====== Investigación ====== ===== Becas y premios ===== * Becas Leonardo a Investigadores y Creadores Culturales 2024. Proyecto: “IoTPASS: Hacia un pasaporte común de ciberseguridad para dispositivos del internet de las cosas” * Premio extraordinario de doctorado 2021, UMU * Premio RENIC en Ciberseguridad a la mejor Tesis Doctoral (3ª Edición) * Premio de Investigación Sociedad Científica Informática de España (SCIE) – Fundación BBVA, categoría de Jóvenes informáticos (2021). * Sobresaliente Cum Laude en la tesis doctoral. * Sobresaliente Cum Laude en la tesis de máster * Sobresaliente Cum Laude en la tesis de grado. * Contrato nacional predoctoral de Formación del Profesorado Universitario, FPU (2017), Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional de España. Área de investigación: Certificación de la seguridad, IoT, pruebas de seguridad, análisis de la seguridad * Beca nacional de Movilidad para contratados FPU (2019), Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional de España. * Beca nacional de colaboración (2015), Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional de España. Área de investigación: Bootstrapping, IoT, Seguridad. ===== Proyectos===== * H2022-101120270 DOSS “Secure-By-Design Iot Operation With Supply Chain Control”, 3 years. Funded by the European Commission. I am part of the research team since its beginning. * H2022-101119602 COBALT “Certification for Cybersecurity in EU ICT using Decentralized Digital Twinning”, 3 years. Funded by the European Commission. I am part of the research team since its beginning and CoIP since 01/02/2025. * [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101069471/es|HORIZON-CL3-2021-CS-01-101069471 CERTIFY]] "Active Security For Connected Devices Lifecycles," 4 years. Funded by the European Commission. Budget of €3,997,900. I am part of the research team about security lifecycle management and security certification, 2022. * [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101021936|H2020-SU-DS-2020-101021936 ELECTRON]] "Resilient And Self-Healed Electrical Power Nanogrid," 4 years. Funded by the European Commission. Budget of €10,312,814.69. I am part of the research team about security lifecycle management, 2022. * [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/101020416/es|H2020-SU-DS-2020-101020416 ERATOSTHENES]] "Secure management for IoT devices through identities, fog/edge nodes, and blockchains", 4 years. Funded by the European Commission. Budget of €5,999,920. I am part of the research team about security lifecycle management, 2021. * [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/952702|H2020-SU-ICT- 952702 BIECO]] "Building Trust in Ecosystems and Ecosystem Components." 3 years. Funded by the European Commission. Budget of €4,999,607.50. I participated in the creation of the project proposal and currently, I am part of the research team, leading the security and privacy assessment package. 2020. * [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/814951/es|H2020-MG-2018-814951 DIAS]] "Smart Adaptive Remote Diagnostic Antitampering Systems." 3 years. Funded by the European Commission. Budget of €4,990,062.50. I participated through UMU during 6 months as a subcontractor for the analysis of current evaluation schemes in autonomous vehicles and the proposal of a new one (2 deliverables in total). 2020. * [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/830929|H2020 CyberSec4Europe]], 4 years, funded by the European Commission. Budget of €15,999,981.25. I was involved as part of the research team at UMU, participating in security evaluation and cybersecurity education topics. 2019. * [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/871808/es|H2020 INSPIRE5G]] "Intelligent Security And Pervasive Trust For 5G And Beyond." 3 years. Funded by the European Commission. Budget of €5,993,380.53. I was part of the research team, participating in threat mitigation and security evaluation in 5G scenarios. 2019. * [[https://heurimind.inf.um.es/projects/TIN2017-86885-R/index.html|TIN2017-86885-R PERSEIDES]], "Hacia la continuidad de servicios emergentes a partir de objetos inteligentes basados en IOT." 4 years. Funded by the Ministry of Industry of Spain. Budget of €208,725. I was part of the research team at UMU, focusing on the creation of secure bootstrapping mechanisms for IoT. 2018. * [[https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/688237|H2020 ARMOUR]] "Large-Scale Experiments of IoT Security Trust," GA No. 688237. I was involved as part of the research team at the startup OdinS. 4 years. Funded by the European Commission. Budget of €3,147,837.50. 