Pemartín, M., Monreal-Pérez, J. and Sánchez Marín, G. (2024), “Family firms and the collaborative advantage: unveiling innovation efficiency across partnership types”, Journal of Family Business Management. 14(6), 1173-1202.
Ifakhkharen-Rziki, O., & Monreal-Pérez, J. (2024). Determinants of Export Activity. A Configurational Analysis of Family Firms. European Journal of Family Business, 14 (1), 19-37.
Geldres-Weiss, V.V.; Monreal-Pérez, J. & Massa, N.P. (2024). Exploring Exporting Firms’ Adaptability and Competitiveness Configurations in Relation to Export Customer Satisfaction in COVID-19 Times. Journal of Competitiveness. Article in press
Geldres-Weiss, V.V., Monreal-Pérez, J., Hwang, P., Moraga-Pumarino, A.F. (2023). The impact of innovation on the export activity of 'born global' firms: a configurational approach. European Journal of International Management, 21(2), 345-368. DOI:10.1504/EJIM.2020.10027776.
Monreal-Pérez, J., & Ifakhkharen-Rziki, O. (2023). A configurational approach to SMEs’ export activity determinants. Small Business International Review, 7(2), e612.
Geldres-Weiss, V. V.; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Geldres-Weiss S. (2022). Exhibitors’ performance at international trade shows: Does an export firms’ experience matter? Journal of Promotion Management. 28 (3), 288-308,
Freixanet, J; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Sánchez-Marín, G. (2021). Family Firms’ Selective Learning-by-Exporting: Product vs Process Innovation and the Role of Technological Capabilities. Multinational Business Review. Vol. 29 No. 2, pp. 210-236.
Geldres-Weiss V.V., Massa N.P, Monreal-Pérez J. (2021). Export Promotion Agencies’ Lived Turmoil, Response and Strategies in COVID-19 Times. Sustainability. 13(21):12056.
Hanley, A.; J. Monreal-Pérez; Sánchez-Marín, G. (2020). Abandoning Family Management - Analysis of the Effects on Exports. European Journal of Family Business (2020) 10, 61-68.
Sánchez-Marín, G.; Pemartín González-Adalid, M.; Monreal-Pérez, J. (2020): “The influence of family involvement and generational stage on learning‑by‑exporting among family firms”. Review of Managerial Science. 14(1),311–334
Monreal-Perez, J.; Geldres-Weiss,V. (2020): “A configurational approach to the impact of trade fairs and trade missions on firm export activity”. Business Research Quarterly. 23, 1-19.
Geldres-Weiss, V.V.; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Tornavoi-Carvalho, D.; Tello-Gamarra, J. (2018): “A new measure of international product innovation”. Contemporary Economics. 12(4). 367-380.
Geldres-Weiss,V; Monreal-Perez, J.; Tornavoi-Carvalho, D. (2018): “Measuring market destination effect on export product innovation”. Int. J. Export Marketing, Vol. 2, No. 4, Article in Press.
Geldres Weiss, V; Monreal-Perez, J. (2017): “The Effect of Export Promotion Programs on Chilean Firms' Export Activity: A Longitudinal Study on Trade Shows and Trade Missions, Journal of Promotion Management. 24(5), 1–15.
Monreal-Perez, J. y Sánchez-Marín, G. (2017).”Does transitioning from family to non-family controlled firm influence internationalization?“ Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development. vol. 24, n. 4, pp. 775-792.
Geldres, V.; Uribe, C.T; Coudounaris, D.N.; Monreal-Perez, J. (2016): “Innovation and experiential knowledge in the firm exports - Applying the initial U-model”. Journal of Business Research. 69 (11), pp. 5076–5081.
Monreal-Perez, J.; Aragón-Sánchez, A. y Sánchez-Marín, G. (2015). “Do Export Markets Select the Most Innovative Producers? The Moderating Role of Productivity”. International Journal of Innovation Management. No. 29. Vol 2. (28 pp).
Merino de Lucas, F; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Sánchez-Marín, G. (2015): “Family SMEs’ internationalization: disentangling the influence of familiness on Spanish firms’ export activity”. Journal of Small Business Management. vol. 53. No. 4. 1164-1184.
