Daniel Mateos Molina

Daniel Mateos Molina
PhD student – ITN Marie-Curie fellow

daniGraduate Student

Department of Ecology and Hydrology
University of Murcia
Campus de Espinardo, 30100, Murcia (Spain)

L. +34 868 88 43 26
@: dmateos5@gmail.com
@: dmm5@um.es
Skype: dmateos5


– Ph.D. Candidate in Biodiversity and Environmental Management in the University of Murcia (Spain)
– M.S. Marine Science focused on Biological Oceanography at the University of Puerto Rico (USA).
– B.Sc. in Biology specialized on Environmental Sciences and Marine Biology at the University of Murcia (Spain).

Fields of interest
MPAs, marine spatial planning, marine conservation, climate change, development and implementation of MPA management plans, ICZM, integrated ecosystem assessments, local ecological knowledge, traditional and community-based fisheries management, coral reef restoration, fish population assessment, spawning aggregations.

Current research
I’m part of the Training Network of Monitoring Mediterranean Marine Protected Areas (MMMPA), (http://www.mmmpa.eu/default.asp) funded by the European Commission and my work is focused on integrated coastal zone management and decision support tools. I collaborate with the  Biogeography Branch of NOAA to review the management plan in Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary and to develop a new MPA with management plan in Puerto Rico. I work as an environmental consultant for RAC/SPA on climate change indicators.


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