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Welcome to the personal webpage of Pablo de Vera

Pablo de Vera is tenured Assistant Professor (Profesor Contratado Doctor) and researcher at the Condensed Matter research group of the Research Centre for Optics and Nanophysics, of the Department of Physics of the University of Murcia. He is lecturer at several degrees of the Faculties of Chemistry and Education.

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Latest news

21/12/24: The newspaper La Verdad informs about our project of the Séneca Foundation
16/12/24: The journal Physical Review B publishes our latest article "Assessing electronic excitation spectra of chromium, palladium, and samarium from their stopping quantities"
12/09/24: The journal Physical Review E publishes our latest article "Simulation of depth-dose curves and water equivalent ratios of energetic proton beams in cortical bone"
06/12/23: The journal Frontiers in Materials publishes our latest article "Electronic cross section, stopping power and energy-loss straggling of metals for swift protons, alpha particles and electrons"
**All the news**


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