Aragón Sánchez, A.; Monreal-Pérez, J. (2014): “Factores explicativos del resultado de las empresas españolas que realizan inversión directa en el exterior”. (“Factors explaining the result of Spanish Firms investing abroad”). Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección. Vol. 18, pp. 135-155.
Aragón Sánchez, A.; Monreal-Pérez, J. (2014): “Determinantes de la Inversión Directa en el Exterior de la empresa española en un contexto de incertidumbre” (“Drivers of the FDI activity of the Spanish firm within an uncertainty context”). Información Comercial Española, ICE. nº 873; pp. 107-124.
Sánchez Marín, G.; Monreal Pérez, J.(2013): “La internacionalización de la empresa familiar” (“Family Business Internationalization”). Gestión-Revista de Economía, nº. 56, pp. 18-23.
Monreal-Pérez, J. (2012): “Which is the Role of the Numerical Flexibility on the Family Firm’s Learning-By-Exporting Capability?”. International Business and Economic Research. vol. 1. no. 1, december 2012. DOI: 10.11648/j.iber.20120101.11.
Merino, F; Monreal-Pérez, J. and Sánchez-Marín, G. (2012): “Family Firm Internationalization: Influence of Familiness on the Spanish Firm Export Activity”, Kiel Institute for the World Economy Working Paper, no. 1770.
Hanley, A.; J. Monreal-Pérez (2012): “Are Newly Exporting Firms more Innovative? Findings from Matched Spanish Innovators”. Economics Letters, 116(2), p. 217-220.
Monreal-Pérez, J.; Aragón-Sánchez, A.; Sánchez-Marín, G. (2012): “Estudio longitudinal de la relación entre la actividad exportadora, la innovación y la productividad de la empresa manufacturera española”. (Longitudinal Study of the relationship betwen the export activity, innovation and productivity of the Spanish manufacturing firm“). Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, vol.21; n.1, pp. 33-52.
Monreal-Pérez, J.; Aragón-Sánchez, A.; Sánchez-Marín, G. (2012): “Innovation and the firm export intensity: the moderating effect of the mode of entry”, Esic Market, Vol. 141, pp. 27-46.
Hanley, A. and Monreal-Pérez, J. (2011): “Are Newly Exporting Firms more Innovative? Findings from Matched Spanish Innovators” Kiel Working Paper No. 1735. pp. 1-11.
Monreal-Perez, J.; Aragón-Sánchez, A. y Sánchez-Marín, G. (2011): “A longitudinal study of the relationship between export activity and innovation in the Spanish firm: The moderating role of productivity. International Business Review, 21 (5), p. 862-878.
Monreal, J.; Aragón, A. (2008): “La Estrategia como factor de Internacionalización de la Pyme Española” (“Strategy as a Factor in Spanish SME Internationalization”), Revista Internacional de la Pequeña y Mediana Empresa. Vol. 1; Nº1.
Books and chapters:
Monreal Pérez, J.; Aragón Sánchez, A.; Martínez García, F.G.; Somohano Rodríguez, F. (2017): “Internacionalización de la PYME” (SME internationalization), pp. 35-50 en Aragón, A.; García Pérez de Lema, D; Martínez García, F.G. (dir.): Análisis estratégico para el desarrollo de la PYME en España: Internacionalización y orientación emprendedora. Informe PYME España 2016 FAEDPYME (Strategic analysisis for the Spanish SME development: Internationalization and entrepreneur orientation. PYME Spain 2016 FAEDPYME Report. Diego Marín: Murcia.
Monreal-Pérez, J.; Sánchez-Marin, G (2012): “The Innovation and Export Activity Causal Link: A Review of Extant Literature”, p. 131-140, in Patrick E. Simmons and Samuel T. Jordan (eds.): Economics of Innovation, Incentives and Uncertainty, Ed. Nova Science Publishers, Economic Issues, Problems and Perspectives. Global Economic Studies Series, NY.
