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Μετὰ δὲ ταῦτα ἐπιπεσόντων θεωρημάτων τινῶν ἀνελέγκτων, πεπραγματεύμεθα τὰς ἀποδείξεις αὐτῶν.

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get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

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get published paper get preprint from arxiv

Notice the “added in proof” comments in the preprint in arxiv

get published paper Contents can be found as chapter 2 and section 3.1 in this preprint

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get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper Contents can be found as chapter 1 in this preprint

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get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get preprint from arxiv

Note: This preprint was not published in this form, but parts of its content are published in separate articles mentioned above.

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get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arXiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv

get published paper get preprint from arxiv