Writing Zone

Writing zone

Along the semester, you will have to submit a number of writing tasks, which will count a 15% towards your final grade. Below are the tasks and the deadlines for submission:

Writing 1: Writing Folder 8 (Write an article…). Deadline: 10/03

Writing 2: Writing Folder 9 (Write a descriptive text…). Deadline: 23/03

Writing 3: Writing Folder 12.1 (Write a narrative article…). Deadline: 07/04

Writing 4: Writing Folder 12.2 (Write a discursive article…). Deadline: 05/05

Also, counting a 20% towards your final grade for Lengua Inglesa IV, you will have to submit a paper. Here is what you have to do and the information regarding the material you will need in order to write your paper. The deadline for submission of this paper is May 5, 2011.

What you need to know…

1. Visit Lambs' Tales from Shakespeare and CHOOSE ONE TALE.

2. Then, …

a) describe one of the main characters. Try to imagine the way s/he wears, behaves, and looks like (you can get information from the text). Write about 250 words.

b) write a different ending for the story. Write about 250 words.

c) find out a semantic field of the words in the text which best characterize the theme of the story. Arrange the words in different categories (verbs, nouns, adjectives). Make a diagram.

Check this out! If you need help as to the type of diagram you can use for your semantic field, I recommend that you pay a visit to the following website: Graphic Organizers.

d) write a critical opinion about the text: style, story, likes, and dislikes. Write about 250 words.

3. Finally, hand it in printed on white paper, on one side of the page only. To complete this assignment, download the Lambs' Tales Task Template onto your computer and write your paper in it. Staple the pages you have written and give them to me in class, on the day of the deadline or before. You do not need to use any cover sheet of paper nor the like. Hand it in as in the template.

1. Text types

Here is a summary of each type of writing you have to do for this course. They have been adapted from Purdue University's Online Writing Lab (OWL).

a. Descriptive essays
b. Discursive essays
c. Narrative essays

2. Summary writing

3. Writing introductions and conclusions

4. Writing comparison/contrast paragraphs and essays

5. Writing argumentative and persuasive essays

5.a Argumentative essay structure

5.b Argumentative/Persuasive essay writing (presentation)

5.c Argumentative/Persuasive essay samples 1

5.d Argumentative/Persuasive essay samples 2

NOTE: The essays are mostly of the “persuasive type” (only one point of view is presented, so as to convince the reader of it). However, I'd like you to pay attention to the introductory parapgrahs in each essay, so that you realize about its structure and how each of them includes a necessary THESIS STATEMENT. Also, pay attention to how the different paragraphs are introduced by linking words and how other linking words are used within the same paragraph as well.

  • writing.txt
  • Última modificación: 2011/05/23 13:11
  • (editor externo)