Curriculum vitae

Last review: Mar-11/2024.

  • Full Name: Sancho José Bañón Arias.
  • Phone: 0034 868 888265.
  • Mailing Address: Department of Food Technology and Science and Nutrition. Veterinary Faculty. University of Murcia. Espinardo 30100. Murcia.
  • Researcher at the University of Murcia since 1991.
  • Professor at the University of Murcia since 1998.
  • Special Award PhD from the Veterinary Faculty, Murcia in 1996.
  • Food Science and Technology Degree.
  • Master of Food Technology, Food and Health.
  • University of Murcia Ph. Doctorate. Food Technology and Science.
  • Novel/improved food technologies (dielectric heating, high hydrostatic pressurizing, spray drying, etc.).
  • Development of new food products or inprovement.
  • Using of polyphenols and other ingredients as natural preservatives or functionals.
  • Technological, nutritional and sensory properties of processed foods.
Curriculum as researcher Items Description
Official six-years period certificates 4 MINECO Spanish Goverment
International R+D Projects 8 RETOS; AIR; FAIR; CRAFT; Others.
National R+D Projects 10 CICYT; PETRI; INIA; PI.
Regional R+D Projects 6 Séneca; IMIDA; Others.
R+D Contracts Food Companies 31 El Pozo Alimentación; Mercadona; Incarlopsa; Rational Food; Catalina Foods; Belchí Hermanos; FADESPORM; ASAJA-ADEA; ASORCARM; Jake; Elaborados Cárnicos de Lorca; José Reverte; Fruyper; Fruveco; Panarro Foods; Membrillo Emily; Lemonice; Salalcalina; Mixsalt; Nutrafur.
International Patents 1 Use of Rosemary extract in animal feeding.
Research Articles JCR 81 Meat Science; Fleischwirtschaft; Lebensmittel-Wissenschaft und Technologie; Food Control; Food Science and Technology International; Food Bioprocess and Technology; Food Chemistry; Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry; Journal of Food Quality and Preference; European Food Research and Technology; Journal of Food Engineering; Food Reviews International; Journal of Food Science; Agricultural Food Science; Starch; Small Ruminant Research; CYTA Journal of Food; Animal Science; Italian Journal of Food Sience Antioxidants; Foods; Animal; Journal of Food Processing and Preservation; European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology; Emirates Journal of Food and Agriculture; Sustainability; Bee World; Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies.
Ph Dr. Thesis 12 2 additional ones in development.
  • cv-english.txt
  • Última modificación: 2024/03/11 12:52
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