Sara Nieves Matheu García

Sara N. Matheu García, Ph.D
Assistant professor
Department of Communications and Information Engineering (DIIC)
University of Murcia (UMU)

Office: 1.34 (first floor, Computer Science Faculty)
E-mail address:

I'm a professor at the University of Murcia, Spain. I obtained a B.S. degree in mathematics and B.S. and M.S. degrees in computer science from the University of Murcia in 2015 and 2016, respectively. Thanks to the support of a Collaboration Scholarship, I had the opportunity to work on security protocols and bootstrapping for the Internet of Things (IoT) under the guidance of Dr. Rafael Marín López. Subsequently, I obtained a national FPU (University Teaching Training) contract from the Spanish Ministry of Education to pursue my Ph.D. This allowed me to obtain an international Ph.D. with the supervision of Dr. Antonio Skarmeta and Dr. José Luis Hernández Ramos from the University of Murcia

I have served as a lecturer in the Computer Engineering degree program and the Master's program at the University of Murcia. Additionally, I have actively participated in more than 10 national and international projects. My research line has primarily focused on security certification, which has given me the opportunity to collaborate with significant organizations such as ETSI, DG-CNECT or the European Cybersecurity Organization (ECSO) towards the establishment of a common European certification framework. This aligns with the objectives of the European regulation approved in 2019 (Cybersecurity Act). I am honored to have received prestigious awards for my research, including the Scientific Society of Computer Science in Spain (SCIE) - BBVA Foundation Research Award in the category of Young Computer Scientists 2021, the RENIC Award in Cybersecurity for the Best Doctoral Thesis, and the Extraordinary Doctorate Award.

Currently, I am an Assistant professor at the University of Murcia, while I am actively involved in several European projects. I have made significant contributions to numerous international conferences, and my research has been published in high-impact journals and book chapters. Additionally, I have served as a reviewer for several conferences and had the privilege of being an editor in books and special issues. I am passionate about sharing research with the society, so I actively engage in events such as Researchers' Night, DIATIC or Science Week and I had the opportunity to conduct over 20 radio and TV interviews, workshops, and podcasts to promote the dissemination of research.

  • Security certification
  • Security evaluation
  • Lifecycle management
  • Manufacturer Usage Description (MUD) files
  • Bootstraping
  • Cyber threat information (CTI) sharing

I'm member of the Inteligent Systems and Telematic Research Group, which has been awarded as Research Group of Excellence (with code 04552/GERM/06) by the Seneca Foundation (period 2008-2014). The CV of the whole research group for the last five years is available here

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  • Last modified: 2025/02/18 18:17
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