Selected Publications

  • Lulaj, E. and Minguez-Vera, A. (2024). Cash Flow Dynamics: Amplifying Swing Models in a Volatile Economic Climate for Financial Resilience and Outcomes, Scientific Annal of Economics and Business, 71 (3), 315-336.
  • Hernik, J.; Mazur, R.; Minguez-Vera, A.; Grinberga-Zalite, G. and Bąk, Ma. Oesterreich, I. (2024). Business Crises in Europe and Asia: the Role of Aggressive Expansion, International Journal of Contemporary Management (forthcoming).
  • Dziekański, P.; Popławski, Ł.; Sułek, A. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2024). Shaping sustainable energy in a circular economy. Case study of EU and Western Bloc countries 2013-2020, Economics and Environment, 89 (2), 808.
  • Martín-Ugedo, J. F. and Mínguez-Vera, A. (2023): “Board of directors and firm debt in Spanish SMEs: A power perspective”, European Research on Management and Business Economics, 29 (3), 100231.
  • Fayyaz, U.E.R.; Jalal, R.N.U.D., Venditti, M. and Minguez-Vera, A. (2023): “Diverse boards and firm performance: The role of environmental, social and governance disclosure”, Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 30, 1457–1472.
  • Lucas-Pérez, M. E.; Mínguez-Vera, A. and Ortín-Tomás, M. P. (2022): “Diversidad de género en el consejo de administración y endeudamiento”. Revista de Trabajo y Seguridad Social. CEF, 468.
  • Sánchez‐Marín, G.; Lucas‐Pérez, M. E.; Baixauli‐Soler, S.; Main, B. G. and Mínguez‐Vera, A. (2022): “Excess executive compensation and corporate governance in the United Kingdom and Spain: A comparative analysis”. Managerial and Decision Economics, 43 (7), 2817-2837.
  • Hernández-Nicolás, C. M.; Martín-Ugedo, J. F. and Mínguez-Vera, A. (2022): “Women CEOs and firm performance in the construction industry: Evidence from Spain”. Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 29 (3), 1343-1357.
  • Sánchez Vidal, J.; Hernández Robles, M. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2020): “Financial conservatism fosters job creation during economic crises”. Applied Economics, 52 (45), 4913-4926.
  • Lucas-Martínez, G.; Martín-Ugedo, J. F. and Mínguez-Vera, A. (2020): “Members’ perceptions of governance in agricultural cooperatives: Evidence from Spain”. Outlook on Agriculture, 49 (2), 145–152.
  • Hernik, J. and Minguez Vera, A. (2020): “Gender equality in parliaments - where do we stand in Europe? Considerations from the economic development and society’s masculinity index point of view”. Review of Contemporary Entrepreneurship, Business, and Economic Issues, 33 (1), 83-99.
  • Hernández-Nicolás, C. M.; Martín-Ugedo, J. F. and Mínguez-Vera, A. (2019): “The effect of gender diversity on the board of Spanish agricultural cooperatives on returns and debt: An empirical analysis”. Agribusiness: An International Journal, 35, 639-656.
  • Martín Ugedo, J. F.; Minguez-Vera, A. and Rossi, F. (2019): “Female directors and firm performance in Italian and Spanish listed firms: Does masculinity matter?” ARLA, 32(3), 411-436.
  • Hernández-Nicolás, C. M.; Martín-Ugedo, J. F. and Mínguez-Vera, A. (2018): “Women mayors and management of Spanish councils: An empirical analysis”. Feminist Economics, 24 (1), 168-191.
  • Martín Ugedo, J. F.; Minguez-Vera, A. and Palma Martos, L. A. (2018): “Female CEOs, Returns and Risk in Spanish Publishing Firms”. European Management Review, 15(1), 111-120.
  • Hernik, J. and Minguez Vera, A. (2017): “Searching for a perfect composition for a board of directors”. Journal of Corporate Responsibility and Leadership, 4 (1), 19-38.
  • Abad, D.; Lucas Pérez, Mª E.; Mínguez Vera, A. and Yagüe, J. (2017): “Does gender diversity on corporate boards reduce information asymmetry in equity markets?“ Business Research Quarterly, 20, 192-205.
  • Baixauli-Soler, J.S.; Lucas-Perez, M.E.; Martin-Ugedo, J.F.; Minguez-Vera, A. and Sanchez-Marin, G. (2016): Executive directors’ compensation and monitoring: “The influence of gender diversity on Spanish board of directors”. Journal of Business Economics and Management, 17(6), 1133-1154.