Merino de Lucas, F; Monreal Pérez, J.; Sánchez Marín, G. (2012): “La Influencia del carácter familiar en la exportación empresarial (The influence of the family character on the firm exports)”, pp. 57-86, En Monreal Martínez, J. y Sánchez Marín, G. (ed): El éxito de la Empresa Familiar. La relación entre negocio y familia (The success of the Family Firm. The relationship between the business and the family), Ed. Civitas, Madrid.
Monreal, J.; Sánchez Marín, G. (2009): “La internacionalización de la empresa familiar” (Family Business Internationalization), pp. 193-214, En Sánchez-Marín, G. et al. (eds): La gestión de la empresa familiar: un análisis integral (Spanish Family Business), Ed. Civitas, Madrid.
Contracts with the private sector
Monreal Martinez, J.; García Sánchez, A.; Monreal Pérez, J.; Siles López, D.; (2013): “Diagnóstico del Sector del Taxi en el Municipio de Murcia y Propuestas de Actuación”. Instituto de Fomento de la Region de Murcia.
Monreal-Pérez, J. & Ifakhkharen-Rziki, O. (2024). “Import of foreign labour and export activity. A configurational analysis of the Family Firm”. Paper presented to the XXXVIII AEDEM Annual Meeting. Toledo (España), June 12nd - June 14th, 2024.
Ifakhkharen, O. & Monreal-Pérez, J. (2023): “Configurational approach to the drivers of the export performance of the family firm”. Paper presented to the 49th EIBA Annual Conference 2023. Lisbon, 16th-18th December 2023.
Ifakhkharen, O. & Monreal-Pérez, J. (2023): “Efecto de la mano de obra extranjera en la actividad exportadora de la empresa familiar española” PhD project presented to the Doctoral Colloquium of the XXX EBEN Conference. Cádiz, 8th June 2023.
Ifakhkharen, O. & Monreal-Pérez, J. (2023): “Determinants of the export activity. A configurational analysis of the Family Firm”. Paper presented to the XXX EBEN Conference. Cádiz, 9th June 2023.
Geldres-Weiss, V. V. ; Massa, N. P.; Monreal-Pérez, J. (2021): “Export promotion agencies’ lived turmoil, response and strategies in COVID-19 times”. Paper presented virtually to the 3rd NORDIC IB, EXPORT MARKETING INT. ENTREPRENEURSHIP & TOURISM CONFERENCE 2021, 6th TO 7th NOVEMBER 2021, Tallinn (Estonia).
Geldres-Weiss, V. V. ; Massa, N. P.; Monreal-Pérez, J. (2021): “South American Export Promotion Agencies’ lived challenges and experience in COVID-19 times” . Paper presented virtually to the 2021 14th ACIEK Conference at Paris (France), 14-16 june 2021.
Monreal-Perez, J.; Pemartín González-Adalid, M.;Sánchez-Marín, G.; (2021): DO FAMILY FIRMS OUTPERFORM NONFAMILY FIRMS IN COLLABORATIVE INNOVATION?, Paper presented online to the 28TH IPDMC (INNOVATION AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT CONFERENCE) Conference (digital format), 6-8 June 2021.
Geldres-Weiss, V. V. ; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Geldres-Weiss, S. (2020): “EXHIBITORS PERFORMANCE AT INTERNATIONAL TRADE SHOWS. DOES EXPORTING FIRM'S EXPERIENCE MATTER?” Paper presented to the 2020 ACIEK Conference at Madrid, 23-25 june 2020.
Monreal-Perez, J.; Pemartín González-Adalid, M.;Sánchez-Marín, G.; (2020): “Disentangling innovation collaboration in family managed firms”. Paper accepted to the 2020 IFERA Conference, Santander (Spain), 24-26 June 2020.
Freixanet, J; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Sánchez-Marín, G. (2019): “The absorptive capacity and the learning-by-exporting effect in family firms”. Paper presented to the 2019 EURAM Conference, Lisbon (Portugal), 26-28 june 2019.
Geldres-Weiss, V. V. ; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Hwang, P. J.; Moraga-Pumarino, A. F. (2019): “THE IMPACT OF THE FIRM INNOVATION OUTPUTS ON THE BORN GLOBALS’ EXPORT ACTIVITY. A CONFIGURATIONAL APPROACH” Paper presented to the 2019 INEKA Conference at Verona (Italia), 11-14 june 2019.
