Mi línea principal de investigación incluye el comportamiento del consumidor, en entornos online, en decisiones familiares y ante las acciones de Responsabilidad Social Corporativa de la empresa. Estas son alguna de mis publicaciones más recientes

My main research interest is consumer behavior, in online environments, in family decisions and consumers' reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility Activities implemented by companies. These are some of my most recent publications

Marín, Longinos, Salvador Ruiz de Maya and Alicia Rubio: “The Role of Identification in Consumers' Evaluations of Brand Extensions”, Frontiers in Psychology, 2018, 9:2582, 1-12.

Alarcón López, Rocío, Ruiz de Maya, Salvador, and López López, Inés, “Sharing co-creation experiences contributes to consumer satisfaction”, Online Information Review, 2017, 41(7), 969-984.

López Davis, Sylvia, Marín Rives, Longinos, and Ruiz de Maya, Salvador “Introducing personal social responsability as a key element to upgrade CSR”, Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, 2017, 21, 146-163.

García Jiménez, José Víctor, Ruiz de Maya, Salvador, and López López, Inés, “The Impact of Congruence Between the CSR Activity and the Company’s Core Business on Consumer Response to CSR”, Spanish Journal of Marketing-ESIC, 2017, 21, supplement 1, 26-38.

Giménez García Conde, Miguel, Longinos Marín and Salvador Ruiz de Maya: “The Role of Generativity in the Effects of Corporate Social Responsibility on Consumer Behaviour”, Sustainability, 2016, 8(8).

Ruiz de Maya, Salvador, Rafaela Lardín Zambudio and Inés López-López: “I Will Do It If I Enjoy It! The Moderating Effect of Seeking Sensory Pleasure When Exposed to Participatory CRS Campaigns”, Frontiers in Psychology, 2016, 6(1940), 1-10.

Hidalgo Alcázar, Carmen, María Sicilia y Salvador Ruiz de Maya: “La Imagen de un Producto Turístico Rural a través del Acceso al Contenido Generado por otros Usuarios en Internet: diferencias por género”, Journal of Technology Management & Innovation, 2015, 10(3), 75-84.

López-López, Inés, Salvador Ruiz de Maya and Luk Warlop: “When Sharing Consumption Emotions With Strangers Is More Satisfying Than Sharing Them With Friends,” Journal of Service Research, 2014, 17(4), 475-488.

María del Carmen Hidalgo Alcázar, María Siclia Piñero and Salvador Ruiz de Maya, “The effect of user-generated content on tourist behavior: the mediating role of destination image”, Tourism & Management Studies, 2014, vol. 10(special issue), pages 158-164.

Nina Reynolds and Salvador Ruiz de Maya, “The impact of complexity and perceived difficulty on consumer revisit intentions”, Journal of Marketing Management, 2013, vol.29 (5-6), pages 625-645.

Marín, Longinos and Salvador Ruiz de Maya, “The Role of Affiliation, Attractiveness and Personal Connection in Consumer-Company Identification”, European Journal of Marketing, 2013, vol. 47, issue 3/4, pages 655 – 673.

Martinez Clares, C. A., Salvador Ruiz de Maya y María Sicilia Piñero, “El Rol de la Edad en la Valoración del Materialismo y su Influencia en la Intención de Compra”, Investigación y Marketing, 2013, pages 40-45.

López López, Ines and Salvador Ruiz de Maya, “When hedonic products help regulate my mood.” Marketing Letters, 2012, 23 (3), 701 – 717.

Marín, Longinos, Alicia Rubio and Salvador Ruiz de Maya, “Competitiveness as a Strategic Outcome of Corporate Social Responsibility.” Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management, 2012, vol. 19, issue 3, pages 364 – 376.

Ruiz de Maya, Salvador, Ines Lopez and Jose L. Munuera “Organic Food Consumption in Europe: International Segmentation Based on Value System Differences.” Ecological Economics, 2011, vol. 70, issue 10, pages 1767-1775.

Lopez, Ines and Salvador Ruiz, “Explaining Website Effectiveness: the Hedonic-Utilitarian Dual Mediation Hypothesis”, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications, 2011, 10, 49-58.

Sicilia, Maria and Salvador Ruiz, “The Effect of Web-Based Information Availability on Consumers Processing and Attitudes”, Journal of Interactive Marketing, 2010, 24, 31-41.

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