  • Hernández-Nicolás, C.M.; Martín Ugedo, J.F. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2016): “La influencia del género en la dirección de las sociedades cooperativas españolas sobre la rentabilidad y el endeudamiento: Un análisis empírico”. REVESCO, 135, 135-164.
  • Hernik, J. and Minguez-Vera, A. (2016): “Women on managing boards - are companies more responsible when women share power?” Organizational Studies and Innovation Review, 2(4), 57-63.
  • Hernández Cánovas, G.; Mínguez Vera, A. and Sánchez Vidal, J. (2016): “Ownership structure and debt as corporate governance mechanisms: An empirical analysis for Spanish SMEs”. Journal of Business, Economics and Management, 17(6), 960-976.
  • Lucas Pérez, Mª E.; Mínguez Vera, A.; Baixauli Soler, J. S.; and Martín Ugedo, J.F. ; Sánchez Marín, G. (2015): “Women on the board and managers' pay: Evidence from Spain”. Journal of Business Ethics, 129 (2), 265-280.
  • Hernández-Nicolás, C.M. ; Martín Ugedo, J.F. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2015): “The influence of gender on financial decisions: evidence from small start-up firms in Spain”. Economics and Management, 18 (4),93-107.
  • Martín Ugedo, J.F. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2014): “Firm performance and women on the board: Evidence on Spanish Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises”. Feminist Economics, 20 (3), 136-162.
  • Arcas Lario, N; Martín Ugedo, J.F. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2014): “Farmers’ Satisfaction with Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Marketing Spanish Cooperatives: An Explanation from Agency Theory ”. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 17 (1), 127-146.
  • Arcas Lario, N; Martín Ugedo, J.F. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2013): “Satisfacción de los Socios con las cooperativas agrarias. Una explicación a partir de la Teoría de los Derechos de Propiedad”. ITEA-Información Técnica Económica Agraria, 109 (4), 443-457.
  • Mate Sánchez-Val, M. L.; Hernández Cánovas, G.; Sánchez Vidal, J. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2013): “Are there spill-over effects into the financial behaviour of SME´s?”. El Trimestre Económico, 80, 841-867.
  • Mínguez Vera, A. and Martin, A. (2011): “Gender and management on Spanish SMEs: An empirical analysis”. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(14), 2852-2873.
  • Mínguez Vera, A. ; Martín Ugedo, J. F. and Arcas Lario, N. (2010): “Agency and property rights theories in agricultural cooperatives: evidence from Spain”. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 8(4), 908-924.
  • Campbell, K. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2010): “Female board appointments and firm valuation: short and long-term effects”. Journal of Management and Governance, 14, 37-59.
  • Mínguez Vera, A. and Martín Ugedo, J. F. (2010): “Firm risk and the power of the Chairman and CEO in a Civil Law country: Evidence from Spain”. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 21(2), 371-388.
  • Minguez Vera, A. and Lopez Martinez, R. (2010): “Female directors and smes: An empirical analysis”. Journal of Global Strategic Management, 8 (2), 34-46.
  • Campbell, K. and Mínguez Vera, A.(2008): “Nombramiento de consejeras y reacción del mercado: Un análisis empírico para empresas cotizadas españolas”. Revista de Análisis Financiero, 106, 6-12.
  • Campbell, K. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2008): “Gender diversity in the boardroom and firm financial performance “. Journal of Business Ethics, 83, 435-451.
  • Mínguez Vera, A. (2007): “Política de dividendos, riesgo, endeudamiento y estructura de propiedad: Un análisis para el mercado español”. El Trimestre Económico, 74, 929-960.
  • Mínguez Vera, A. and Martín Ugedo, J. F. (2007): “Does ownership structure affect value? A panel data analysis for the Spanish market”. International Review of Financial Analysis, 16, 81-98.
  • Campbell, K. and Mínguez Vera, A. (2006): “The influence of gender on Spanish boards of directors”, Journal of Business. Management and Economics, 2, 21-37.
  • Mínguez Vera, A. and Martín Ugedo, J. F. (2005): “¿Afectan las características del consejo de administración a su labor supervisora? Nueva evidencia para el mercado español”. Revista Europea de Dirección y Economía de la Empresa, 14, 55-74.
  • Mínguez Vera, A. and Martín Ugedo, J. F. (2004): “Concentración accionarial y liquidez de mercado: Un análisis con ecuaciones simultáneas”. The Spanish Review of Financial Economics (Revista de Economía Financiera), 4, 8-31.



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