Oleynikova, R. ; Monreal-Pérez, J. ; Sánchez-Marín (2018): “Digital roads towards foreign markets in family firms”. Paper presented to the IV Jornadas doctorales de la Universidad de Murcia, Murcia, 29-31 May 2018.
Geldres-Weiss, V.; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Tornavoi-Carvalho, D. (2018): “Market Destination effect on export product innovation”. Paper presented to the 2018 Nordic International Business and Export Marketing Conference 2018 at Talinn (Estonia), 3-4 november 2018.
Freixanet, J; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Sánchez-Marín, G. (2018): “Leveraging new knowledge: The Learning-by-Exporting Effect on Leading and Lagging Family Firms”. Paper presented to the 2018 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Chicago (United States), 10-14 august 2018.
Freixanet, J; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Sánchez-Marín, G. (2018): “The role of absorptive capacity in the learning-by-exporting effect on family-controlled firms”. Paper presented to the 2018 IFERA Conference, Zwolle (Netherlands), 3-6 july 2018.
Geldres Weiss, V; Monreal-Perez, J.; Tornavoi, D; Tello-Gamarra, J. (2018): “Export Innovation Index (EII) As a Measure of Value Creation in International Markets”. Paper presented to the GIKA 2018 Conference, Valencia (Spain), 25-27 June 2018.
Geldres Weiss, V; Monreal-Perez, J. (2017): “Exports Promotion Programs impact on the Chilean firms export activity. A Propensity Score Matching longitudinal study on the case of trade Shows and trade Missions”. Paper presented to the GIKA 2017 Conference, Lisboa (Portugal), 28-30 June 2017.
Sánchez-Marín, G., Carrasco Hernández, A., Monreal-Perez, J. et al. (2017). “Autoevaluación como mecanismo docente de mejora del aprendizaje”. Comunicación presentada en el III Congreso estatal de Relaciones Laborales y Ciencias del Trabajo. 29-30 Junio 2017. Zaragoza.
Monreal-Perez, J. y Sánchez-Marín, G. (2017). “Does transitioning from family to non-family improve the firm export activity? A propensity score matching analysis”. This paper presented to the IFERA Conference 2017. 28 June-July 1st, 2017. Zadar (Croatia).
Geldres Weiss, V; Monreal-Perez, J. (2017): “Intangible assets to foster export development. The case of successful exporters supported by ProChile”. Paper presented to the BALAS 2017 Conference, Santiago de Chile (Chile), 5-7 Abril 2017.
Sánchez-Marín, G.; Pemartín González-Adalid, M.; Monreal-Perez, J.; Frattini. F.; De Massis, A. (2016): “The learning-by exporting effect on family firm' product innovation: a longitudinal study”. Paper presented to the 25rd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Porto (Portugal), 10-13 june 2016.
Geldres Weiss, V; Carrasco Roa, J. y Monreal-Perez, J. (2016): “Export promotion programs impact on the Chilean firm export innovation and on its export activity”. Paper presented to the XII IIBC (Iberian International Business Conference) Conference., Aranjuez (Madrid), 7-8 October 2016.
Geldres Weiss, V; Carrasco Roa, J. y Monreal-Perez, J. (2016): “EXPORT PROMOTION AND ITS ROLE IN INNOVATION AND EXPORT COMPETITIVENESS AMONG CHILEAN COMPANIES”. Paper presented to the 51 Congreso del Consejo Latinoamericano de Escuelas de Administración (CLADEA) Conference. Medellín (Colombia). 3-4 October 2016.
Sánchez-Marín, G.; Pemartín González-Adalid, M.; Monreal-Perez, J.; Frattini. F.; De Massis, A. (2016): “The learning-by exporting effect on family firm's product innovation: a longitudinal study”. Paper presented to the 23rd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, Glasgow, 12-14 june 2016.
Sánchez-Marín, G.; Pemartín González-Adalid, M.; Monreal-Perez, J. (2016): “The learning-by exporting effect on family firm's product innovation: a longitudinal study”. Paper presented to the XXVI ACEDE Conference, Vigo, 26-28 june 2016.