2016. * [[https://docbox.etsi.org/Workshop/2016/201611_M2MIoTWS/00_WORKSHOP/S02_THESMARTCITIES/MUNICIPALITYofMURCIA_SKARMETA.pdf|TIN2014-52099-R: EDISON]], “Inteligencia Dinámica Emergente Para Ciudades Inteligentes Basada En El Internet De Las Cosas”, funded by the Ministry of Industry of Spain. Budget of €223,124.00. I had a predoctoral research contract associated with this project, where I analyzed the security of IoT bootstrapping protocols. 2016. ===== Publicaciones ===== * Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Enrique Mármol, Jose L. Hernandez-Ramos, Antonio Skarmeta, Gianmarco Baldini. “Federated cyberattack detection for IoT-enabled Smart Cities”, Computer, vol. 55, no. 12, pp. 65-73 (2022). DOI: 10.1109/MC.2022.3195054 * Gabriel Kaptchuk, Fabio Massacci, Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Elissa M. Redmiles. “Introduction to the Special Issue on Security and Privacy for COVID-19”, Digital Threats 3, 3, no. 24 (2022). DOI:10.1145/3549070 * Jose L. Hernandez-Ramos, Sara N. Matheu, Angelo Feraudo, Gianmarco Baldini, Jorge Bernal Bernabe, Poonam Yadav, Antonio Skarmeta, Paolo Bellavista. “Defining the behavior of IoT devices through the MUD standard: review, challenges and research directions”, IEEE Access, vol.9, pp.12625-126285 (2021). DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2021.3111477 * Jose L. Hernandez-Ramos, Sara N. Matheu, Antonio Skarmeta. “The Challenges of Software Cybersecurity Certification”, IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 99-102 (2021). DOI: 10.1109/MSEC.2020.3037845 * Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Jose Luis Hernandez-Ramos, Gianmarco Baldini, Antonio Skarmeta: “A Survey of Cybersecurity Certification for the Internet of Things”, ACM Computer Surveys, vol. 56, no. 3 (2020). DOI: 10.1145/3410160 * Ricardo Neisse, Jose Luis Hernandez-Ramos, Sara N. Matheu, Gianmarco Baldini, Antonio Skarmeta, Vasilios A. Siris, Pekka Nikander, Dmitrij Lagutin: “An Interledger Blockchain Platform for cross-border management of Cybersecurity Certifications”, IEEE Internet Computing, vol. 24, no. 3 (2020). DOI: 10.1109/MIC.2020.3002423 * Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Alberto Robles Enciso, Alejandro Molina Zarca, José Luis Hernández-Ramos, Jorge Bernal Bernabe and Antonio Skarmeta: Security Architecture for Defining and Enforcing Security Profiles in DLT-SDN-Based IoT Systems Sensors, Special Issue Selected papers from WISA 2019, vol. 20, no. 7, article no. 1882 (2020), DOI: 10.3390/s20071882. * Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Alejandro Molina Zarca, José Luis Hernández-Ramos,Jorge Bernal Bernabe and Antonio Skarmeta: Enforcing Behavioral Profiles through Software-Defined Networks in the Industrial Internet of Things. Applied Sciences, vol. 9, no. 21 (2019), DOI: 10.3390/app9214576 * Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, José Luis Hernández-Ramos, Salvador Pérez and Antonio Skarmeta.: Extending MUD Profiles Through an Automated IoT Security Testing Methodology. IEEE Access, vol. 7 (2019), DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2019.2947157 * Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, José Luis Hernández-Ramos and Antonio Skarmeta: Toward a Cybersecurity Certification Framework for the Internet of Things. IEEE Security & Privacy, vol. 17, no. 3, pp. 66{76 (2019), DOI:10.1109/MSEC.2019.2904475 * Salvador Pérez, José Luis Hernández-Ramos, Sara Nieves Matheu, Domenico Rotondi, Antonio Skarmeta, Leonardo Straniero and Diego Pedone: A lightweight and exible encryption scheme to protect sensitive data in Smart Building scenarios. IEEE Access. 6 (2018), DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2801383 * Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, José Luis Hernández-Ramos, Antonio Skarmeta and Gianmarco Baldini: Risk-based Automated Assessment and Testing for the Cybersecurity Certification and Labelling of IoT Devices. Computer Standards Interfaces, vol. 62, pp. 64{83 (2018), DOI: 10.1016/j.csi.2018.08.003 ===== Capítulos de libro ===== * Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia and Antonio Skarmeta: "Cybersecurity Certification in IoT Environments" in Security Risk Management for the Internet of Things: Technologies and Techniques for IoT Security, Privacy and Data Protection. Editor: John Soldatos, Now Publishers, pp.178-195 (2020), DOI: 10.1561/9781680836837.ch10 * Abbas Ahmad, Gianmarco Baldini, Philippe Cousin, Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Antonio Skarmeta, Elizabeta Fourneret and Bruno Legeard: "Large Scale IoT Security Testing Benchmarking and Certification " in Cognitive Hyperconnected Digital Transformation. River Publishers, pp. 189-220 (2017), DOI: 10.13052/rp-9788793609105 ===== Editorial ===== * Associate