Last updated: December 2017
Active research projects and initiatives (6)
SELFNET - Framework for Self-Organized Network Management in Virtualized and Software Defined Networks, H2020-ICT-2014-2 Call, EU Horizon 2020 [ ]
BotsOnFIRE - Mitigation of Botnets in Federated SDN/NFV Infrastructures for 5G, H2020-SOFTFIRE-OC3 Call, EU Horizon 2020.
NATO IST-150 / RTG-072 - NATO Core Services profiling for Hybrid Tactical Networks, NATO Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) [ ]
COSMOS - Collaborative, Seamless and Adaptive Sentinels for the Internet of Things, Leonardo Grant awarded by the BBVA Foundation [ ]
DHARMA - Dynamic Heterogeneous threAts Risk Management and Assessment, Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness [ ]
SAES Chair - Catedra SAES on Open-Source Software and Critical and Real-Time Applications, Private-Funded Industrial Research Chair [ ] [ ]
Past research projects and initiatives (21 in total of which the 12 selected ones are now shown)
Multigigabit European Academic Network (GÉANT3 - GN3 project), EU Framework Programme 7 [ ]
Virtual and Collaborative Honeynets based on Trust Management and Autonomous Systems applied to Intrusion Management (RECLAMO), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [ ]
Secure Management of Information across multiple Stakeholders (SEMIRAMIS), EU Framework Programme 7 [ ]
Security and Confidence on the Information Society (SEGUR@), Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI), Spanish Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade [ ]
Providing Adaptive Ubiquitous Services in Vehicular Contexts (SEISCIENTOS), Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation [ ]
Middleware de gestion de Identidades de Seguridad en TRansacciones electronicAs basado en codigo Libre (MISTRAL), TIC-INF 07/01-0003, Murcia Regional Government.
Dependable Security by Enhanced Reconfigurability (DESEREC), IST-2004-026600, EU Framework Programme 6 [ ]
Military Communications, RTO-MP-IST-054, NATO Science and Technology Organization [ ] [ ]
Policy-Based Security Tools and Framework (POSITIF), IST-2002-002314, EU Framework Programme 6.
IPv6, QoS & Power Line Integration (6POWER), IST-2001-37613, EU Framework Programme 5 [ ]
European IPv6 Internet Exchangers Backbone (Euro6IX), IST-2001-32161, EU Framework Programme 5 [ ]
Proyecto Piloto de una Infraestructura de Seguridad para el Comercio Inteligente de Servicios (PISCIS), Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.