Geldres, V.; Uribe, C.T; Coudounaris, D.N.; Monreal-Perez, J. (2016): “Innovation and experiential knowledge in the firm exports - Applying the Uppsala model in a developing market: Chile”. Paper presented to the 6th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) Conference. Valencia, 24-27 March 2016.
Monreal-Perez, J.; Sánchez Marín, G.; Hanley, A. (2015): “Does the Change to Family Control Limit the Export Activity of the Firm?”. Paper presented to the IFERA Conference 2015. July 1st, 2015. Hamburg (Germany).
Hanley, A.; Monreal-Perez, J.; Sánchez Marín, G. (2014): “Family vs. non-family firms exports propensity during the financial crisis. A longitudinal study in Spain”. Paper presented to the IFERA Conference 2014. June 24 –27, 2014. Lappeenranta (Finland)
Hanley, A.; Monreal-Perez, J.; Sánchez Marín, G. (2014): “Effect of becoming a family firm on the export activity of the firm”. Paper presented to the EURAM Conference 2014. 4th-7th june. Valencia.
Esteban Lloret, N. N.; Monreal Pérez, J. (2014): “¿Mejora la docencia en inglés los resultados del alumno universitario?”, comunicación presentada al II Congreso Internacional de Innovación Docente, Universidad de Murcia, 20 y 21 de febrero de 2014, Universidad de Murcia, Murcia (España).
Hanley, A.; Monreal-Perez, J.; Sánchez Marín, G. (2013): “What happens to exports when the family takes over?”, paper presented to the 39th EIBA Conference 2013, from December 12th until December 14th. Bremen (Germany).
Merino de Lucas, F; Monreal-Pérez, J.; Sánchez-Marín, G. (2012): “Family Firm internationalization: disentangling the influence of familiness on Spanish firms’ export activity”. Paper presented to the 2012 IFERA Conference, Bordeaux (France), 27-28 June 2012.
Monreal-Perez, J.; Aragón-Sánchez, A. y Sánchez-Marín, G. (2013) “¿Seleccionan los mercados de exportación a las empresas más innovadoras? El papel moderador de la productividad”, Paper presented to the XXIII ACEDE Conference, Universidad de Málaga (Spain), 15-17th. september 2013.
Hanley, A.; Monreal-Perez, J.; Sánchez Marín, G. (2013): “What happens to exports when the family takes over?”, Paper presented to the Hamburg Institute of Family Owned Business (HIF) III International Symposium, Hamburg (Germany), 3rd. september 2013.
Monreal-Pérez, J. (2012): “Which is the role of the numerical flexibility on the Family Firm learning-by-exporting capability?”. Paper presented to the 37th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy Conference (EIBA), held at the University of Sussex (Brighton/England), 7-9 december 2012.
Hanley, A.; J. Monreal-Pérez (2012): “Are Newly Exporting Firms more Innovative? Findings from Matched Spanish Innovators,” Comunicación presentada en la Conferencia “Yearly conference on productivity at Saltsjöbaden”, titulada ‘Analysis and development of its statistical base’ y celebrada en el el Statistics Sweden Center (SCB), Saltsjöbaden (Suecia), 10-11 Octubre 2012.
Monreal. J; Merino, F.; Sánchez, G. (2012): “Internacionalización de la Pyme familiar: desentrañando la influencia del Familiness en la actividad exportadora de la empresa”, Paper presented to the XXII ACEDE Conference, Cádiz, 17-18 september 2012.
Monreal-Pérez, J.; Monreal, J. (2012). Presentación de la Cátedra Mare Nostrum de Empresa Familiar en la 2ª edición del International Symposium of our Hamburg Institute of Family Owned Business. Hamburg (Germany), del 30 de agosto al 1 de septiembre de 2012.
Monreal-Pérez, J.; Merino, F.; and Sánchez-Marín, G (2012): “Family Firm Internationalization: Influence of Familiness on the Spanish Firm Export Behavior” IFERA 2012 Conference. 26th-29th June 2012.
