final_25_01_21_cropped.png?150 |}}]] ==== Research ==== [[research|Information about the research]]\\ [[publicaciones|List of publications]] \\ \\ \\ [[teaching|{{:birrete.png?150 |}}]] ==== Teaching and teaching innovation ==== [[teaching|Information on the teaching]] \\ \\ ===== Connect ===== [[https://www.facebook.com/Dr.Pablo.deVera.Gomis|Facebook profile]]\\ [[https://www.linkedin.com/in/pablo-de-vera-227a7845/|LinkedIn profile]]\\ [[contact|Contact information]]