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Foto de satélite de las torres gemelas.

Mirando hoy en barrapunto he visto una pequeña nota acerca de la diferencia entre Google Maps y Microsoft Virtual Earth. En esta nota se veía un enlace directo a la foto de las torres gemelas. Esto deja claro que las fotos de Microsoft Virtual Earth no son muy actualizadas, pero es una foto curiosa.

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First Mono's DataGridView screenshots

I've taken a few screenshots to show the status of the first painting implementation of DataGridView. Now it has the basic for run a little modified sample application I saw in MSDN documentation.

This week I have written a few nunit tests for ensure some of the members implemented. I started to write the painting feature of the DataGridView and here are the screenshots of the same application either in windows with .NET 2.0 Beta 2 and in Linux with Mono 1.1.8/2.0 preview.

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