Monreal-Perez, J.; Aragón-Sánchez, A. y Sánchez-Marín, G. (2011): “A longitudinal study of the relationship between export activity and innovation of Spanish firms: the moderating role of productivity”. Comunicación presentada en el 36th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy Conference (EIBA), Bucarest (Romania), 8-10 december 2011.
Hanley, A.; J. Monreal-Pérez (2011): “Are Newly Exporting Firms more Innovative? Findings from Matched Spanish Innovators,” Comunicación presentada en el “Innovation: from Europe to China” Workshop, Kiel Institute for the World Economy (IFW), Germany (Alemania), 27-29 October 2011.
Monreal. J; Aragón, A.; Sánchez, G. (2011): “Innovación e intensidad exportadora: El papel moderador del modo de entrada“, Paper presented to the XXI ACEDE Conference, Barcelona, 5-6 september 2011.
Monreal, J.; Aragón, A; Sánchez, G. (2010): “Innovation, Productivity and the Export Activity of Spanish Manufacturing Firms” , Comunicación presentada en el 36th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy Conference (EIBA), Porto (Portugal), 9-11 december 2010.
Monreal, J.; Aragón, A; Sánchez, G. (2009): “Las capacidades organizacionales de la empresa como determinantes de su comportamiento exportador” (Organizational Capabilities as Determinants of the Firm Export Behaviour), Paper presented to the XXIII European Academy of Management and Business Economics International Conference (AEDEM), Sevilla, 3-5 june 2009.
Monreal, J.; Aragón, A., Sánchez, G. (2008): “The Role of Firm Capabilities in Export Behaviour”, Paper presented to the IV Iberian International Business Conference (IIBC), Burgos, 17-18 october.
Monreal. J; Aragón, A.; Sánchez, G. (2007): “Un estudio empírico sobre la competitividad de la pyme”, (An empirical research on the SME Competitiveness), Paper presented to the XVII ACEDE Conference, Sevilla, 16-18 september.
Monreal, J.; Aragón, A.; Sánchez, G.: (2007) “La Estrategia como Factor de Competitividad Internacional de la Pyme Industrial desde la Teoría de las Capacidades Organizacionales” (Strategy as a Factor of the Industrial SME International Competitiveness), Paper presented to the XIV Spanish Account and Business Management Association Conference (AECA), Valencia 19-21 september 2007.
GALERÍA TRABAJOS FIN DE GRADO Y FIN DE MASTER SOBRE EMPRESA FAMILIAR. Cátedra UM/UPCT de Empresa Familiar “Mare Nostrum”. “La estrategia de internacionalización de la empresa familiar. El caso de Filiberto Martínez S.A”. Autor: José Antonio Molina González. Tutor: Joaquín Monreal Pérez. 25 de Octubre de 2024.
Finalistas del “II Premio Internacional PYME Juan Antonio Maroto Acín (2023)” organizado por la Asociación Española de Contabilidad y Administración de Empresas (AECA). Madrid, 30/10/2023.
Best PhD in progress. XXX EBEN conference. Cádiz, 8 June 2023.
Best paper on Exporting. 3rd NORDIC IB, EXPORT MARKETING INT. ENTREPRENEURSHIP & TOURISM CONFERENCE 2021, 6th TO 7th NOVEMBER 2021, Tallinn (Estonia).
International Management Division HKUST Best Paper in Global Strategy. Academy of Management (AOM) Annuel Meeting. Chicago, 10-14 august 2018.
Best paper on Exporting. Nordic International Business and Export Marketing Conference 2018 at Talinn (Estonia), 3-4 november 2018.
Best Conference paper 2016 at the 6th Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) Conference. Valencia, 24-27 March 2016.
Best Family Firm Section Paper 2012 at the XXII ACEDE Conference, Cádiz, 17-18 september 2012.
Finalista Premio Sanchís Alcover at the XVII ACEDE Conference, Cádiz, 17-18 september 2012
International seminars taughts
Monreal Pérez, J. (2021): “Fuzzy data : a novel methodology that better identifies causality links applied to the business management field”. Seminario Internacional de difusión de resultados del proyecto de investigación ANID-COVID0634 (IP Valeska Geldres-Weiss, Universidad de La Frontera, Chile). Online. 22 de junio de 2021.
