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New web site

Finally I could finish my new web site. I decided to build it around my weblog because it will be much more active and beautiful. Also I've added other pages about my public life. Actually the result doesn't differ from a wordpress installation but I liked static pages and to do things by myself.

I've included an incomplete page of projects where I will expose what is going in my mind that eats my spare time. Also, I've got a page of services to offer my professional services. At the end, I've aded a page with all information I could remember about my "public" life.

To build the site I've made a simple Python script that reads some files from a folder and applies templates to them. The content is mainly managed in two folders, "pages" and "posts". The "posts" folder has one file for each post with information about it. The script reads thouse files and generates a lot of HTML pages with a post-list template and a page template. This is also done to the files inside "pages", but without post-list template. I needed an script like it for a long time, and I've started twice, but I hadn't spare time to finish it.

For the comments of the posts I've borrowed Miguel de Icaza's idea of using "Disqus". They hosts all my comments and it's very easy an quick to embed in any page.

Among other things that I will add in the future, I've included my Twitter status in the right panel.

I hope to frequently make posts to this new site.

21:39 | Comments | Web

MonoBoss support for AJAX clients

Yesterday, after work, I was thinking about integration of MonoBoss with web applications and remembered how AJAX calls web services using XML.

To get working that feature I think a right way is to have a method in one web service for executing any other method in any MonoBoss service. That is very easy to implement, using "service name" and "method name" as parameters.

This is an early design because it's planned to have full integration with SOAP / Web Services.

00:00 | Comments | MonoBoss, AJAX, Web

Internet Explorer y los estándares de la Web.

Hoy le he indicado a un amigo, usuario de Internet Explorer, que viera los cambios que había hecho a mi página web personal y cual fue mi sorpresa cuando me pasó un screenshot de la misma y ví lo que le hacía a la vista la mala interpretación de CSS. Al final he tenido que cogerlo todo y dejar un CSS versión 1 bastante limitado para que pudiera verse de una forma decente en IE pero a su vez he perdido el fundamento de mi hoja de estilos... la tenía muy cuidada.

No entiendo como hay gente que todavía puede utilizar un navegador tan desastroso y tan lleno de agujeros de seguridad. He estado barajando la opción de dejar la página así y poner algún toque en el estilo para que si es IE directamente saque un mensaje solicitando Firefox como mínimo, pero como me interesa que cualquier persona pueda entrar y ver correctamente mi página he tenido que hacer los cambios... ¡¡ A ver cuando Internet Explorer soporta todo lo "viejo" de los estándares W3C !!

00:00 | Comments | Web, CSS