Tabla de Contenidos

Sergio Pisa Martín

Bachelor in Biology, University of Edinburgh. Master in Global Change, University Menéndez Pelayo. Predoctoral research grant, september 2009-August 2013

Inmaculada Aledo López

Bachelor in Biology and Environmental Sciences, University of Murcia. Master in environmental management, quality and auidt fimrs. Ph.D. student.

Agripina Ramírez Sánchez

Master in Molecular Biology and Biothecnology, University of Murcia. Ph.D. student at University of Murcia Biotecnology and Industry Innovation Institut (IIBI), Santo Domingo (Dominican Republic)

Mahmoud Magdy

Ph.D. University of Murcia, Master in Molecular Biology and Biothecnology, University of Murcia, Agronomic Ingenieur, University Ain-Shams, Egypt. Predoctoral grant at the University of Murcia by the AECID (Spanish Ministery of External Affaires), october 2009 - september 2012

Samah Mohamed Rizk

Agronomic Ingenieur, University Ain-Shams, Egypt. Master in Management of the Biodiversity in Mediterranean Environments, University of Murcia. Predoctoral grant at University of Murvia by the AECID (Spanish Ministery of External Affaires), october 2011 - september 2012


Jose Ramón Pérez Álvarez

Bachelor in Biology, University of Murcia. Master in Management of the Biodiversity in Mediterranean Environments, University of Murcia.

Susana Rams

Ph.D. in Biology, University of Murcia

Isabel Draper

Autonomous University of Madrid

Juana María González Mancebo

University of La Laguna

Jairo Patiño Llorente

Université de Liège

Jesús Muňoz

Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid

Vicente Mazimpaka

Autonomous University of Madrid