Pablo de Vera is tenured Assistant Professor (Profesor Contratado Doctor) and researcher at the Condensed Matter research group of the Research Centre for Optics and Nanophysics, of the Department of Physics of the University of Murcia.
He does research on the physical mechanisms underlying the interaction and effects of radiation in condensed matter through Computational Physics. He currently is principal investigator of the projects entitled Nanoscale Biodamage induced by Swift Ions: towards a detailed Modelling and Simulation (Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation) and Charged Particles against Cancer: Detailed Simulations for a Better Use (Seneca Foundation, Murcia Region).
His interdisciplinary training includes a Bachelor's Degree in Chemistry (University of Alicante, Spain, 2004-2009, first student of promotion) and a Master's Degree in Nanoscience and Molecular Nanotechnology (University of Alicante, 2009-2011, first student of promotion). He obtained his PhD in Nanoscience (Physics) from the University of Alicante (2010-2016), under the supervision of Prof. Isabel Abril and Prof. Rafael García-Molina, being awarded the Extraordinary Doctorate Award for his thesis entitled Charged particle interaction with biological materials: modeling and application to ion beam cancer therapy.
His international postdoctoral experience began with two stays as Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher within the Initial Training Network ARGENT (Advanced Radiotherapies, Generated by Exploiting Nanoprocesses and Technologies) at the Open University (Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, 2014-2015) and Queen's University Belfast (United Kingdom, 2015-2017), while collaborating with the MBN (MesoBioNano) Research Center (Frankfurt, Germany), under the supervision of Prof. Nigel Mason, Prof. Fred Currell and Prof. Andrey V. Solov'yov. After that, he obtained an Alexander von Humboldt Research Fellowship in the research group of Prof. Solov'yov at the MBN Research Center (Frankfurt, Germany, 2018-2019) and a Juan de la Cierva Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Research Group of Excellence of the Murcia Region “Condensed Matter”, at the University of Murcia (Spain, 2019-2020). Finally, Pablo obtained a Marie Curie Individual Fellowship from the European Union, at the European Center for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics and Related Areas (ECT*, Trento, Italy, 2020-2021), to work in the group of Prof. Maurizio Dapor and Prof. Simone Taioli, before joining the University of Murcia in the 2021/2022 academic year.