Editor in ACM Digital Threats: Research and Practice (DTrap) Special Issue on Security and Privacy for COVID-19 (2020) * Editor of the book “Springer Handbook of Internet of Things”, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. ISBN 978-3-031-39649-6 (2023) * Editor of the book “Digital Sovereignty in Cyber Security: New Challenges in Future Vision - First International Workshop, CyberSec4Europe 2022, Venice, Italy, April 17–21, 2022, Revised Selected Papers”, Springer, 2023. ISBN 978-3-031-36095-4 ===== Conferencias ===== * 1st International Conference on 6G Networking (6GNet), Paris, 2022. Sara Nieves Matheu-García, Antonio Skarmeta, Defining the Threat Manufacturer Usage Description Model for Sharing Mitigation Actions, pp. 1-4, DOI: 10.1109/6GNet54646.2022.9830415 * IEEE 8th International Conference on Network Softwarization (NetSoft), Milan, 2022. Yacine Anser, Chrystel Gaber, Jean-Philippe Wary, Sara Nieves Matheu García, Samia Bouzefrane. TRAILS: Extending TOSCA NFV profiles for liability management in the Cloud-to-IoT continuum, pp. 321-329, DOI: 10.1109/NetSoft54395.2022.9844027 * The Need for IoT Security Standards & Certification Global IoT Day Roundtable. Virtual, 2022. Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia. Towards a methodology for evaluating and certifying system cybersecurity. [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=AsChDdKbRKw&feature=youtu.be&ab_channel=IoTAC|Link to video]]. * 33rd IFIP International Conference on Testing Software and Systems (ICTSS 2021). Virtual, 2021. Ricardo Silva Peres, Lilian Adkinson, Emilia Cioroaica, Eda Marchetti, Enrico Schiavone, Sara Matheu, Ovidiu Cosma, Radoslaw Piliszek and Jose Barata The BIECO Conceptual Framework Towards Security and Trust in ICT Ecosystems. * 2021 IEEE 4th 5G World Forum (5GWF). Virtual, 2021. Noelia P. Palma, Sara N Matheu, Alejandro M Zarca, Jordi Ortiz, Antonio Skarmeta. Enhancing trust and liability assisted mechanisms for ZSM 5G architectures. DOI: 10.1109/5GWF52925.2021.00070 * 2020 Global Internet of Things Summit (GIoTS). Dublin, Ireland, 2020. Jose Luis Hernandez-Ramos, Gianmarco Baldini, Sara N Matheu y Antonio Skarmeta. Updating IoT devices: challenges and potential approaches, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/GIOTS49054.2020.9119514 * IEEE Conference on Standards for Communications and Networking (CSCN). Granada, 2019. Ricardo Neisse, Jose L Hernandez-Ramos, Sara N Matheu, Gianmarco Baldini y Antonio Skarmeta. Toward a Blockchain-based Platform to Manage Cybersecurity Certification of IoT devices. DOI: 10.1109/CSCN.2019.8931384 * 20th World Conference on Information Security Applications (WISA), Jeju, 2019. Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Salvador Perez, Jose Luis Hernandez-Ramos y Antonio Skarmeta. On the automation of security testing for IoT constrained scenarios, LNCS 11897, pp. 286-298, 2020. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-030-39303-8 22ç * 2019 Global IoT Summit (GIoTS), Aarhus,2019. Gianmarco Baldini, Jose L Hernandez-Ramos, Gary Steri y Sara N Matheu. Zone Keys Trust Management in Vehicular Networks based on Blockchain, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/GIOTS.2019.8766375 * IEEE 4th World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT). Singapur, 2018. Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Jose Luis Hernandez-Ramos y Antonio Skarmeta. Test-based Risk Assessment and Security Certification Proposal for the Internet of Things. DOI: 10.1109/WF-IoT.2018.8355193 * ETSI IoT Week. Sofia Antipolis, 2017. Sara Nieves Matheu Garcia, Jose Luis Hernandez-Ramos y Antonio Skarmeta. Proposal of Certification and Benchmarking for the Internet of Things (Oral communication). * Seminars in Advanced Topics of Computer Science, Rome, 2019. Invited Speaker, "Certifying IoT Security". ===== Comité técnico===== * IEEE International Conference on Communications, 2020. Dublin, Irlanda. * GIoTs 2019. Global IoT Summit. Aarhus, Dinamarca. * GIoTs 2018. Global IoT Summit. Bilbao, España. * IEEE GLOBECOM 2021 IoTSN, 2021. Madrid, España. * IEEE GLOBECOM 2022 IoTSN, 2022. ===== Estancias de investigación ===== * Dipartimento di Ingegneria Informatica Automatica e Gestionale Antonio Ruberti, Universidad La Sapienza de Roma, Italia. 3 meses. Financiado por el ministerio de España a través de la Beca Nacional de Movilidad para contratados FPU. ===== Colaboraciones externas===== * Miembro del ECSO WG1 de certificación en ciberseguridad. Colaboradora activa (certification composition, state of the art syllabus, EU priorities, etc.). * Colaboraciones puntuales con organizaciones de estandarización y reguladoras como ETSI, IEEE European Public Policy Committee o 5G-ppp.