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RIVERA, D.; JOHNSON, D.; DELGADILLO, J.; CARRILLO, M.H.; OBÓN, C.; KRUEGER, R.; ALCARAZ, F.; RÍOS, S. & CARREÑO, E. (2013). Historical evidence of the Spanish introduction of date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L., Arecaceae) intho the Americas. Genet. Resour Crop Evol.60: 1433-1452.
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RIVERA, D.; ALKIN, R.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F.; VERPOORTE, R. & HEINRICH, M. (2014). What is in a name? The need for accurate scientific nomenclature for plants. Journal of Ethnopharmacology,152 (2014): 393-402.
RIVERA, D.; OBÓN, C.; GARCÍA-ARTEAGA, J.; EGEA, T.; ALCARAZ, F.; LAGUNA, E.; CARREÑO, E.; JOHNSON, D.; KRUEGER, R.; DELGADILLO, J. & RÍOS, S. 2014. Carpological analysis of Phoenix (Arecaceae): contributions to the taxonomy and evolutionary history of the genus. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 175: 74-122.
OBÓN, C.; RIVERA, D.; ALCARAZ, F. & ATTIEH, L. 2014. Beverage and culture. “Zhourat”, a multivariate analysis of the globalization of a herbal tea from the Middel East. Appetite, 79: 1-10.
RIVERA, D.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F.; EGEA, T.; CARREÑO, E.; LAGUNA, E.; SARO, I. & SOSA, P. 2014. The date palm with blue dates Phoenix senegalensis André (Arecaceae): A horticultural enigma is solved. Scientia Horticulturae, 180 (2014): 236-242.
DÍAZ GARCÍA, M.C.; CASTELLAR, M.R.; OBÓN, J.M.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F. & RIVERA, D. 2015. Production of an anthocyanin-rich food colourant from Thymus moroderi and its application in foods. J.Sci. Food Agric., 95: 1283-1293.
EGEA, T.; SIGNORINI, M.A.; BRUSCHI, P.; RIVERA, D.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F. & PALAZÓN, J.A. 2015. Spirits and liqueurs in European traditional medicine: Their history and ethnobotany in Tuscany and Bologna (Italy).
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 175(2015): 241-255. DOI:
RIVERA, D.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F.; MORENO, C.; EGEA, T.; FAJARDO, J.; PALAZÓN, J.A.; VALDÉS-FRANZI, A.; SIGNORINI, M.A. & BRUSHCI, P. 2017. Is there noghing new under the sun? The influence of herbals and pharmacopeas on ethnobotanical traditions in Albacete (Spain).
Journal of Ethnopharmacology, 196 (2017): 96-117. DOI:
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RIVERA, D.; VERDE, A.; FAJARDO, J.; OBÓN, C.; CONSUEGRA, V.; GARCÍA-BOTÍA, V.; RÍOS, S.; ALCARAZ, F.; VALDÉS-FRANZI, A.; DEL MORAL, A. & LAGUNA, E. (2019). Ethnopharmacology in the Upper Guadiana River area (Castile-La Mancha, Spain).
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RIVERA, D.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F.; LAGUNA, E. & JOHNSON, D. (2019). Date-palm (
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RIVERA, D.; ABELLÁN, J.; PALAZÓN, J.A.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F.; CARREÑO, E.; LAGUNA, E.; RUIZ, A. & JOHNSON, D. 2020. Modelling ancient areas for date palms (
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CARREÑO, E.; RIVERA, D.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F.; JOHNSON, D. & BARTUAL, J. (2021). What are candits? Study of a date palm landrace in Spain belonging to the western cluster of
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OBÓN, C.; RIVERA, D.; FONOLLÁ, E.; ALCARAZ, F. & ATTIEH, L. (2021). A comparison study on traditional mixtures of herbal teas used in Eastern Mediterranean area.
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MARTÍNEZ-FRANCÉS, V.; RIVERA, D.;OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F. & RÍOS, S. (2021). Medicinal Plants in Traditional Herbal Wines and Liquors in the East of Spain and the Balearic Islands.
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RIVERA, D.; BERMÚDEZ, A.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F.; RÍOS, S.; SÁNCHEZ-BALIBREA, J.; FERRER-GALLEGO, P. & KRUEGER, R. (2021). Analysis of ‘Marrakesh limetta’ (
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VALERA, J.; MATILLA-SEIQUER, G., OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F. & RIVERA, D. (2023). Grapevine in the ancient upper Euphrates: horticultural implications of bayesian morphometric study of archaeological seeds.
Horticulturae 2023, 9, 803. DOI:
RIVERA, D.; FERRER-GALLEGO, P.; OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F.; VALERA, J.; GONCHAROV, N.P.; LAGUNA, E. & KISLEV, M. (2023). Fossil or non-fossil?. A best-practice guide for archaeobotanical taxa.
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Phoenix x arehuquensis nov. hybr. (Arecaceae): The hybrid of
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OBÓN, C.; RIVERA-OBÓN, D.J.; VALERA, J.; MATILLA, G.; ALCARAZ, F.; MAGHRADZE, D.; KIKVADZE, M.; OCETE, C.A.; OCETE, R.; NEBISH, A.; ABELLÁN, J.; PALAZÓN, J.A. & RIVERA, D. (2024). Is there a domestication syndrome in
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RIVERA, D.; FERRER-GALLEGO, OBÓN, C.; ALCARAZ, F. & P.P.; GONCHAROV, N.P. (2024). Exploring the Origins of Hexaploid Wheats: Typification of Archaeological
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