Monreal Pérez, J. (2018):“La innovación de productos como principal impulsor de la competitividad internacional de la empresa. El papel del páís de destino de la exportación (Product innovation as a main driver of the international competitiveness of the firm. The rol of the export country destination)” CIDI (Centro de Investigación para Desafíos Internacionales. 14 de agosto de 2018, Universidad de la Frontera, Temuco (Chile).
Monreal Pérez, J. (2011): “Spain: from the housing bubble to the current situation”. Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, 6 June 2011, Hamburg, (Germany).
Collaborations with the Media
Monreal Pérez, J. (2019): ¿Cómo aumentar la competitividad de la empresa familiar?(” How to increase the competitiveness of the family firm ?”). Article published on 07/08/2019. Diario La Opinión. Encuentros con la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar “Mare Nostrum-Amefmur”.
Monreal Pérez, J. (2018): Innovación de producto: la clave para que la empresa familiar sea más competitiva (” Product Innovation: the key so that the family firm become more competitive“). Article published on 13/08/2018. Diario La Opinión. Encuentros con la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar “Mare Nostrum-Amefmur”.
Monreal Pérez, J. (2017):Razones para el optimismo para la empresa familiar (“Reasons for the optimism for the family business”). Article published on 01/09/2017. Diario La Opinión. Encuentros con la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar “Mare Nostrum-Amefmur”.
Monreal Pérez, J. (2017): Exportar o morir (“Export or die”). Article published on 24/05/2017. Diario La Opinión. Tribuna Abierta. Colaboraciones de miembros de Murcia Seniors Club.
Monreal Pérez, J. (2016): El aprendizaje en la empresa familiar (Learning in the family firm”). Article published on 07/02/2016. Diario La Opinión. Encuentros con la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar “Mare Nostrum-Amefmur”.
Monreal Pérez, J. (2015): “¿Son las Empresas Familiares más conservadoras en su internacionalización?” (Are family firms more conservative when internationalizing?“). Article published on 01/02/2015. Diario La Opinión. Encuentros con la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar “Mare Nostrum-Amefmur”.
Monreal Pérez, J. (2014): “Empresas en España mueven su radar” (“Companies in Spain widen their target”). Interview in Excelsior, top news site in México. 18/01/2014 (
Monreal Pérez, J. (2014): “¿Mejora la Empresa Familiar cuando exporta?” (“Does the Family Firm improve as it exports?”). Article published on 05/01/2014. Diario La Opinión. Encuentros con la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar “Mare Nostrum-Amefmur”.
Monreal Pérez, J. (2013): “El sector agroalimentario en Murcia, internacionalizado y en crecimiento” (“The Agriculture and Food Industry of Murcia, internacionalized and growing”). Article published on 23/07/2013 in
Monreal Pérez, J. (2013): “Exportar: Solución a la Crisis para la Empresa Familiar” (“Exporting: Solution to the Crisis for the Family Owned Business”). Article published on 06/01/2013. Diario La Opinión. Encuentros con la Cátedra de Empresa Familiar “Mare Nostrum-Amefmur”.
Hanley, A.; Monreal-Pérez, J. (2012): “Can Spain learn from its “export starters”?”. VoxEu Column ( 5th november 2012.
Hanley. A; Monreal-Pérez, J. (2012): “¿Puede España aprender de sus “export starters”?”. Published on 10/12/2012 in www.”, blog of the Fundación de Estudios de Economía Aplicada (Fedea).
Research stays
20 Julio- 21 Agosto de 2018: Universidad de La Frontera de Temuco (Chile).
Marzo-Julio de 2011: Institute for the World Economy (Ifw). Kiel, Germany (Alemania).
Other Research roles
Since October 2012. Member of the Editorial Board of Journal of Business Theory and Practice.
2011- 2014. Research Affiliate at the Institute for the World Economy (Ifw). Kiel, Germany (Alemania).
Reviewer for a number of international Journals and Conferences.
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