Ph.D. Biology and Graduate in Biology, University of Heidelberg.

Research employer

  • Telf: +34 868 88 49 89

Orcid Code

Ph. D. University of Murcia 2013. Master in Molecular Biology and Biothecnology, University of Murcia. Graduated in Genetic Farming, University Ain-Shams, El Cairo, Egypt.

AECID Research grant at the University of Murcia, Octuber 2009-September 2012.

Hired postdoctoral researcher within María Zambrano Programme.

Orcid Code

Ph. D. student at University of Murcia 2022-2025

Ph. D. University of Murcia 2021. Master in Biodiversity Management in Mediterranean Environments, University of Murcia. Graduated in Farming, University Ain-Shams, El Cairo, Egypt. AECID Research grant at the University of Murcia, Octuber 2011-September 2012.

Visitant researcher May 2023 - December 2024.

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