For a full list please visit my ResearchGate profile.
Mompeán, Jose (in press). Transcription systems. In The Encyclopedia of Applied Linguistics. 2nd Edition. Wiley.
Mompean, Jose (2025, to appear). Cognitive Phonology: A Toolkit for Theory and Practice, Chapter 1, in Przewozny, A., Rouaud, J., Josselin-Leray, A. (2025), Realities, Communities and Norms in Spoken English Varieties: New Perspectives, Toulouse: Presses Universitaires du Midi, Coll. Amphi 7.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2025, in press). Standard Southern British English. In The Wiley Blackwell Encyclopedia of World Englishes. 3rd ed. Wiley.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2024). ChatGPT for L2 pronunciation teaching and learning. ELT Journal, 78(4), 423–434.
Valenzuela Manzanares, Javier & Mompeán, Jose A. (2023). La Gramática de Construcciones Multimodal: potencial y desafíos. Revista Española De Lingüística, 53(1), 123–146.
Jansen, Sandra & Mompeán, Jose A. (2023). GOOSE-fronting in Received Pronunciation across time: A trend study. Language Variation and Change, 35(1), 55–77.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2022). /r/-sandhi in the speech of Queen Elizabeth II. Journal of the International Phonetic Association, 52(2), 246–277.
Mompeán, Jose A. & Fouz-González, Jonás (2021). Phonetic symbols in contemporary pronunciation instruction. RELC Journal, 52(1), 155–168.
Fouz-González, J. & Mompeán, Jose A. (2021). Exploring the potential of phonetic symbols and keywords as labels for perceptual training. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 43(2), 297–328.
Fouz-González, Jonás & Mompeán, Jose A. (2021). Phonetic symbols vs keywords in perceptual training: the learners' views. ELT Journal, 75(4), 460–470.
Mompeán, Jose A., Fregier, Amandine & Valenzuela, Javier (2020). Iconicity and systematicity in phonaesthemes: A cross-linguistic study. Cognitive Linguistics, 31(3), 515–548.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2020). Authentic speech from historical records in pronunciation instruction. In José Jesús Gázquez Linares, María del Mar Molero Jurado, África Martos Martínez et al. (Eds.), Innovación Docente e Investigación en Arte y Humanidades: Avanzado en el Proceso de Enseñanza-Aprendizaje (pp. 409–420). Madrid: Dykinson.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2019). Diachronic change in /r/-sandhi? A real-time study at community and individual levels. In Sasha Calhoun, Paola Escudero, Marija Tabain & Paul Warren (eds.) Proceedings of the 19th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Melbourne, Australia 2019 (pp. 770–774). Canberra, Australia: Australasian Speech Science and Technology Association, Inc.
Mompeán, Jose A. & Valenzuela, Javier (2019). Brexit means Brexit: a constructionist analysis. Complutense Journal of English Studies, 27, 1–37.
San Segundo, Eugenia & Mompeán, Jose A. (2017). A simplified Vocal Profile Analysis protocol for the assessment of voice quality and speaker similarity. Journal of Voice 31(5), 644.e11-644.e27.
Mompeán, Jose A. & Fouz-González, Jonás (2016). Twitter-based EFL pronunciation instruction. Language Learning & Technology, 20(1), 166–190.
Mompeán, Jose A. & Lintunen, Pekka (2015). Phonetic notation in foreign language teaching and learning: Potential advantages and learners’ views. Research in Language, 13(3), 292–314.
Mompeán, Jose A. & Fouz-González, Jonás (Eds.) (2015). Investigating English Pronunciation: Trends and Directions. Basingstoke, UK/New York, NY: Palgrave Macmillan.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2014). Stress shift in English: The case of teen numbers. In R. Monroy & I. Arboleda-Guirao (eds), Readings in English Phonetics and Phonology (pp. 149–164). Valencia: IULMA.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2014). Cognitive linguistics and phonology. In J. R. Taylor & J. Littlemore (eds), The Bloomsbury Companion to Cognitive Linguistics (pp. 253–276). London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
Mompeán, Jose A., Ashby, Michael & Fraser, Helen (2011). Phonetics teaching and learning: An overview of recent trends and directions. In W-S Lee & E. Zee (eds), Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 96–99). Hong Kong, China.
Mompeán, Jose A. & Gómez, Alberto (2011). Hiatus-resolution strategies in non-rhotic English: The case of /r/-liaison. In W-S Lee & E. Zee (eds), Proceedings of the 17th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1414–1417). Hong Kong, China.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2010). A corpus-based study of phonological free variation in English. In A. Henderson (ed), (2010). English Pronunciation: Issues and Practices (EPIP): Proceedings of the First International Conference. June 3-5 2009 (pp. 13–36). Chambéry: Éditions de l'Université de Savoie.
Mompeán, Jose A., & Mompean-Guillamón, Pilar (2009). /r/-liaison in English: An empirical study. Cognitive Linguistics, 20(4), 733–776.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2006). The phoneme as a basic-level category: Experimental Evidence from English. The phoneme as a basic-level category: Experimental Evidence from English. International Journal of English Studies, 6(2), 141–172.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2005).[|Taking advantage of phonetic symbols in the foreign language classroom]]. In Proceedings of the Phonetics Teaching and Learning Conference 2005 (pp. 50–54). London: University College London.
Mompeán, Jose A. (2004). Category overlap and neutralization: The importance of speakers' classifications in phonology. Cognitive Linguistics, 15(4), 429–469.
Mompeán, Jose A. 2003. Pedagogical tools for teaching articulatory setting. In M. J. Solé, D. Recasens and J. Romero (eds.), Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences (pp. 1603–1606). Adelaide: Causal Productions.
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