Welcome to the personal webpage of Pablo de Vera Gomis
Pablo de Vera is Assistant Professor and researcher at the Condensed Matter research group at the Centre for Research in Optics and Nanophysics, of the Physics Department of the University of Murcia. He teaches at various degrees of the Faculties of Chemistry and Medicine.
In the links below you can find all the detailed information.
Latest news
26/11/22: Seminar by Simone Taioli (ECT*, Trento, Italy): "The lure and the lore of condensed matter research"
28/10/22: "PaCienciaLaNuestra" and the Academy of Sciences at "Semana de la Ciencia y la Tecnología" 2022
14/09/22: Success of the conference "From Hadrons to Therapy: Fundamental Physics Driving New Medical Advances"
**All the news**
About Pablo
Teaching and teaching innovation
- home.txt
- Última modificación: 2023/06/26 22:13
- por pablo.vera@um.es