Daniel O. Díaz López, Maria Blanco Uribe, Claudia P. Santiago Cely, Daniel F. Tarquino Murgueitio, Edwin S. García García, Pantaleone Nespoli, Félix Gómez Mármol
Symmetry, Special Issue on Symmetry and Asymmetry Applications for Internet of Things Security and Privacy, vol. 10, no. 12, 669
Publication year: 2018


Undoubtedly, the adoption of the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm has impacted on our every-day life, surrounding us with smart objects. Thus, the potentialities of this new market attracted the industry, so that many enterprises developed their own IoT platforms aiming at helping IoT services’ developers. In the multitude of possible platforms, selecting the more suitable to implement a specific service is not straightforward, especially from a security perspective. The paper at hand analyzes some of the most prominent proposals in the IoT platforms market-place, performing an in-depth security comparison using 5 common criteria. These criteria are detailed in sub-criteria, so that they can be used as a baseline for the development of a secure IoT service. Leveraging the knowledge gathered from our in-depth study, both researchers and developers may select the IoT platform which better fits their needs. Additionally, an IoT service for monitoring commercial flights is implemented in two previously analyzed IoT platforms, giving an adequate detail level to represent a solid guideline for future IoT developers.

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This work would not have been possible without the inestimable contribution of:

  • Daniel O. Díaz López
  • María A. Blanco Uribe
  • Claudia P. Santiago Cely
  • Daniel F. Tarquino Murgueitio
  • Edwin S. García García
  • Pantaleone Nespoli

Daniel O. Díaz López

Julio Garavito Colombian School of Engineering


María A. Blanco Uribe

Julio Garavito Colombian School of Engineering


Claudia P. Santiago Cely

Julio Garavito Colombian School of Engineering


Daniel F. Tarquino Murgueitio

Julio Garavito Colombian School of Engineering


Edwin S. García García

Julio Garavito Colombian School of Engineering


Pantaleone Nespoli

University of Murcia



Daniel O. Díaz López, Maria Blanco Uribe, Claudia P. Santiago Cely, Daniel F. Tarquino Murgueitio, Edwin S. García García, Pantaleone Nespoli, Félix Gómez Mármol, «Developing secure IoT services? A security-oriented review of IoT platforms«, Symmetry, Special Issue on Symmetry and Asymmetry Applications for Internet of Things Security and Privacy, vol. 10, no. 12, 669, 2018

Journal Ranking & Impact Factor

  • Journal: Symmetry
  • Category: Multidisciplinary Sciences
  • Rank: 30/69
  • Quartile: Q2
  • Impact Factor: 2.143