Ramón J. Sánchez Iborra, PhD.

Associate Professor (Profesor Contratado Doctor)

Department of Communications and Information Engineering (DIIC)

University of Murcia

Office: 1.38 (1st floor, Computer Science Faculty)

Phone: +34 868 88 8502

E-mail address:

Ramon Sanchez-Iborra is an Associate Professor at the University of Murcia, Spain. From the Technical University of Cartagena, Spain, he received the BSc degree in telecommunication engineering in 2007 and the MSc and PhD degrees in information and communication technologies in 2013 and 2015, respectively. He has been an Assistant Professor at the University Center of Defense, San Javier Air Force Base, Spain. His main research interests are QoE in multimedia services, management of wireless mobile networks, 5G slicing, and IoT/M2M architectures. He has published more than 60 papers in international journals and conferences.

Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE)

Advanced network infrastructures

Internet of Things systems

5G and 6G architectures

Ramón J. Sánchez Iborra is a member of the Inteligent Systems and Telematics Research Group, which has been awarded as Research Group of Excellence (with code 04552/GERM/06) by the Seneca Foundation (period 2008-2014). The CV of the whole research group for the last five years is available here.

Department of Communications and Information Engineering (DIIC) of the University of Murcia.

  • inicio.txt
  • Última modificación: 2023/07/13 11:00
  • por ramonsanchez@um.es