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All main classes definitions written.

I have finished to write the main classes (only interface, they don't work yet). The code has 5278 lines and I think that the hardest work is arriving.

I think that the next week I can get a little painting of a few things from the DataGridView and start to handle a few events from the keyboard and mouse. I love this job...

00:00 | Comments | Mono, DataGridView, Summer of Code

First test of DataGridView

Now I can run a test that uses the DataGridView control but it's not painted and no user-interaction. DataGridView is in very early stage but now I have almost all members defined and a lot of them implemented. 3161 lines of code. I think that along this week I can finish the definition of the main classes and start to implement the painting/drawing.

00:00 | Comments | Mono, DataGridView, Summer of Code

The work on Google's Summer of Code begins

I've just finished to install this blog, here is my first post. My main goal is to publish my ideas and projects, in special case the evolution of the work in DataGridView control from System.Windows.Forms 2.0 library.

After 1500 lines of code, the journey only is in the begining. I've written the property definitions for DataGridView and DataGridViewCell and I think that all the classes I need could be defined along this week. When I finish my university exams I'll be dedicated fulltime to this work.

00:00 | Comments | Mono, System.Windows.Forms, DataGridView, Summer of Code