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MonoBoss support for AJAX clients

Yesterday, after work, I was thinking about integration of MonoBoss with web applications and remembered how AJAX calls web services using XML.

To get working that feature I think a right way is to have a method in one web service for executing any other method in any MonoBoss service. That is very easy to implement, using "service name" and "method name" as parameters.

This is an early design because it's planned to have full integration with SOAP / Web Services.

00:00 | Comments | MonoBoss, AJAX, Web

Silverlight integration with MonoBoss

In MonoBoss design time I thought that it needed an UI architecture to let building of user applications. With Moonlight (Silverlight) release, I saw a good point to start that architecture. The main goals are keeping Model/Functionality code in server side and User Interface in XAML files, using an automatically generated handler to connect the UI with a service.

In MonoBoss Ideas page I will write any news about this and other things

00:00 | Comments | MonoBoss, Silverlight, Moonlight

A lot of time of blog inactivity. New MonoBoss Web Page.

I'm happy for writing again in my blog. I hope to write more now... I was very busy.

MonoBoss page was very ugly and it needs a beauty page. Mono is the proyect in my heart and MonoBoss is the proyect of my life. I've got a lot of illussion with it. I hope that it can be useful for anyone in the future.

By now, the project is in the fridge. No public version is released yet. I hope to get a strong release at the end of this year.

00:00 | Comments | MonoBoss, Mono

MonoBoss Project is born

Today is uploaded MonoBoss Project's web page (

As we say in the page: "MonoBoss is a technology for building distributed cluster systems. It can be used to solve large-scale computation problems and for deploy reliable and scalable services with high availability".

MonoBoss is based in Mono for the infrastructure and cluster administration. MonoBoss Services should be developed in C# but in the future it wil support C++ and other languages.

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